Chapter 20. True or false

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I paced around. Many thoughts flew through my mind. Anger, hate, frustration, grief, worry and I couldn't handle it. I was so upset about everything. Sideswipe was giving me a cold shoulder for four days, didn't even want to look at me. I was scared for what he might would do or say. I stopped pacing around for a moment. The only reason I am here is because of Sideswipe but if he doesn't want me around anymore, what am I doing here. With my first attempt to flee still fresh in my mind, I looked at the black Lamborghini beside me.

Right now, I just wanted to burry my face in Sunstreaker's chest. Why looked everything so simple when he did things. Is because he seriously didn't give a fuck or because no one dared to do anything? Maybe a mixture of both. My world collapsed the day he died and I doubted I will ever get over it. The question is, what am I going to do with my life? Stay here and wait for something to happen or move back to San Diego and live my life forever.


I looked at Prowl as he walked off the stairs. "Where were you?" He asked. "Ugh, another boring meeting I had to join?" I snapped. He frowned and eyed me. "What's going on?" He asked. "Nothing," I hissed angrily. "Just leave me alone," I sulked. "Skylar, I can't help if you don't talk," he said. I growled and glared at him. "You can't help me!" I shouted. "Maybe I can," he said. "I want Sunstreaker. You see, you can't help me," I hissed. "You need to calm down," Prowl said. "I just feel angry, I am mad at everyone. Just leave me alone," I shouted and turned around. "You think this will bring him back?" He asked and crossed his arms.

"Oh just stop with the bullshit Prowl! I got that speech million of times, okay! I don't care what you say, what Prime says, what Lennox says neither what Sideswipe says. You all treated him like a monster, don't play good cop bad cop. You don't understand, just leave me alone!" I sneered. Prowl sighed and stepped back, leaving me here behind.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))
"Sideswipe, have you spoken to Sky lately?" Prowl asked. He came out of no where and scared the scrap out of me. "Skylar? No, why?" I grumbled. "She's in a very bad mood again," he muttered and sat down beside me. "Oh, I will see what I can do," I muttered. "What's going on with you and her lately? I see distance," Prowl said. "She's just obsessed with Sunstreaker and even when she's not talking about him she's thinking about my brother." It wasn't a lie neither the full truth of why I didn't talk to her anymore.


I glanced at him. "What's wrong?" He asked. "We don't talk anymore," I grumbled. "Why not? What did you do?" He asked. "What I did? What she did!" I hissed and got up. Prowl grabbed me and pushed me down. "What happened, Sideswipe?" He snapped. "She killed someone. The one who attacked her when she got shot," I snapped. "Self-defense. He attacked her..." I cut him off. She "saw him in pieces after she sliced his throat open." A silence fell. "Apparently she's cruel enough to do that kind of stuff," I sulked. Prowl got up. "What are you going to do?" I asked. "I am positive she's the one who also killed the soldiers here at the base. Out of revenge," he snapped. "She says she didn't," I muttered.

"Think about it, Sideswipe! She loved that mech, she's killing people to take revenge on everyone. The killing started when she got here," he snapped. I frowned a little. "Do you really think she would make a massacre?" I asked. "I do," he scowled. I bit my lip and got up as well. "If she's able to cut someone in pieces than she's able to kill people brutally," he stated. "What about the person she saw?" I asked. "To cover up she actually killed Epps."

"She seemed to be genuinely upset about that," I mumbled. "Isn't suspicious that she's never there when there's a murder or that she shows up at the right moments?" He asked. I sighed softly. Maybe I didn't want to believe it. "She thinks she can get away with it just like Sunstreaker could," he scowled and walked off.

((Skylar's P.O.V))


I got up from my position on the hood of the car. "What's wrong, Prowl?" I muttered and ran my hand through my hair. "You're arrested for second and first degree murder," he said. My eyes went wide, "excuse me!" I hissed and stepped back. "You want revenge for what happened to Sunstreaker! You think you can get away with it, but you're wrong!" He snapped. I was boiling with rage.

"I didn't kill any soldier! I wish I did!" I shouted. Prow grabbed me and cuffed me. "You're making a mistake," I said coldly. "You're just like him, a sick psychopath! Sideswipe told me what you did!" He snapped and jabbed his finger in the center of my chest. "You can get life sentence for that," he snapped. "It was self-defense," I snapped. "You cut him in pieces!" Prowl shouted. I couldn't lie about that, I did cut the person in pieces. "Sunstreaker would have done the same thing," I snapped coldly.

"You just committed a crime to me?" He said. "I don't care what you do, if I get life sentence or the death penalty, I don't care. You can charge me for second degree murder but not for first degree, you have no evidence and soon or later a new victim will show up," I snapped. "You're just like him, a monster," he snapped and pushed keening him. "You're making a mistake, Prowl," I snapped. "Maybe, maybe not but you have committed a crime and you will pay for that!"

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