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"Anubis before you leave may I talk to you?" MrHarding asked as I packed my bag.

I nodded and went up to his desk rubbing my tired eyes.

"Is something wrong? You usually listen to me when I tell you to wake up"

"I just haven't been sleeping, I'm not used to being in a nice home is all"

"But you lived with Maxim for a while didn't you?"

"A nice home alone, whenever I got scared I would just sleep with Maxim or his sister"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir" I nodded.

"Alright, you can get going now, I'll see you Monday"

I nodded again and left the classroom. I can't believe I slept in his class and his free period. Oh my god I missed my other classes. I'm going to be in so much trouble.

As I ran through the hallway I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it- Maxim?" I glared at the person who I ran into.

"Anubis, are you okay?" He helped me up.

"Stupid hero leave me alone"

"Hey, let me stop by real quick okay?"

"No, I need to get home, please just, don't come over and don't talk to me" I forced myself to not cry.


"Seriously Maxim, just stop trying to help me"

I picked up my bag from the ground and left the school building. I saw Darryl's car and my gut feeling told me to book it but I also know that will just end horribly for me. I lowered my head and went to his car.

"You're in big fucking trouble" was all he said before starting the car.

It's Sunday, it's finally fucking Sunday. Meaning I get to go to school tomorrow and out of this place. Since I got home I've been stuck in the torture room with cuffs on my wrist with no food or water.

I can't see anything so I never know what they're going to do next. Earlier they put noise canceling headphones on me but I moved around too much that they kept coming off so they gave up.

"Mr and Mrs Barlowe, what a nice surprise" I heard Anastasia.

"Sorry for coming with no notice, we just have something for Anubis" Maxim's dad's voice rang in my ears.

"Oh, Anubis isn't home right now, he went out with some friends"

"He has friends now? That's wonderful. From what Maxim tells us he gets bullied a lot"

"Please come in, I'll put on a kettle"

I stayed silent and then I heard the door open.

"Make a single sound and I'll kill you, do you understand me?" I felt Darryl put something sharp against my neck.

"Mhmm" I muffled out through the ball gag.


The sharp object was removed and it hit the floor. I want to cry but i don't want to make any noise. I'm scared, I want out. I want to go home, wherever that is.

It's been hours and I haven't heard anything. I'm guessing Maxim's parents left and my "parents" went to bed.

Good news is that I figured out how to escape. They have one of those push down things to get out if you lose the key for the cuffs. I don't think they knew about this.

I quickly put on my school clothes that are on the floor and snuck out of the room. Quietly I looked into their room and they're both asleep. Perfect.

When I first got here they showed me everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. They have a shed in the backyard and there's some gas cans in there for the lawn mower.

I got out of the house and went to the shed getting the cans before coming back. From the looks of the kitchen they're passed out drunk. I got back to their room and started to pour the gas around the bed and out the room. I did this to every room till the house was filled.

I grabbed matches from the kitchen before leading the gas outside. I threw the can back inside then lit a match throwing it down to the trail.

The house burst into flames in less than a second. The whole ground shook with a huge boom. I can hear screaming from the neighbors with dogs barking. I sat on the pavement watching the house burn with them inside.

"What the fuck did you do villain" a man pulled me up as sirens came.

I didn't say anything, I just tried to get out of his grasp.

"You just killed innocent heros"

"You don't know shit about what they have done, fucking nothing!"

Police, ambulances, and fire trucks finally got here and went straight to the house and making sure that people were okay. A police officer came up to us and grabbed me.

"I had no choice, they were going to kill me if I didn't kill them" I started to break down. "It's not my fault, it's not my fucking fault"

Little Villain (BxB) {NOT DDLB}Where stories live. Discover now