Ch. 3

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We pull into the house and see Dom and Letty working on their cars

"hey breakfast will be ready in an hour" Mia says as i bring Abel in the house

"they're back now Jackie boy" Chibs yells

"hi to you to Chibs" i say handing him Abel start to cook breakfast for everyone in the house

"hi babe" Jax says coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek

"hi sleep good?" I ask putting some bacon on the grill

"yah you?" He ask sitting at the table with Chibs and Abel "yah" i say keeping my attention on the food.

After we finish cooking we call everyone outside for breakfast everyone piles out and starts serving themselve after smelling everything i have the feeling like i have to throw up.

I run inside and into the bathroom and puking my guts out, Mia runs in and pulls my hair back

"baby you ok?" Mia ask pushing my hair back

"yah i just feel sick a little" i say brushing my teeth

"baby are you pregnant?" She ask as i put my toothbrush back on the counter, I nod my head yes and look at her

"oh my god Brianna what if you crashed last night you coulda lost the baby" Mia scolds me

"i know i just found out before we left you're the only one thats knows so far not even Gemma and she knows everything" I say laughing

"when were you going to tell us?" Mia ask

"tonight i was going to take everyone to dinner and tell em but my stupid morning sickness" i say laughing again

"ok well tell Jax soon" Mia says "I will i promise" i say as we walk back out

"hey lassie you ok?" Chibs asks as i walk out "yah i just been feeling sick the last couple days" i lie

"baby you sure you're ok" Gemma ask "yah im fine" i say

"Brianna, Mia serve yourself before Vince here eats it all" Letty says nudging Vince

"im not hungry" i say sitting on Jaxs lap and taking Abel from Happy 

"you sure babe?" Jax ask "ya im fine" i say cradling Abel in my arms

"babe at least eat something" he says pushing his plate over near me a little

"fine ill have a fruit cup i've been wishing for those lately" i say running in and grabbing a fruit cup and spoon and walking out and grabbing a chair and sitting by Jax, after breakfast we all sit and talk

"So Jax you drive Harleys" Dom says "yah i do" Jax says rubbing his neck

"nice you better not of converted her to cycles she's a Toretto" Dom says causing me and Mia to laugh

"ha to late brother" Tig says "she owns 2 harleys now" he adds

"yah only time she drove her car was when she has the kid" Bobby says

"Brianna Janelle Toretto they better be lying" Dom says "thanks alot guys" i say slouching back

"Bri yes or no"

"yes ok Dominic yes i was mainly driving motorcycles while there ok but i didnt like driving the Charger cause all the meomorys of dad came and how he would be mad that i left without telling you" I say letting a few tears fall

"i was 10 when dad died i dont have alot of meomrys of dad just what he was like, you and Mia knew him i grew up with the idea of him" I say crying

"Brianna he loved you he still does hes with you everyday here" he says placing his hand on his heart

"yah Brianna he did after you were born he never left your side" Mia says "i remember when the doctor said you had 20 percent of living due to being 4 months premature dad snapped throwing everything in sight he prayed every night at your incubator he never left you me and mia were all he had left he loved you Brianna" Dom says

"Doms right i remember all of us staying in your hospital room praying" Mia says, i smile "i love you guys" i say getting up and walking over to them and hugging them i walk back over to my seat and take Abel from Jax

"babe you were born at 5 months?" Jax ask

"yah our parents were in a crash drunk driver hit my moms side me and my dad survived but my mom didnt" i say looking at Dom and Mia

"well baby your strong" Gemma says "thanks Gem" i say smiling then looking down at abel

"your strong to buddy i know what you've been through except having a junkie mom" i say above a whisper "ma" Abel says laughing

"hiya handsome" i say lifting him up "I love Abel so very much" I say kissing him all over his face causing him to giggle

"Bri" i hear Mia say looking at me telling me to tell everyone "ok fine" I say

"Ok everyone listen for a moment i need to say something i just found out before we left" I start i breathe "um im pregnant" I say cuddling closer to Abel

"what you are?" Jax ask standing up "yah 9 weeks" i say kissing Abels cheek, Jax takes Abel from me and hands him to Opie and hugs me

"i love you baby" he says " i love you too Jackson" i say kissing him, after that we get alot of congratulations and hugs

"well a start to a beautiful day" Dom starts "Dom what i realized we forgot to say grace before we ate" I say looking at him

"right now who was the first to reach for the food?" Dom ask "Jax" everyone says

"Jax please bless the table even though we finished" Dom says laughing "ok um" Jax starts

"thank you god for another day on your beautiful planet,thank you for the food that nuriouses our bodies, thank you for blessing us with a new addition and for my son amen" he says everyone says 'amen'

"not bad biker boy" Leon says

"salut mi familia" Dom says raising his glass "salut mi familia" Mia and i say raising our cups "i love you" i say kissing Jax "i love you too" Jax says...

A/n so i actually dont know how Dom and Mias mom died so i made something up

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Where stories live. Discover now