Chapter 16. Help...?

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I had dumped the body and returned towards the base. I don't want to think about what happened, although, that was hard. The wounds were a reminder. I wasn't sure if I regretted it or not. Killing is not my style I didn't know why I did it. Probably a huge mistake.

I hissed while trying to reduce the bleeding. The bullet was still stuck in my shoulder and I had to get it out. I used a bandage to help it stop and pulled on a black shirt. I left my room. "Skylar, where have you been?" Sideswipe flashed me a smile. "Out." He hummed. "Prowl was asking about the profile. I shrugged and and kept walking. "I am working on... he needs to wait." Sideswipe studied me. "You're okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I am fine~ Tell him I will get it done as soon as possible," I muttered.

"Sky..." he grabbed my arm. "What's going on?" He asked. "Nothing... I am fine. Just leave me alone, okay?" He seemed worried. "Yeah." I walked off. I finished the reporter and walked over to Prowl's office. "Here... your profile," I muttered. He took them from me. "You're okay?" He asked. I nodded and turned. "Please, take seat." I frowned but sat down anyway. "What's sup?"

He tapped on the papers I just handed him. "I would like to talk to you about what you wrote," he said and briefly scanned the profile I made. "So... you're actually precisely describing Sunstreaker," he said. "You asked for a profile and you got one. I lived with him in one house for some time and I know exactly what he was capable off. If you doubt me, you can make your own profile. This is beside my grief. I wrote this because these are facts," I said. Prowl sucked in a breath and read the papers again. "But..." he trailed off and met my eyes again. "We don't have someone like that wandering around at the base," he stated. "I know."

Prowl slightly cocked his head to the side. "So you think it's someone from outside? Sneaking in?" He asked. "I don't know. Isn't that your job to figure out?" I asked. "You are a magnet for psychopaths so... that's why I am asking you," he said. I sat back, "You have discharged my theories already. I don't know why or who. These people aren't linked together... it must be someone who wants revenge. Why else would someone sneak into this base? No data is stolen, no one is robbed, you guys haven't experienced strange things either... Decepticons would have been detected already. I can't see why someone would sneak into a military base. You need to have balls to even break in here, and murdering soldiers and nurses. I seriously think this is about revenge. Sunstreaker taught me quite a lot of what is going on in his mind. Maybe you should start looking at the victims, to who they are related or work with closely."

Prowl sighed. "Epps and Lennox were best friends... but the nurse."
"Ratchet maybe... who has he treated? Has someone died during a surgery or... something," I said. Prowl started thinking, "There was only one patient Ratchet wasn't able to help... but he's dead. I don't see it... I don't get it." I shrugged and took a sip from my soda. "Sometimes... psychopaths have most of the times a motive. That can rather be based on jealously or on revenge. Obviously, this psycho isn't picking people on gender. Male or female, they die anyway. There must be another motive. This isn't based on jealously either but people aren't randomly picked. It must be revenge. You need to figure out the why."

"Let's assume you're right and this is a person from outside the base. Where can this person be?" he asked. "Everywhere. Psycho's are really good at blending. You won't even notice it until it's too late." Prowl sighed. "I guess we need to check all the ID's of the soldiers during train sessions then," he said. "That won't work. He's not interested in training. Only stalking his next victim. It's more interesting who that will be."

"That soldier, Jullian. He was new, didn't know anyone... why was he killed? Why would he be on the list?" Prowl asked. "Ah, Julian... I have talked to him. Nice guy, shame he's dead," I muttered. "So... he was just in the way?" he asked. "Do you have photo's of him after he was killed?" I asked. He opened a map and handed me some photo's. "You know... this isn't just a kill. This was an act out of anger. If he was just in the why, the killer would have sliced his throat open en left him on the floor to bleed out but... this guy is brutally murdered. Not something you do in a few minutes."

"If we are talking about a copycat––" I cut him off. "Copycat? So Sunstreaker must have known him or other way around," I said. "This only gives us more questions than answer, Skylar," he said. "Sunstreaker doesn't have friends. He killed other psychopaths. He wanted to be supreme," I explained and shove the photos back. "You saw the killer..." I raised a brow. "Isn't there anything you can describe? Why hasn't he killed you yet?" he asked. "How am I supposed to know. Like you said, I am a magnet for psycho's," I mocked. "Would you let me know if you know anything?" he asked. I nodded and got up, leaving.

I reached for my shoulder, groaning in pain. I noticed someone behind me but before I could turn, this person slammed my head against the wall and I passed out.
I jolted awake. A sharp pain flew through my shoulder and I reached for it before I realized where I was. I was laying in my own bed, my shirt had been removed but my shoulder was stitched. Next to me on the nightstand, was the bullet. I grabbed it. That exact moment, Sideswipe came in. His smile faded. "What happened?" he marched over to me and pushed me down. "Ouch, stop that," I snapped and pushed his hand away. "You were shot? When did that happen?" he asked confused. "This morning..."

Sideswipe huffed. "This morning? Why are you telling me this now?!" he exclaimed. "Sweetspark... why haven't you said anything? What happened?" he asked. "I thought the man was bluffing... he wasn't" Sideswipe got up and walked over to the bathroom to get a wet towel. From the mirror, I saw a shape underneath the bed and caught my eyes for a moment. I felt my heartbeat increase. Sideswipe returned and cleaned my wound. "Does it hurt?" he asked. "What do you think?" I asked. "I will get Ratchet, okay?" he asked. "N-no... it's fine. Don't get Ratchet. I will go there myself. Nothing is wrong with my legs. Don't worry so much." Sideswipe wiped some blood off my shoulder. "Why didn't he gave you pain killers anyway?" he asked.

"Sideswipe, stop worrying, okay? I feel fine, it's okay." He shook his head and stopped with what he was doing. "What wanted Prowl from you anyway?" he asked. "Oh, he wanted to... know more about the killer. He wanted to talk about the profile I had to make," I sulked. "Your theory was... stupid. You shouldn't have said that. You're making the fool out of yourself." I snorted, "why if I can rise from dead can't Sunny?" I asked. "Sunstreaker is dead. I love my brother but... why would anyone retrieve him from the dead?"

I slapped his cheek so hard he nearly fell of the bed. "Alright, alright... stupid question. I am sorry," he muttered and rubbed his cheek. I sighed and laid down, looking at the bullet. "I do want to see Ratchet right now." I rolled my eyes but I got up to follow him.

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