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Shakayla's POV

I've been so busy with work that I barely had time to myself. I was glad when Antonio asked if I wanted to go out. I honestly was tired but I wanted to go out. He said he would pick me up at 7:00.

Not to long after I got dressed it was a knock on the door. When I opened it-it was Freddy standing there smelling like alcohol.

"Freddy? What's up?"

"I came to see your beautiful face."

"Uh actually I'm going on a date so I'm going to close the door now." I started closing the door but he gripped my arm hard.

"Freddy go back home before I call the cops."

"You'll see one day."

" bye Freddy."

"Why don't you ever go out with me, I'm a good guy."

Before I could respond Antonio walked up.

"Everything ok here?" He asked clenching his jaw looking at Freddy.

"Yes he was just leaving." I said playing it off.

"Remove your foot from inside her door. Or I'll remove it for you." Antonio said getting closer to Freddy. I stood in front of him. From the looks of it Antonio haves at least 7 inches on Freddy. He's a pretty tall and fit man so if I was Freddy I would back up.

"Come on Antonio I'm ready." I said walking out and locking my door. I held on to his arm as we walked down the hallway to the elevator.

"Let me know if that guy gives you anymore problems." Antonio said in a serious tone.

"He's an alcoholic, he gives everyone problems." I rolled my eyes.

"That's very unfortunate, but You look beautiful."

"You look handsome yourself." He had on a all black suit that fitted him just right. We got to the car and he started driving.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Give me a hint then."


"An arcade?"

He chuckled. "No bellissima."

"Ugh ok."

We drove for about an hour and I seen a carnival and I got excited.

"We're at a carnival! Oh my god I haven't been to one in so long."

"Are you excited?"

"Yes thank you thank you thank you."

We parked and got out, it felt like I was a little kid all over again. All the memories of my mom and dad bringing me to one of these came flashing back.

"What do want to do first?" Antonio asked.


He laughed exposing his dimple and pearly whites.

"What's funny?" I smiled.

"It's games everywhere, what games?"

"Oh duh.... ouuu let's do jump rope." It was a jump rope game. They had single and double dutch. I knew how to jump rope really good.

"Jump rope? Really?"

"Yea, I know how to jump really good my parents put me in a jump rope club and we use to have competitions and all that."

"Ok, whatever you want." She shrugged.

We walked over and got in line. All the people that was jumping wasn't lasting as long as I could when it came to my turn I was ready.

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