Chapter Twenty-Three

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You heard the front door open and close. You wiped your tears and stood, heading into the living room. Dinner was finished and on the table. You locked eyes with Aizawa. You quickly grabbed his hand and took him back outside. He spoke, a bit of concern in his eyes. "Is everything alright?" You took a deep breath. "It's Ren..."He looked at you, slightly concerned. He gripped your hands. "What about Ren? Is he alright?" You looked down. "Ren is sick...very sick..." Aizawa squeezed your hands. "Then we'll get him medicine. He'll be alright." You shook your head sadly. "The medicine for this illness can only be acquired on the black market." He rose a brow. "You seem to know a lot about this illness." You explained. "It's called 'Insuritis'. My parents contracted it and died from it when I was six." He nodded. "Can it spread?"

You sighed and shook your head. "It cannot spread to non-nekos. It's only contagious to other nekos." He paused. "I don't want to do this, but you'll have to stay away from Ren until he recovers." Your eyes widened. "What?! But-" He cut you off. "You're pregnant, (Y/n). I don't want you to get sick." You sighed and hugged him, resting your head on his chest. He hugged you back. "I'll get the medicine. He'll be alright." You pulled away from the hug. "He already has a fever and chills. It's spreading quickly." He looked at you. "The black market...Shigaraki should know about it. I'll have to see." You nodded. "Please hurry..."

You turned and went back into the dorm. Aizawa followed and the two of you took your seats at the table. "Thank you for cooking everyone. It looks and smells amazing. Let's eat." Everyone ate and made small talk as they did so. You continually glanced at the hallway, feeling bad for Ren. After dinner was over, everyone cleaned up and left for their own dorms. You went towards Ren's room, but stopped when Aizawa grabbed your hand. "Please, leave this to me, (Y/n). Get some rest." You turned and silently left his dorm. You passed your own and continued on downstairs. Luckily, no one seemed to be around. You exited the building and headed towards the school gates. The sun was barely starting to set, yet the air was freezing. You walked further into the city, not stopping until you got to the slums. 'I can't waste any more time. I have to get that medicine.' You entered the alleyway and continued walking. You needed to get to Shigaraki as soon as possible.

You made another turn and stopped in front of the familiar, run-down bar. 'I hope he's here...' You knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Dabi opened the door. "Oh, it's you. Come in." You headed inside and spotted Shigaraki sitting at the bar. You sat next to him. "Tenko..." He turned to you. "(Y/n), what are you doing here?" You looked down, gathering your thoughts. "Ren is sick and the only place that has the medicine is the black market. Do you know where I could find it?" His expression turned shocked. "You're not saying...Ren has insuritis?" You nodded. "Yes and if he's not treated...he could die..." He looked at you. "You haven't been around him, have you?" You sighed. "Just once, but I can't be around him because...I'm pregnant." Shigaraki paused, silently looking at you. Then, his brow furrowed. "Did Ka-" You cut him off. "I had a test done, but until I get the results, I won't know whose baby it is."

Shigaraki stood and walked towards a different room, gesturing for you to follow him. You stood and went into the room. He turned towards you. "I can take you to the black market, but it won't be a pleasant experience. Do you think you can handle it?" You quickly nodded. "Yes. I just need to get the medicine." Shigaraki nodded and turned to a map pinned on the wall. He gestured to an area highlighted in red. "The black market can usually be found here. We'll have to go once it gets dark. They don't like the daylight." You hummed. "Alright. Is there anything else I should know?" He looked towards the map again. "I know that they won't sell us the medicine without cause. So you may have to act like I bought you." You hesitated for a moment before responding to him. "I understand. I'll do whatever I have to in order to get that medicine." You sighed and looked at the map again.

'Please hold on, Ren. I'll get that medicinefor you, I promise...'

Bound By The Past (Aizawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now