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It's finally the weekend and by the weekend I mean it's 3am on Saturday. I've been staying at Maxim's house this whole time.

We went to the police station with my parents and they didn't even lie about the abuse. The police are letting me stay with Maxim until they find someone else who can take care of me.

Another storm is happening right now and I can hear Maxim with his sister. I'm just trying to not let them hear me cry. Maxim still doesn't know about my fear of storms.

I looked over at the clock and noticed that it shut off, and my fan also turned off along with my mini night light. The power went off.

I hid under the blanket covering my mouth crying more. I'm pathetic, everyone was right. I am just a waste of space, I'm such a shitty villain.

"Anubis?" Maxim knocked.

I quickly laid down and pretended that I was asleep.

"Anubis wake up" he shook me.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He has a flashlight and he smiled at me.

"We have to be together right now, we got a tornado warning"

"M-Maxim?" I whispered.


I grabbed onto his shirt and put my face into his chest trying to hold back my tears.

"What's wrong?" He rubbed my back.

"Don't leave me please, I-I'm scared, I'm scared of storms so much" I cried.

"Baby why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He hugged me.

"I was afraid that you would call me names"

"I could never do that, now come on, we have to go to the safe room.

I nodded and got out of bed. We went to the safe room and Maxim's parents were already there with his sister. Basically the safe room has no windows or anything for a storm like this.

"Maxim?" I whispered as everyone fell asleep.

"Hm?" He sleepily groaned.

"When will the power turn back on?"

"I don't know" he turned away from me.

"I'm sorry" I got up from the air mattress knowing that I'm starting to annoy him. I grabbed a flashlight going down the stairs to the bathroom.

I flicked the light switch but it didn't work. I flipped it back off and sat in the bathtub pulling out the razor blade I stole.

They still haven't realized I took it. I set up the flashlight where I could see and I started to get to work.

"Anubis?" Harper knocked on the door.

I opened my eyes and realized that I'm still in the bathtub. I quickly got out and hid the blade in my pocket and pulled down my sleeves.

"Anubis?" She knocked again.

"Sorry" I whispered opening the door.

"Are you okay? I waited half an hour for you but you never came back up"

"I'm fine, I just wanted to be alone for a bit" I lied.

"Well the power is back on and it's already 9 in the morning"

"Thanks" I mumbled walking out.

I went into my room and grabbed a black hoodie and shorts. Maxim's mom got me some new clothes since I didn't really have any at my old place.

"SNEAK ATTACK" Maxim yelled jumping on me.

I threw him over my shoulder making him hit the ground.


"Oh my god are you okay? I am so sorry you scared me and it was a natural instinct" I helped him up.

"I'm fine, I deserved it" Maxim laughed.

Maxim sat at the couch and I sat next to him.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He looked at me confused.

"Not hungry"

"You need to eat"

"I said I'm not hungry" I glared at him.

"And I said you need to fucking eat" his voice went deeper.

"Okay, I-I'm sorry" I quickly got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.

"Is everything alright Anubis?" Maxim's mom asked as she put an omelette and orange juice in front of me.

"Maxim sometimes scares me" I whispered poking the food with a fork.

"Oh that's just his villain showing, you'll get used to it"

"His villain?"

"Did he not tell you? Maxim is adopted, his parents are villains but they wanted to do an experiment of seeing if a villain could turn into a hero so I agreed to adopt him"

"He never told me"

"He doesn't usually show his villain side till someone makes him really mad or if someone that he loves doesn't take care of themselves, or lie to him"

I laid in my bed staring at my ceiling holding the stuffed turtle in my arms. Today has been slow. It's only 1 in the afternoon.

"Anubis I'm going out, do you want to come with?" Maxim opened the door.

"N-no, I'm still scared to go out" I admitted.

"Okay, but you'll be home alone for a bit"

"That's fine"

Maxim left and I sat up from the bed and hugged the turtle tight. I can finally be in little space without worrying.

I snuck downstairs and sat down on the floor and turned on cartoons. I put my thumb in my mouth giggling at the show. This is what I like to do in my free time, sitting alone being in little space when I can.

The front door opened making me look up. There I saw Maxim coming back in.

"Oh, hey Anubis, I left my wallet" Maxim looked at me.

"I sorry" I whispered starting to tear up.

"What are you sorry about prince?" Maxim came over to me.

"L-lying to you" I wiped my tears as more formed.

"Baby it's okay, I'm not mad at you" He wiped more of my tears.

"N-no it's not o-okay" I held onto him crying more.

"Why do you think it's not okay?"

"I-I stole from your dad, I-I didn't want to but I left mine at my house"

"What did you take?"

I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out the razor blade. Maxim's eyes widened and took it from me.

"Is it okay if I see?"

"N-no give it back" I tried reaching the blade.

"I'm not giving it back, I'm throwing it away where you can't find it and I'm going to hide the others"

"Please, i-it's my only escape, please Maxim"

"Well we just have to find another way, I'm not going to let you hurt yourself. I'm going to stay and watch over you"

Maxim put the blade in his pocket and pulled out his phone texting someone.

Little Villain (BxB) {NOT DDLB}Where stories live. Discover now