Chapter Eleven

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The walk back was completely silent. You had wanted to completely maul the man, but Aizawa held you back. You were also nervous about the talk he wanted to have. 'He's probably going to scold me and then reject me again.' Once you arrived back on campus, he took you up to his dorm. Inside, Mic and Midnight were trying to distract Eri while Shinsou watched them. Aizawa spoke. "You two can go now." Midnight turned to him, a look of relief on her face. "You found her! (Y/n) don't run off like that! We were so worried!" Mic looked at the two kids. "Eri, Shinsou, why don't you come with Auntie Midnight and I while they talk?" Eri smiled. "Ok!" Shinsou nodded hesitantly. "...Alright." Midnight and Mic took the two children out of the room, leaving you and Aizawa alone.

He spoke. "Here, let's sit." You sat silently. "..." He rose a brow. "Are you really not talking to me?" You looked away from him, crossing your arms over your chest. He sighed. "Can we both talk about this like adults? And not dance around the issue?" You scoffed. "Oh, you mean how you called your feelings for me a 'mistake' and said that it should've never happened?" A look of irritation crossed his face. "(Y/n), I need to tell you the truth. The whole truth. No lies, no excuses." You hesitated. "Go on..." Aizawa sighed as he took off his scarf and placed it on the couch next to him. He spoke a few seconds later. "That night...when I got drunk at the dinner, I meant everything that I said to you. But..." You urged him to continue. "But?" He continued. "At the time, I thought that you were just being kind to me because I saved you. And you could do so much better than me. If you even still like me, that is."

You huffed. "If I still like you? If anything, I'm still mad at you. I would've you rather told me this from the beginning than to let it snowball into this." You stood and walked into the kitchen, pulling out some pots and pans to start on dinner. Aizawa followed after you. "What are you doing?" You rolled your eyes. "What does it look like? I'm cooking dinner for those two kids and you. I may be mad at you, but I'm not going to let you starve." He looked at you. "I want to know your feelings on this." You turned to him. "I still need time, Shota. I know that I do feel something for you, but I need to sort my feelings out first." Aizawa sighed and nodded before exiting the kitchen. A few minutes later, Eri and Shinsou re-entered the dorm. Eri sat at the table and continued working on her homework in silence. Shinsou looked at you before heading down the hall. You looked at her. "Dinner should be done soon, sweetie. Can you see if Class 1-A is downstairs? Tell them it's soba tonight." She sprang up. "Yes, Ms. (Y/n)." Eri quickly left the room and you slightly smiled as you heard her small feet padding down the hall.

Shinsou entered the living room a few minutes later. He sat on the stool and leaned on the kitchen island. "I apologize for his idiocy. His heart and brain only agree when they're loaded on caffeine." You shook your head. "You don't have to apologize for him. It's ok." The conversation was interrupted by Eri returning with the majority of Class 1-A behind her. They all took their seats around the room as they waited. Mina smiled. "Thank you for cooking again." Kirishima spoke up. "Yeah! Your cooking is good!" You smiled. "Well, I can't let you kids go hungry. Dinner should be done in a few minutes." Once dinner was finished cooking, you made plates for everyone before going to make your own. That's when you realized that there was only enough for one plate.

'Looks like I'm not eating tonight. I still have to make Shota's plate...'

You made the plate and covered it before starting to clean the kitchen. Shinsou turned to you. "You're not eating?" You shook your head. "Not tonight. The last plate's going to your father. He needs it more than I do." Shinsou sighed. "You can have some of mine. I don't mind." You shook your head again. "It's alright, Shinsou. Like I said, I'm fine. I can find something later." Shinsou sighed, but dropped the topic. You continued cleaning the kitchen, cleaning plates as everyone finished up. "Good night everyone. Get some rest. I'll see you all bright and early." You put the last dish away and took Eri to her room as Shinsou went to his own. Eri changed into her pajamas before crawling into bed. She looked at you. "Are you and papa fighting...?"

You sighed. "No, sweetie. We're just taking some time to be by ourselves. That's all." She hesitated. "...Ok..." You played with her hair as you sang her a lullaby. Once she was asleep, you quietly left the room. 'Poor kids...We're stressing them with our drama...' As you entered the kitchen, you spotted Aizawa eating his dinner. You slightly smiled. He turned to you. "I see you cooked for everyone again. Did you eat?" You sighed. "You got the last plate. I had to make sure that everyone was fed. I'm fine." He hummed. "You need to eat. Here." He picked up a small bite with his chopsticks and held it out to you. "Try it." You sighed and accepted the bite, chewing it slowly. "Hm, it's good." Aizawa slightly smiled. "Anything you cook is good. But you can't starve to let others eat." You shrugged. "I'll be fine. I've done that for years, giving my food to the kids so that they won't go hungry." He placed a hand on your shoulder. "Well, you don't have to do that here." You smiled. "I know. Good night, Shota."

You turned and quickly exited his dorm. You went to your own and got ready for bed. You threw your clothes in the hamper and put your nightclothes on. You slipped into bed and pulled the covers over your head, trying to distract yourself with your phone. But your mind kept replaying the events from earlier. 'What do I do?' You knew that your feelings for him weren't going to go away anytime soon, but you didn't want to act on them yet. You were scared, but you didn't want to admit it. 'Whatever. I'll figure it out in the morning. I can't think on no sleep.' You moved your head out from under the covers and placed your phone on the charge before putting it on the nightstand next to you. You double checked to make sure your alarm was set before getting comfortable and nuzzling into your blankets. 'It's still too cold...'

You wrapped your tail around your waist, carefulnot to put pressure on the injured part. You were a bit warmer, but you cravedthe comfort of body heat. 'I can only dream...' With that, you drifted offinto a dreamless sleep. The day's events had weighed heavy on your shouldersand you were glad to finally have a rest.

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