Chapter Thirty

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You barely moved as the car came to a complete stop. You felt weak as you forced yourself to stay awake. Midnight looked at you. "It's ok, (Y/n). I'm going to get you some help. You'll be ok." The car door opened and Sakai untied the both of you. You tensed as he picked you up. The two men followed behind you, blocking Midnight in. You entered the building, a very small hospital. You looked at Sakai's face, noting how quickly he faked a concerned expression as he approached the receptionist. "I need help. My girlfriend is very sick and I think she might have incuritis. She's also pregnant." It didn't take long for a few nurses to get you onto a stretcher and cart you away. You could hear Midnight's voice distantly as you slipped in and out of consciousness. You felt an IV get pushed into your arm before everything went black.


Mic and Aizawa arrived back at UA after 30 minutes of walking. They headed into the dorms and paused when they noticed the boys crowding into the common room. Aizawa looked at them. "What is going on in here?" Mic looked around. "And where are the girls?" The group turned to the two. They all looked concerned. Iida spoke up. "We were going to ask you that, sir." Aizawa rose a brow. "What do you mean? The girls aren't here?" Midoriya shook his head. "No, sir. They just disappeared. We haven't seen them since class ended." Iida chimed in. "And that was hours ago." Aizawa turned to Mic. "They must've snuck out to look for (Y/n)." Mic looked at him. "But we don't know where to go. We have to wait until Hawks updates us." Aizawa muttered to himself. "Sh*t..."


A few hours later, Aizawa's phone rang. Everyone had stayed in the common room, so they immediately turned towards Aizawa. Aizawa shushed them. "Calm down." He quickly answered the phone and held it close to his ear. "Where are they, Hawks?" Hawks spoke. "Looks like a very small hospital. Most likely a grey area in terms of legality." Aizawa huffed in annoyance. "The address, Hawks." Hawks continued. "It's (random address). Get here quick. I may need back up." Hawks hung up and Aizawa placed the phone back in his pocket. He turned to Mic. "Go get the car started. Hurry." Mic grabbed the keys from him and left the room. The rest of the group looked at him. Midoriya spoke first. "Did Hawks find them?" Iida spoke next. "Are they alright?" Aizawa sighed as he headed towards the doorway. "Yes, he found them. Now, I have to go. No one is to leave this building. Understood?"

Bakugou tried to speak. "But-" Aizawa narrowed his eyes. "Understood?" A small chorus of 'yes, sir' came from the boys. Aizawa nodded and left the dorms, heading out to the car. He got into the passenger seat and turned to Mic. "Drive. We need to get there quickly." Mic started the car. "I'm on it." Mic quickly backed out of the space and turned onto the main road before stepping on the gas. The sound of screeching tires filled the air.


You woke up in a hospital room. There was an IV in your arm, but you felt much better. Midnight sat in a chair next to the bed. You weakly nudged her. "N-Nemuri..." Midnight snapped awake, looking at you with wide, surprised eyes. "(Y/n)! You're awake!" You spoke, "W-What happened?" Midnight sighed. "The doctor was able to give you medicine and a vaccine against incuritis. I was able to smuggle a shot for Ren." You looked around the room. "Where's Sakai?" Midnight looked towards the door before turning back to you. "He's filling out your discharge papers. But maybe...maybe we can make our escape." You looked at her. "But how?" Midnight hummed. "Maybe you could act like you're really sick again to create a diversion and then I'll escape and get help." You nodded. "Let's try it."

You started to act sickly again, coughing loudly and pretending to upheave in the garbage can. The door opened and the doctor entered with Sakai. Midnight turned to them. "Doctor, she woke up just as sickly as before. What do we do?" The doctor started to examine you as Sakai watched. Midnight quietly crept towards the open door and slipped out undetected. Relief filled your body. 'She did it. She escaped...' You stopped the act after a few minutes and the doctor turned to Sakai. "She seems well. It could just be a reaction to the vaccine." Sakai nodded. "Then we can go now?" The doctor spoke. "Oh, yes. Just let me remove this IV and you can go." The doctor took the IV out and left the room. Sakai turned towards where Midnight was supposed to be and cursed under his breath.

You got out of the bed. He turned to you, stepping closer. "You little b*tch!" He grabbed you by the throat and shoved you into the wall. You choked and scratched at his hands. A voice came from behind him.

"Let go of her. Now."

Bound By The Past (Aizawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now