Ch. 19

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I lay here thinking where Bri is.

"Yo Jax" i hear Opies voice but i ignore him and continue to think where she could be.

I decide to call her again, it rings a few times


Its 3 am and someone calls my burner phone, I look at the number to see its the house phone.

"Hello" I say quietly


"Hello" I hear Bri's voice come through the speaker

"Bri?" I ask my voice cracking a little "Hi Jax" she says quietly "hows the kids?" I ask as i walk into the twins' nursery which me and Opie worked on every night when i was back "they're good" "thats good and what about you babe?" I ask playing with the bunny Chibs got for Alison, i throw it across the room and sit on the couch

"Im good what about you Jax?" Bri asks "like shit i miss you, i miss my sons and my daughter" i say letting a tear slip "im sorry i have to go i love you" she says whispering the last part then hanging up the phone.

I throw the phone at the wall and watch it shatter into pieces.

My family she took it from me... again


"That bitch is more worse than that fucking bitch Tarah" I say blowing out some smoke, i was with Luann sitting outside at the table

"She really took the kids and didnt tell anyone?" Luann asks looking at me in disbelief "yeah she did" I say taking a drag of my cigarette and blowing it out the smoke

"How did Jax deal with it?" She asks taking a drag of her cigarette "well first he threw shit around then he broke down and then banged some crow eater now he's dead on trying to find her" I say throwing the bud on the ground and stomp on it

"Wow has he talked to her since she left?" "Yah two times" I say "cant he trace her phone?" "No she has a burner phone so we cant trace the call" I say


I hear my phone go off

I look at the number to see it was Bri

"Hi Daddy" i hear Abels voice "hi buddy" I smile hearing my babys voice "daddy when are you coming?" He asks his voice so soft "uhm i dont know i dont know where you and mommy are" I say "daddy we're in Brazil" he says, finally I know where they are "well when i can ill come and visit ok bubba" I say looking out the window smiling "ok daddy"

"Abel who you talking to baby?" I hear Mias voice

"Daddy" he says


I look over at Abel since Bri went to help Dom on the job, he has Bri's phone.


"Abel who you talking to baby?" I ask trying not to look away from the monitor

"Daddy" he says shit

"Mia!" I hear a voice come from the intercome "yah" i say "we good to go?" Dom asks "ya you're cleared to go" I say looking at Abel then the twins who were sleeping peacefully beside me, i look at rhe monitor to see Dom and Brian were getting tailed where the hell is Brianna i think now seeing her car on my screen


I was tailling Dom and Brian when my car was ran off the road by a cop car


"Mia" Giselle says "what is it?" I ask still trying to track Bri's car "i found Bri she must've been runned off the road or something" she says


I was tailling Huan when i see a car on the side of the road it looked like Bri's so i pulled over and looked in the window to see Bri almost unconsious

"Mia" i say grabbing my walkie talkie from my jacket pocket "what is it?" She asks "i found Bri she must've been runned off the road or something" I say

"I'm going to try and get her out" I say putting it down and taking my jacket off and prying open the door, it was hard since the door was pretty much smashed it

"Bri im going to get you out of here ok?" I say "giselle?" Bri says weakly "ya its me is anything broken?" I ask "no" "ok im going to unbuckle you now" I say unbuckling her seatbelt and pull her out of the car

I grab my walkie talkie "Huan" "ya whats the matter?" He asks "i need you to come back Bri was ran off the road and i dont think she'll have the strength if i take her on my bike" I say still holding her up

"Bri you have to stay awake ok" I say pulling her back up "mmhmm" she says trying to keep her head up

"Huan hurry" I say leaning Bri on her car "ok im almost there" he said as i see a car past us and stop and reverse

"Is she ok?" The guy asks walking towards us "uh yah helps on the way you can go" I say pulling Bri up "ok" he says walking away
Huan finally arrives

"How is she?" He asks picking her up bridal style "good she'll most likely just be sore for a couple of day though" I say helping her into Huans car

"Huan...Giselle where are you?" Doms voice comes through the intercome in the car "Answer him ill buckle her in" Huan says putting her in the back, I run around the car and grab the walkie talkie

"Dom uhm Brianna was ran off the road I found her and Huan will bring her back to the warehouse" I say "is she ok?" Dom asks "yah she is" I say as Huan comes around and leans on the car "ok Huan Bring Brianna back and meet us at the bank" Dom says I hand the walkie talkie and get out "ok see you there" he say

"See you there" I say walking back over to my bike and race to meet Dom


"Mia" I say grabbing the walkie talkie as i race down the street back to the warehouse "ya?" She says "im bringing Bri back" I say looking back to see her holding her ribs

"Bri you ok?" I ask turning my eyes back to the road "yah in just sore a little" she says laughing a bit "i didnt see it either, it went by too fast" she continues laughing.

We arrive at the warehouse to see Mia holding Abel.

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Where stories live. Discover now