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It's been two days since I've been locked in this room without anything to eat or drink. Just constant abuse. Those bastards even made me cum multiple times and it hurts.

"Get up" Anastasia bursted in.

I lifted my head and looked at her.

"You will go to school and you will not say a word about this do you understand?" She took the gag ball out of my mouth with a pool of my out spit.

"Y-yes m-ma'am" I coughed out.

"Good, and we better not get any calls about you skipping again"

Anastasia took the collar off me and picked me up from the mattress. She pushed me out of the room and I realized this is the room that I was never shown and it was always locked.

I got to my room and put on my uniform. Once I got that on I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I want to take a shower but I don't have time. Maybe I can do it in the gymnasium bathroom when I get to school.

"Are you feeling better Anubis? MrHarding asked as I got to his class.

I ignored him and went to my desk sitting down. I got to take a shower but I was late to class. I put my head down and closed my eyes wanting to sleep. Sleeping while I was being tortured was horrible, I barley got any.

"Anubis? Are you okay?" MrHarding rubbed my back.

"Just really tired sir" I mumbled out not being able to stay awake.

I can hear him talking but it's all muffled same with everyone else's talking. Darkness soon consumed me with a dreamless slumber.


"Miss, may I please go to MrHardings class since I'm done with this?" I asked my teacher handing her the completed worksheet.

"Yes you may" She gave me a smile.

I grabbed my bag just incase the bell rings before I get back. I walked out of the classroom into the hallway. Once I got to MrHarding I remembered that Anubis is in this class.

Fuck I don't want to go in anymore. Anubis hates me and I don't want him to be anymore mad at me. No I need to go in so I don't fail his class. All I need to do is ask him about the homework then leave. Simple plan.

I grabbed the doorknob taking a breath before entering the classroom. MrHarding was at his desk going through some papers. I looked around the class and everyone was doing work while listening to music. That's odd, MrHarding never lets us listen to music.

"Yes Maxim?" MrHarding got my attention back.

"Oh, sorry, I just have some questions about the homework" I walked up to his desk.

"Of course, whats the problem?"

As I got out my homework I kept hearing mumbling and someone kicking the desk. I looked over and saw Anubis sleeping and jerking around. Does MrHarding have favourites for this class?

"I know what you're thinking Maxim, and no I don't have favorites. And this might be a weird question but did Anubis do this while living with you?" Woah, he's a mind reader.

"Talking in his sleep and jerking around? I don't think so. Mostly when he had nightmares. And if it's not favoritism then what is it?"

"Usually I never let Anubis sleep in class, even before hero's and villains lived with each other. But today he just seems off. When I tried to wake him up he would just fall back to sleep, which he never did before"

That's weird, even though Anubis doesn't usually follow the rules he does respect older people most of the time. Especially with people he looks up to and he's told me he looks up to MrHarding.

After MrHarding helped me with my homework the bell rang. Everyone packed up their stuff and left, except Anubis who's still asleep. He's usually a light sleeper so MrHarding is right, something is wrong with him.

"Can you give this to Anubis's next teacher and tell them that he's staying in my class this period please" MrHarding gave me a yellow slip.

"Yeah of course, and thank you for your help"

Before I left I went up to Anubis and fixed his shirt a bit since it's falling down. But on his shoulder were scars that weren't there before.

"Anubis?" I shook him a bit.

"Shut up, your voice is fucking annoying you stupid ass hero" Anubis opened his eyes to glare at me.

"Of course, I'm sorry. Go back to sleep" I patted Anubis which he jerked away from.

I really hope he's okay. I thanked MrHarding again and went to Anubis next class giving the teacher the note before going to my own class.

Why does he have scars? Is he harming himself again? I thought that he would've stopped since he's in a happy family and away from me. Maybe I should visit him this weekend and see how things are going there.

Honestly, living without Anubis feels weird. It's like something of me is missing and I don't know how to deal with it. All I want is Anubis to come back. I want to hold him again. I miss how he snuck into my room when there's just the smallest of storms. He thinks I'm asleep when he sneaks in but I'm not.

I love it when he acts tough because I know he's actually really sweet and cuddly. And when we watch tv he's super fixated on it.

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