Chapter Twenty-One

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It had been 3 weeks since you and Aizawa had come to an agreement on taking a maternity test. But you had held off. You sat on the floor of the bathroom stall as you finished gagging up your lunch. The girls stood outside the stall, voicing their concern. You tried to reassure them. "I'm fine, girls. I'm just not feeling well." Mina tapped her foot nervously. "Should we get Mr. Aizawa?" You quickly stopped them. "No, no. It's alright. You girls get to class. I'll meet you there." The girls hesitantly left the bathroom. Once you were sure that they were gone, you cleaned up and flushed the toilet. You quickly left the bathroom and headed to Midnight's dorm. You knocked on the door and she answered a few minutes later. "(Y/n), what's wrong? You look bad." You looked at her. "Can I come in?" She nodded. "Of course. Make yourself at home." You sat on the couch as she closed the door and sat in the armchair. She looked at you. "What's wrong? You look sick."

You hesitantly spoke. "Well, I've been throwing up a lot recently and..." Before you could finish, Midnight was already digging through one of her drawers. She grabbed something and tossed it to you. You caught it. She smiled widely. "You might have some mini Shota's running around!" You looked down at the plastic in your hands. "..." You sighed and went into her bathroom. You took the test out of its plastic sleeve and did your business on it before sitting it on the bathroom counter. You opened the door and went back to the couch. Midnight looked at you. "Now we wait! I'm so excited!" You nodded. "Yeah..." After 5 minutes, Midnight pushed you towards the bathroom. You slowly picked up the test from the counter and looked at it.

It was positive.

Of course, you expected this, but you were also scared. You were scared because you didn't know whose baby you were carrying. You exited the bathroom with the test in your hand. Midnight approached you and looked at it before squealing. "I was right! But don't worry. Shota will be happy about this. So tell him!" You nodded. "I will..." You left her dorm and went into your own. You got on your phone and scheduled both a paternity and maternity test at the nearest hospital. 'Everything will be alright. I hope...' Once that was done, you headed back to the classrooms. 1-A was having a free period, so you sat in a chair next to Aizawa's desk. Aizawa turned to you, a little concern in his eyes. "The girls told me you were sick earlier. Are you alright?" You stuttered over your words. "I-I'm fine. I must've had something bad." You could tell that he didn't believe you, but he didn't press it any further.


Classes let out for the day and you waved all the students out as you waited for the dark-haired man. Once he was ready, the two of you headed back towards the dorms. He looked at you. "Are you going to cook tonight?" You nodded. "Yeah. I've got it covered." The two of you headed back to the dorms in silence. You were lost in thought, tuning out everything around you. Once you arrived, you started cooking dinner in silence. You could feel Aizawa watching you, but you ignored him. 'I have to go to the hospital tomorrow, but I'll have to wait until Shota leaves for the day...' Once dinner was finished, you served everyone and ate in silence. Once everyone was finished, you cleaned their plates and saw them off. Aizawa turned to you. "Are you staying tonight?" You shook your head. "Not tonight. I'll put Eri and Ren to bed, then head to my own bed."

Aizawa said nothing as you walked down the hall towards Eri's room. Inside, Eri and Ren were curled under their blankets. You slowly sang them a lullaby and watched as their eyes drooped. Eri yawned. "" Ren murmured. "Goodnight, mama..." Their eyes shut all the way and they drifted off to sleep. You stood and quietly left the room. Aizawa met you at the front door. "I'll see you in the morning." You nodded. "Yeah...I love you." He kissed your forehead. "I love you too." You quickly left and headed across to your own dorm. You got dressed for bed and sat on the mattress. You stared out the window. 'I should know everything by the day of the formal...' You turned and looked at the closet. The door to it was still open. The silky, black dress hung from the hanger, its skirt barely touching the floor. "Hopefully, I'll still have the chance to wear it."

You got under the covers and rolled over, facing the window. You tossed and turned, trying everything you could to fall asleep. Eventually, you were able to fall asleep.


The next morning, you convinced Aizawa that you were sick and he went to the classroom on his own. You quickly got dressed and snuck out of the school gates. After a 30 minute walk, you arrived at the hospital. You headed inside and rode the elevator up to your floor. You headed over to the receptionist. "Appointment for (Y/n)." The receptionist nodded. "Yes. The doctor will be with you soon." You nodded and took a seat in the waiting room. You looked down at your bag, seeing the bag with the dna samples in it. You waited for about 15 minutes before you were called back. You followed the nurse into a private room, where she left you to wait for the doctor. The doctor arrived 5 minutes later. She entered and shut the door behind herself. "So, you're here for both a maternity and paternity test, correct?" You nodded. "Yes, I am." You presented the bag to her and she took it from you. "One sample for the potential father and one for the potential child. Ok, we'll have to do some blood work and then the results will come in a few weeks."

You sighed. "Alright." They did the blood work and took some blood from you along with the samples. Once they were done, they gave you some papers and sent you on your way.

'I should tell him now. It's only right...'

Bound By The Past (Aizawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now