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The day is going by slowly and I keep slipping in and out of little space. And I haven't seen Maxim yet which is a pain. Wait what? No it's great that I haven't seen him, I hate his guts.

"Anubis" someone shouted my name.

I looked up from my notebook and looked around. My eyes landed on my teacher and she seems pissed.

"What is so important that you must disturb my class" she tapped her foot.

"I didn't say anything" I frowned.

"You dozing off in my class is distracting, if you keep up with this I'm giving you a detention"

"No one was distracted but you, no one gave a shit, you are disturbing your own damn class" I rolled my eyes.

"Weeks detention"

"Are you a fucking moron? Just because you got distracted by something that doesn't even matter you're giving me a weeks detention? Oh wait, I forgot your a shitty hero so of course you're on my ass about it, fuck you, fuck this class, and fuck this school"

Before she could say anything I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate hero's?

"Anubis?" Anastasia looked at me confused as I walked in the house. "What are you doing home?"

"Don't wanna talk about it, stupid ass hero" I mumbled out the last part.

"Young man get back over here right now" she raised her voice.

Panic rose up in me and i quick ran to my room locking the door. I could hear her footsteps getting closer.

"Anubis unlock this door" she wiggled the doorknob.

Tears started to fill my eyes and I backed away from the door. I'm scared, I don't want to be killed.

"Anubis open the door"

I quickly went into the closet and hid from her. And I got there just in time because I can hear the door being opened.


I covered my mouth crying more. She's going to find me I know it. Then she's going to beat me with a stick. Why did I come back here? I should've went to the park or something.

"Anubis please come out, I'm not mad at you" Anastasia lightly knocked on the closet. "I swear I won't hurt you"

"That's a lie, they always say that and it's a lie!" I shouted out.

Anastasia didn't say anything, I just heard her footsteps walking away and my door closing.

I stayed in the closet longer until my eyes started to get droopy.

"Anubis, dinner's ready!" Darryl's voice shouted from the kitchen.

I lifted my head up stirring awake. Why am I in the closet? I shook my head and got out stretching my bones popping. I got out of my room and went to the kitchen.

On the table is a nice looking dinner of baked spaghetti and green beans. I sat down at the table still a bit out of it.

"Before we start eating I think we need to talk a bit Anubis" Darryl looked at me. "I got a call from the school and I was told you cursed at a teacher. Not only that but you skipped right after and-"

"Darryl, not now" Anastasia tried to make him stop.

"Next time you're going to get in trouble" he finished his sentence.

I froze in my seat and my stomach dropped remembering why I was in the closet. They're going to hurt me.

"Anubis? Are you okay?" Darryl touched my shoulder.

"Don't touch me" I got up from the table knocking the chair over.

"Sweetheart, why don't you go take a bath and calm down alright?" Anastasia told me.

I nodded and went to the bathroom trying to calm down. My heart feels like it's going to explode. I went into the cabinets and found a razor blade kit. Hero's are so trust worthy with this shit laying around.

All I hear is buzzing in my ears, and i can feel my body on a small mattress. That's weird, I have a big bed not a small one. My lower half is also uncomfortable and something's on my dick.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them. That's when I noticed I'm in a room I've never seen before and I'm laying on a dirty mattress with a big dog collar around my neck chained to the floor. Looking down the buzzing was coming from my cock, there's a tiny vibrator on the tip. It's the one that was in the bag when I went shopping.

I tried screaming but something's in my mouth making it hard to. What the fuck is happening? Did I get kidnapped? Where's Darryl and Anastasia?

A few minutes passed and the door opened. There stood Darryl with a pissed off face. Did he do this to me?

"You villains are so full of shit" He spat.

Darryl came up to me and grabbed my face. Tears ran down my cheeks knowing I shouldn't have trusted them.

"You're so fucking pathetic" he choked me.

I grabbed onto his arm not being able to breathe. Why is this happening to me? What did I ever do wrong to deserve this? I just want to be happy. Why can't I have that? Is this a curse of being a villain?

Darryl finally let go of me and before he left he put nipple clamps on me and a vibrating dildo in my ass. What kind of sick twisted pleasure are they getting out of this?

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