Chapter Ten

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You paused as the sound of footsteps echoed off the walls. The gravel crunched under their feet as they got closer. Your turned to see someone standing in the shadows of the alleyway you came from. "Tenko...? Is that you?" The figure spoke. "Who are you? You must be stupid to say that name outloud!" The figure stepped into the light. The body shape was masculine and light blue hair poked out from the hood on their head. You spoke. "Tenko? It's me, (Y/n)!" The figure hesitated. "(Y/n)...? But..." You reassured him. "It's me, Tenko. I did it." He slowly approached you, pulling the hood off his head as he did so. His skin was scarred and rough in some places, but you knew that he was still your Tenko.

He spoke. "You escaped? Follow me. We have to talk." You nodded. "Let's go." The two of you walked back down the alleyway. He held your hand, keeping a pinky off your skin. His grip was like that of a child holding his mother's hand. Eventually, he led you to a run-down looking bar. He opened the door and led you inside. The bar inside was clean and well-kept. The two of you took a seat at the bar. He turned to you. "How did you escape? I thought they kept you under lock and key?" You sighed. "The heroes raided the ring and saved me. I've been at UA ever since, but things went south..." He sighed. "I told you not to trust the heroes. What happened?" You bit your lip. "Aizawa...we almost kissed and then...a lot happened."

His eyes narrowed almost menacingly. You could tell that something had happened to your sweet Tenko, but he was determined to stay a villain. And you respected that. He spoke. "That's why I told you to never trust the heroes. They act like they love you, they act like they'll be there forever, and then they'll leave you to fend for yourself." You looked down. "But he...I love him, Tenko. What do I do?" He huffed. "Honestly, you deserve better than him, but as cheesy as this sounds, follow your heart." You teased him. "My, my. How mature, Tenko. You've grown." He blushed slightly and started scratching at his neck. You smiled. "Well, thank you for the talk. I should be getting back." He nodded. "Be safe. If you ever need to talk again, you know where to find me." You stood. "Ok. Goodbye." You left the bar and started navigating through the alleyways again. This was going to take a while.


Aizawa sighed as he watched the class train. He could feel Mic staring him down from the announcer's booth. Midnight had blown up his phone with several texts and he was ready to walk out. He knew that he had messed up but he also wanted to give you some space. He didn't chase after you in fear of upsetting you further. He just had to hope that you didn't get into too much trouble. Class ended for the day and now, Aizawa was heading back to his dorm. He had to make sure Eri was doing her homework and he had to cook dinner before grading papers. Before he could reach his dorm, her heard a voice call out from behind him. It was Midnight. "Shota! Don't walk away from me!" Before he could move, she was already in front of him, jabbing her finger into his chest. "You're so stupid! She really liked you and you blew it!" He sighed. "Nemuri, she doesn't like me. You don't know her feelings."

Midnight frowned. "She told Hizashi and I, you idiot! That's why her and Mic went to that dinner together! She wanted to make you jealous!" Aizawa paused. "...I messed up, didn't I?" Midnight nodded and started pushing him towards the school gates. He dug his heels into the dirt, stopping her. "Eri and Hitoshi are waiting for me. I can't just leave them alone." Midnight smiled. "Hizashi and I will take care of them until you get back. Now go!" Aizawa sighed before heading towards the gates. He didn't even know where to start looking. After all, the city was large and he had no doubt that you had either gotten lost or stuck somewhere. 'Hopefully, she just got lost...'


You had just left the alleyways and made it back onto the main road. You had gotten Tenko's number before you left and marked it in your contacts. 'I need to get back to UA before it gets dark, but which way is UA again...?' You sighed and chose a random direction. You hoped that you could guess your way back, like you did with the alleys. 'And when I do get back, I'm not talking to Shota for a while. I'll still sing for Eri and cook dinner for her and Shinsou, but I can't deal with Shota.' You started to get back to a more populated part of the city. Cars appeared every so often, going up or down the road. You had just passed an alleyway when a small group of voices caught your ears. You paused before peeking into the alley. At the end of the alley, you could see a small group of about five men. They were all talking and whispering amongst each other.

"He told us to get the girl back by any means necessary."

"But he wants her alive."

You strained your ears to hear more and your tail twitched involuntarily. You tensed as your tail knocked over a can on the side of the alley. The men looked around suspiciously.

"What was that?"

"It was probably nothing. The wind knocks over cans all the time."

You rolled your eyes. 'Idiots.' Just then, a hand covered your mouth as you were lifted and thrown into the alley, landing in front of the men. You quickly stood, bearing your claws and fangs as you activated your quirk. The men laughed at you.

"Aw, you think you're scary?"

"Well, looks like our job is done. We found her. Tie her up and we'll take her back."

You watched as one of the men approached with a rope. He lunged forward and you retaliated by scratching his face. The man reeled back, holding his bloody face. You smirked as you raised your claws again. 'Try me.' You hissed as one of them grabbed your tail. Instead of reaching around, you propelled yourself backwards, your tail knocking the wind out of the man holding it. One of the men spoke. "Come on, she can't be that strong!" You hissed and lunged at the man, knocking him down. You scratched and clawed at him, blood painting your claws and the ground around you. "I'm not weak!" Suddenly, a familiar scarf wrapped around you, pulling you off the man. You struggled in your binds, but eventually came to a stop as you heard Aizawa's voice. "That's enough, (Y/n)." A few police officers took the men away and once they were gone, Aizawa let you go. You looked away. "..." Aizawa sighed.

"We'll talk when we get back."


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