Hunted down

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It was so much fun, Master meeting the ladies at the pool and greeting them, he seemed awkward and out of place, but the ladies seemed to have softened up now.

I couldn't remember who was who still, but I didn't really care to as master rested me on his lap and went down a slide, I could hear my squeals echoing.

I like swimming now that I'm getting better at it, the water splashing as I paddled, he kept close to me, watching me in case I grew tired, I know he'll pull me up if I sink.

One of the ladies drifted by, a big smile on her face. She kissed my forehead and giggled.

"I thought this was weird at first my lord, but this human of yours is the cutest little thing, I can't blame you for making sure she's surrounded by safe people" she giggled.

"Thank you Stella. She really is my pride" sighed Alex, he pulled me against himself and squeezed me lovingly, the other ladies coming closer.

"Yes, she truly is a sweet pet. Though I do not want to sound rude to your desires prince, but would you not prefer make the decision fully, so you can decide what the babes will look like?" Asked another lady, Alex sat on the edge of the pool and moved my wet hair from my face, kissing my nose.

"Susan, I appreciate your sentiment, but as long as my babes don't come out as half breeds, it really dosen't matter to me" Alex stated.

"How will the babes come out?" I asked, he turned red and stammered, quickly standing and leading me out.

"You know... There's an adorable bow tie pet collar I've heard about, let's have a servant retrieve some for us" he muttered. I don't understand, he dosen't seem mad at the question despite his rush.

He dried me with a big fluffy towel and then himself.

The next day a knock sounded at the door, I snuggled into him, not wanting to get up. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, he covered me and stroked his fingers through my hair.

He left me to open the door, a servant holding a handful of things, I sat up and watched, Alex coming to sit beside me. He held various collars. Each soft looking, not like the show offy collar he once used.

"You... Won't put it on to tight again right?" I asked nervously, he tilted his head, looking confused.

"Too tight Pepper?" He questioned.

"Yeah... When you first put it on... I was... I told you it was tight..." I whimpered, his eyes widened.

"Oh no, I should have listened, you are a good girl Pepper, I promise, I won't be a fuc... I won't be ignoring you" he assured, he stared at the collars for a moment.

"And no walking fast... It hurts to" I told him, I would usually be afraid of making these demands and requests, mother and father would belt me if they heard me making requests of him like this.

"I will be a better owner I promise, I had been believing you were a naughty girl, so I thought you were being trouble and dramatic. Even lazy. Do you forgive me sweetheart?" He asked softly, I nodded and wiped my teary and blurry eyes. I'm so glad he's my master.

He poked my nose and cooed, before holding up collars.

"Which one do you like?" He asked.

"Um... I like... The blue one" I mumbled, I know he seems to like his blue suit, he eagerly put it on, I closed my eyes, waiting for him to finish tightening it. This time a lot looser.

"Perfect." He hummed.

We did a lot of fun things before the big day, walking in the garden, more swimming, more annoying lessons and most of all reading together! I like it when he reads to me.

The day arrived quicker then I was expecting, everything moving very fast.

A knock sounded on the door as Alex was trying on multiple outfits, without waiting, Callum walked in, smiling. He opened his arms and hugged Alex.

"Where have you been?! I was worried sick!" Exclaimed Alex.

"Had a family emergency, sister got a flu and it was bad, but she's better now" assured Callum.

"Shoot, you shouldn't be here, everyone will be here today, if they spot you..." Muttered Alex.

"Relax, I'm just here to offer my support, I will hang out with Pepper until you need her" Callum told him, he nodded and sighed.

"Perfect, today will be really stressful for the sweety, so please just read her a book or something" Alex rushed, he shook Callum's hand and kissed my forehead.

"Also, can we talk in private?!" Hurried Alex, he led Callum into the bathroom and I couldn't hear the mumbling, I didn't much care, to eager in picking out a book and having Callum read it to me, I hope he does the goofy voices like Alex does!

They left the room and Alex fled hurriedly, Callum sitting beside me and stroking my back, I trust him to be gentle, he's very sweet.

"I heard that... Fred'dick' scared you, did you think he wanted to drink from you?" Murmured Callum, I nodded and he cooed, squeezing my arm reassuringly.

He picked up a book and began reading, showing me the well drawn pictures inside the book, I wish I could draw that well...

A while passed and I could hear noise filling the castle, conversations and laughter, I felt nervous, I don't want to let my master down...

Callum went to go toilet, as he exited, a shadow appeared under the door, he hurried and dove under the bed.

"Shh Pepper, I'm not here, ok" he quickly whispered, I wonder if this is food? I am getting hungry.

The door opened and I stared in shock, Frederick stood there, furious as he stared at me, I know that anger, that's like if I accidentally touch Father's things without permission...

I trembled and shoved myself back onto the bed, my fingers trembling.

"You! You dirty excuse for a blood tap!" He snapped, I whimpered and looked around, he was blocking the only escape.

"It's all your fault the prince won't even look at me! We were made for each other he is the man of my dreams, and some rotten, spoilt pet has ruined my chances! If I can't have him, I can certainly fucking get my revenge! He was oh so scared of people doing dirty things to his pampered blood tap... Guess I can make it a reality!" He growled, his fangs obvious as he stormed closer.

"Please don't bite me" I wailed, he got to the bed and approached me, catching the coat I was wearing, I struggling and tore the coat, yanking it from my body, he moved closer. I squealed and sobbed.

Suddenly he fell to the ground.

"Get away from Pepper you sick asshole! Alex would never forgive you, nor will I!" Yelled Callum, he was atop Frederick pinning him down, I scrambled off the bed, running to the door, trembling. Watching them rolling around.

Frederick tossed Callum into the wall. Those red, angry eyes meeting mine, and against the rules, I fled from the room. Shouting for my master.

"Come back here! I wasn't finished! I hadn't even started!" Snapped Frederick, he was very fast, his fingers grazed my hair before he was flung into a wall.

"I said get away from her! Pepper! Go to Alex, I will make sure this creep dosen't get a disgusting finger on you!" Shouted Callum.

I ran as fast as I could, darting down hallways, terrified as I could still hear him pursuing me, only with Callum catching him and trying to stop him. I bounded out to the room of the event and spotted Alex in his favourite blue suit. I leapt into his arms, blabbering and crying incoherently.

"Pepper?!" He gasped.

"Get back here! I'm not done!" Roared Frederick.

"I said stop! Leave her alone! It's not her fault you're a creep and not worth his time!" Growled Callum, both crashing in, bloody and angry.

The room falling silent as Alex hugged me tighter.

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