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"Good news" Maxim's mom came into the living room.

"What's up?" Harper paused the show.

"We found a place for Anubis"

"What?!" Maxim came inside.

"Don't so sound so jolly now Maxim" I rolled my eyes.

"There's a nice couple who's been wanting a kid around your age since theirs didn't make it past 16, I had a little over the phone interview and they're coming soon" She told us.

"Mom it was over the phone how do you know if they're good or not!" Maxim shouted.

"I'm a villain, if they're bad then I can handle it" I glared at Maxim.

"Oh yeah like you handled your own parents"

"Shut the fuck up Maxim, I'm not a fucking baby!" I got up from the couch and went into my room starting to pack my stuff.

I hate him, I hate him so fucking much. If these people are bad then I don't care, I'm getting go away from Maxim as fast as possible.

I shoved all of my stuff into a bag and I grabbed a book from the bookshelf plopping myself on my bed.

"Anubis?" Maxim's dad knocked.

"Come in" I told him not putting the book down.

"I heard screaming and wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine, just got into a fight with Maxim"

"Let me guess, he heard about the parents?"

"Yeah, I mean, I understand that he's a hero and wants to protect me but I'm my own person, not all heroes can be heroic"

"I don't think him being a hero has to do with anything, i think it's because he cares about you"

"If he cares so much then he should let me make my own choices and not smother me. He made Harper babysit me all day because he doesn't trust me being alone"

"Did you tell him about your feelings?"

"No. Villains don't usually talk about how they feel, Maxim just made me soft, so I'm going no matter what happens"

Maxim's dad came over to me and gave me a hug before leaving.

I made sure that I packed up everything before I laid back down on my bed. I can hear Maxim being upset with his mom downstairs. Stupid hero, I hope you choke on a grape or something. Step on a Lego, that will be worse.

Footsteps started to come upstairs and I tensed up trying to figure out who it was. It's lighter steps but not too light, I think it's Maxim's mom.

A knock came at the door and I sat up to see Maxim's mom opening it. Nice, I was right.

"They're here" she gave me a smile.

I got up from my bed and grabbed my bag. Going downstairs I saw Maxim with anger in his face. He came up to me and pushed me up against the wall.

"Do not go Anubis" he clenched his jaw.

"You can't tell me what to do" I pushed him off.

"Take your stuff back upsta-" Before he could finish what he was saying I slapped him across the face.

"Piss off" I spat on his face before leaving.

When I got out there was a black convertible car. Two people came out, a man and a woman. Both of them smiled at me sweetly.

I held my bag close to my chest going over to them.

"Hi Anubis" the woman hugged me.

I backed out of the hug and turned my face away.

"Right, you're a villain, you're not used to being hugged are you?" She backed away a bit.

I nodded and looked up at the man.

"Hey there bud, I'm Darryl and this is Anastasia" the man spoke.

We got in the car and I opened my bag looking at my little space stuff. I grabbed the turtle stuffie and held it close to my chest.

I put my feet on the seat so I could be in a small ball.

"Would you like to go out and eat or do you want something homemade?" Anastasia asked.

"C-can I have chicken nuggets?" I asked biting my thumb.

"Of course you can darling, do you want me to make some when we get home?"

"Whatever you feel like I'm okay with"

"I think you should make it so we can go shopping for him" Darryl said turning left.

"That's a great idea, and then I can also finish your room. I have a lot of colouring books and crayons for you"

"Colouring books?" My head shot up.

"I was told you like them, do you not?"

"I do, I was never allowed to have them growing up but when I stole- I mean uh"

Both of them started to laugh and I shrunk in my seat. Stupid hero's. They're making me talk about myself again. How do they keep doing that?

Little Villain (BxB) {NOT DDLB}Where stories live. Discover now