Ch. 2

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I turn around to see Daniel smirking and Dom behind him

"what do you want Daniel?" I ask through grit teeth

"hey im just here to congratulate you Brianna" he say putting his arms up in defense

"Daniel its best that you leave" Dom says behind him

"fine then" he says walking away

"babygirl who was that?" Clay ask

"that was her ex Daniel Cooper" Mia says from the hood of the car where she was sitting

"Daniel was no good, so Jax be good to her" Dom says looking straight at Jax, Jax nods and give Dom a bro shake

"will do Dom" Jax says

"YO DOM YOUR UP" Leon yells "i'll see you guys later" he says before running off to race

"Abel come on lets watch uncle Dom win" I say taking Abel from Chibs and going to the finish.

After Doms race Letty's up

"congrats Dom" I say hugging but making sure not to crush Abel

"thanks come on Letty should be here soon" Dom says as we go to the sides waiting for the racers to get here.

After Letty's race, "yo we got cops" we hear Leon through the speaker

I quickly hand Gemma Abel and race to my car, and the guys to their bikes. We all get out safe thank god.

We pull into the house "everyone here?" I ask "yah looks like it" I hear Mia says coming up with Abel

"hiya baby boy" I say taking him from Mia and kissing his cheek

"hows my favorite man?" I ask hugging him

"hey i thought i was your favorite man" Dom says throwing his arms

"no i thought i was" Jax says "nope Dom your my favorite brother and Jax your my favorite Biker" I say laughing and kissing Dom and Jaxs cheek

" I'm your only brother Bri" I hear Dom say

"ah ill take that i guess but if i had to lose to someone i guess it'll be this little man" Dom adds taking Abel from me and walking into the house

"babe you were great out their" i hear Chibs say walking past me and Jax

"thanks Chibby" i say smiling

"so Brianna Janelle this is where you grew up" Jax says "yes it is" i say smiling as we walk into the house

"so what was it like living here?" Clay ask as me and Jax walk into the livingroom where Letty and Leon were on the floor playing games

"nice an quiet except when these goofballs were blasting their music and fixing the cars but id always end going outside and helping them" I say nudging Vince and Doms legs which cause them to laugh.

"So Dom what was Bri like when she was young?" Gemma ask Dom

"she was a very quiet only way to get her to take was to talk about cars" he says laughing

"but she was very athletic, i remember our dad dragging us all to her games and tournements but after we'd always go to Dennys wether she had lost or won but her team always won" he says laughing as i sit on his lap

"she played Soccer, basketball, football, and volleyball" he says "she also danced and singed, our father after church at the bbq he'd always ask her to sing so he can show off how talented she was" he adds smiling "she was more like me which kinda scared our dad, but she was a good kid" he says

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Where stories live. Discover now