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"First degree murder, you killed those innocent heros without a second thought." The officer shouted at me.

I stayed silent knowing that they won't listen to me. I'm just a villain, why would they?

"I demand to see him right now!" I heard Maxim's mom.

The door opened and there stood Maxim's mom tears down her face. She went up to me and got down on her knees.

"Anubis tell me that it wasn't true" she touched my face.

I looked away from her starting to cry again.

"What have you done?"

"First degree murder, he filled the house with gas and blew up the house. Surprisingly and luckily, the people in there are in the hospital alive. It's truly a miracle" the officer said.

"But why would you do that?" She turned my head back to her.

"Why should I tell you? You're not going to believe me either" I hissed at her.

"Is there a reason why I shouldn't?"


"I believe you Anubis, and I will till the day I die do you understand me?" She cupped my cheeks.

I looked at the police officer then back at Maxim's mom. I took off my shirt showing all of the abuse that they have done to me.

"Anubis, did they do this to you?" She gasped putting her hand over her mouth.

"I told you I had no choice, I didn't want to do it but they made me" I cried.

"He's a god damn villain and you're believing in what he's saying, he could have done all of that to himself so you can feel pity"

"This is unbelievable, you sir aren't a good man. If he was a hero this would be completely different, you would take his side instantly" She raised her voice making me flinch.

The officer stood there stunned and he sighed. He knows she's right, if I were a hero then I wouldn't be in trouble.

"Come on Anubis, I'm taking you home" she helped me put my shirt back on.

She helped me up and took me out of the room as the officer just watched.

"Anu you okay" Harper ran up to me as she was in little space.

I backed away from her hiding behind her mom.


"Harper he's scared right now, let him adjust alright?" Her mom patted Harpers head.

She nodded and grabbed her moms hand. We walked outside and went to the car. I looked at the front seat but I honestly want to be in the back. I can feel my little space.

"Do you want to be in the back?" Maxim's mom asked.

I nodded playing with my sleeves.

"Anubis is it okay if I get a hug?"

I backed away from her a bit and shook my head no.

"Okay hun" she smiled then opened the car door.

Both Harper and I went in and she buckled up as I struggled.

"Need help?" Harper asked me.

"Y-yes pwease" I mumbled out.

Harper bucked me in and gave me a bright smile. I rubbed my eyes getting sleepy.

"I told you to not go with them" Maxim huffed as I walked in the house.

"Maxim do not say that" his dad glared.

"Why? It's true?"

"How would you feel if you got adopted by someone who you thought you could trust only to realize that they are terrible people huh?"


"Anubis don't mind him okay? He's going through some moods between his hero side and villain" Maxim's mom rubbed my back.

I nodded and grabbed onto her arm pulling her into the room they let me have. I went to the bookshelf and grabbed a book handing it to her.

"You want me to read to you?"

I nodded and got in the bed putting the covers over me.

She gave me a smile and sat next to me starting to read. Soon Harper joined getting in bed with me. We both listened to the story till we got sleepy. Harper dozed off in the middle of it but I was determined to hear the end of it.

"Do you want me to let you sleep and picked up where we left off later?" She asked me.

"N-Nu, me can stay wake" I mumbled almost falling asleep.

She chuckled and continued to read. I must stay awake to know what happens. Why did I pick such a big book? I should've got a smaller one.

She stopped reading as she noticed that I closed my eyes about to fall asleep. She gave me a kiss on the head before turning off the lights and leaving. When she left I heard other footsteps. Maxim's footsteps.

There was a dip on my bed and Maxim moved his hand to my face moving my hair from it. He then kissed my head and whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry Anubis, I love you so much and don't forget that"

I forgot about this story lmao, I'll try to keep updating it but sorry if it takes a long time

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