Chapter 39: A Church Wedding.

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June 14th, 1989

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June 14th, 1989. 3:12 P.M.

I spent the past week in mourning. I couldn't believe he was about to get married and leave me behind. I had bathed for hours, to the point that my fingers and toes prawned up. The water had turned bone chillingly cold, as I stared at the ceiling.

In a state of depression and filled with sorrow, I was far too numb to get out. It was as if my heart had frozen over. I knew I needed to get over him.

Brian enters the house, coming to pick me up. Darry, Kate, Sodapop and Ponyboy are sitting around. "Where is Jade?" he asked, seeing the worry sprawl across their faces. He looks in my bedroom, I'm not there either.

Darry stands up, "She's been in the bath for hours." he said, confused by his own words. None of them knew what was wrong with me. All of them had to get ready around me, I just wouldn't move. 

Brian knocked, pressing himself against the door, "Jade?" he called out, "You in there?"

I told him to come in, my voice strained. Brian twisted the knob and walked in. He steps back, never having seen me in this state. I didn't give a damn if he saw me naked. I guess we are even now.

Brian lowers himself to the tiles, resting his back against the bathtub. I stared up to the roof. Not wanting to speak first, I waited. It doesn't take long for Brian to surprise me. "I know about Dallas and you." he steadily disclosed.

I lifted myself upright in the tub, "You knew?" I breathed sharply.

"He thought he made his feelings obvious... Dallas is so stupid when it comes to love. He doesn't know how to deal with his emotions."

I sank into the water, this realisation changed everything, "I don't understand." I crowed, "You saw it the entire time!?"

Brian nods softly, "He mentions you more than he ever did with Lynn. Even when he doesn't mean to."

I felt my chest expand, as if my heart exploded. Brian rests his head against my wet hand, "Don't wait until it's too late, Jade." he whispers into it.

June 14th, 1989. 5:09 P.M.

As we raced up the church steps, I felt a sense of unease settle in my stomach. Brian and I were running late as it was. We scoot into the back row, having missed the bride's entrance.

Up ahead, Darry tried to save us seats but they were overtaken by friend's of Lynn. I thought it was ironic to have a wedding in the house of god, knowing the bride and groom openly defied him everyday.

Brian and I were barely invited thanks to Dally's lovely bride. After Brian dumped her best friend Lisa, he had been in Lynn's bad books. As for me, I've always been at the sharp edge of the sword with her, for one reason or another.

Dallas and Lynn stood across from each other as the priest droned on. He called for anyone with an objection to step forward. I see Brian snap his head in my direction in the corner of my eye. I really thought about doing it, there was so much I needed to say to him. 

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