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Screaming. All I can hear is screaming. Calling me names telling me how worthless I am. Why? Why did I have to ever be born?

"Anubis wake up" a voice rang in my ears.

I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head up. In front of me was our substitute teacher for MrHarding.

"I don't know how MrHarding does his rules here but with me there is zero sleeping while school is in session do you understand me?" She told me.

"Sorry ma'am I understand" I whispered out.

"I know that there was some difficulties with your parents and the ones who tried to ado-"

"Pause, what? How the hell do you know about that?" I started to get angry.

"Mr.Harding told me since you were already having a difficult time. But villains don't have real emoti-"

"You have to be shitting me"

I got up from my desk grabbing my stuff. I stormed out of the class and into the halls trying to find my way out of the school. I can't believe he told her. I trusted him. He was the only one who I trusted and he betrayed me.

Why is everyone turning their backs on me? The people who I tell things to, are they just using me? To humiliate me?

"ANUBIS" I was turned around.

I looked at who it was and it's Maxim. I brought up my hand to punch him but he quickly grabbed it glaring at me. It's not his usual niceish glare. It's one that's telling me that he will kill me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He gripped my wrist.

"I'm going to kill Mr.Harding" I grit my teeth.

"If you do that I'll tell mom and she won't have a problem with sending you to jail"

"He told her my secret so why the fuck shouldn't I kill him huh? Give me a god damn reason"

"BOYS" I heard the principal shout at us.

Maxim gripped tighter on my wrist and started to twist it.

"Anubis let go of him" the principals heals clicked coming up to us.

Maxim didn't let go of me. He instead hurt me more and his eyes are a darker shade of gold. I soon ended up on my knees trying to not show any pain.

"I said let go" she got Maxim off of me. "I am calling your mother Maximus"

I looked down at my wrist and it has a red hand print that's definitely going to bruise.

"What happened?" Maxim's mom came into the principals office.

"Anubis was hurting your son Mrs.Barlowe"

"Where's Maxim?"

"He was upset so he's calming himself down in the restrooms"

"Anubis hun, how upset was Maxim?" His mom looked at me.

I rolled up my sleeve and showed her the handprint Maxim left.

"Oh dear. That's not good. Mrs.Wells, I need to take both of the boys home, especially Maxim"

"I'm sorry but we really do need to discuss-"

"Maximus hurt Anubis. Meaning his villain is out. Do you really want him to hurt other students?"

"I'll go get Maximus" The principal got up and left.

"What happened darling?" Maxim's mom came to me and looked at my wrist.

"I don't know. He saw me trying to leave and he started to hurt me. His eyes were also scary"

"It wasn't my fault mom, he said he was going to kill our teacher" Maxim came in his eyes looking even darker.

"He broke my promise, he lost my trust" I got up and pushed Maxim.

"Oh you really want to do this again bitch? I hope you're grave is already dug." Maxim gripped my neck choking me.

"MAXIMUS THATS ENOUGH" His mom pushed him off of me. "We're going, now"

Maxim glared at me and I hid behind his mom. She rubbed my back as we started to head out the building

When we got to the car I opened the back to see restraints on the seat. Maxim was about to get in the front but his mom stopped him.

"If you try to hurt Anubis while we go to the doctors I will tie you up do you understand me young man?" She told Maxim.

"But he-"

"Don't you dare blame anything on him, you know damn well this was happening before he did anything. Now get in the back"

Maxim grumbled but got in the back seat. His mom helped me get in the front and buckled me in. I'm still not good with seat belts. It's so simple which is making it weird for me to do.

"Anubis, if Maxim is ever showing any signs of his villain you need to tell us alright?"

"Y-yes ma'am" I nodded.

"SHUT UP" Maxim shouted.

I looked behind me and he's gripping his hair breathing heavily.

"Maxim just relax hun. We'll be at the doctors soon" Maxim's mom tried to reassure him.

I kept staring and I can see tears falling from his eyes onto his lap. Is he fighting with his villain? That's only going to make it worse. He'll hurt himself by doing that. But I guess he's trying to not hurt us so he doesn't have a reason for fighting it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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