Ch. 14

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I pull away and look at her

"Oh my god Nikki" I say hugging her again

"Bri oh my god look at you, you're beautiful now" she says "now what I wasn't beautiful then" I say scoffing at her "you know what I meant you dork" she says laughing

"Oh my god who's this little man" she says taking Abel from me "Abel" I say smiling "Abel? I always thought you wanted to name your first born boy Dean" she says, you see my first born son I would've named him Dean Jacob and girl would've been Jessica Angel

"Ya I did but he's not really mine he's my fiancée's from his last marriage" I say explaining to her "oh I see now" she says

"So where is this fiancèe of yours?" Nikki asks cocking her eyebrow up "um back home had some stuff to do but he'll be back in a week" I say as I take Abel back from her "oh" is all she says "yah anyways wanna go get something to eat" I ask "sure"

We pull into the small diner me and Brian sent to for breakfast.

"Hello I'm Jeanette I'll be your server for today, what can I get you to drink" she says smiling at us "hello um can I have a glass of Pepsi" Nikki says as Jeanette hands us our menus "I'll have a glass if lemonade and a apple juice" I say looking over the menu "OK I'll go get your drinks we'll you two go through the menu" she says before walking away

"So Bri how's Dom and Mia?" Nikki asks placing her menu on the black marble table top "they're good" I say smiling "what about Leon?" She asks as I place the menu down, they haven't talked for 3 years after a huge fight happened after race wars "he's good seen him a week ago but him and V are coming down tonight to visit" I say placing Abel beside me "hm" she says sitting back

"Nikki stop being stubborn and talk to him please its killing me" I say hitting ny hand on the table causing everyone to look at us, I didn't care though "I tried he won't even look at me, trust me Bri I tried" she says.

Jeanette cam back with our drinks "have you looked over the menu?" Jeanette asks "ya I'll have a Mozarella grilled cheese" Nikki says "ok and you miss?" She asks writing Nikki's order down "I'll have a greek pizza with a bowl of fruit and a bowl of cheerios for my son" I say handing her my menu "ok" she says writing down my order and walking away.

We sit in complete silence till Abel starts gurgling random words in Nikki's direction and smiling, I look out the window to see Vince and Leons car pull into the lot aling with Mia and Letty, I didn't see Dom he must of went to see Brian or see Alison and Thomas.

I look towards the door to see them walk in, I looked back at Nikki to see her eyes widen as she saw Leon.

They walk over to us and hug me and Abel, Vince, Letty and Mia hug Nikki while Leon just stands there "for god sakes Leon hug your damn sister before I punch you in the balls" I say through clenched teeth "oh be quiet Bri not every has a great brother-sister relationship like you Dom and Mia" he spits

I scoff getting up and picking Abel up and grab Mia's hand and Lettys "come on V" i say walking to the other side of the resturant


I sit here awkwardly after Bri and them left

"Leon please sit down" i plead looking at him, he sits down

"Leon how many times do i have to say sorry?" I ask looking at my lap "Nicole i went to jail cause if you, you could've sent Dom and Vince to jail also i was lucky i told them to leave before police showed up" he says

"Im sorry ok i didnt know they followed me" i cry pinching myself hard causing myself to leave fingernail marks "really cause your little boyfriend Liam made the arrest after he beat me" he says, Liam was my ex after i found out he arrested Leon i broke up with him and beat his sorry ass for taking my brother away from me he was all i had after our parents died when i was 13

"I broke up with him after i found out, Leon till we met Bri and em you were all i had and when you stopped writing me i broke i went drinking every night, partying and all that cause i lost my only blood relative" i cry

"Leon i wrote you so many times did you read any of the letters i sent you?" I ask wiping my tears "no" he says "well if you did, you'd know i was raped every night from a guy i dated and had twins" i cry "wait... what?!" Leon says clenching his fist "where the fuck is this bastard?" He asks "jail" i say "and my niece and nephew?" "A foster family i knew i couldn't give them a good life" i say "but since i got my job i've been trying to get them back but my lawyer said it could take some time" i say "what's their names?" Leon asks "Lily Brianna and Leon Dominic" i say smiling at the thought of them.

"Leon i trully am sorry" i say "i forgive you Nikki" Leon says i smile "now get over here" he says opening his arms i jump up and walk over to his side and he engulfs me in a hug


I watch Nikki and Leon hug "Finally" Mia says smiling "yup" i say

I walk over to the table to see them pulling away "finally you two the food got to the table five minutes ago and im starving" i say laughing sitting on the other side of them

"Leon" Abel says out reaching his arm towards Leon "hi buddy" Leon says picking up Abel and setting him on his lap

"Bri i have something to tell you" Nikki says as Mia and Letty sit beside me "ok shoot" i say "im a mom" she says, im shocked "re-really?" I ask "yah twins Lily and Leon" she says "where are they?" I ask "a foster home at the moment but im fighting to get them back" she says "well i hope you do, how old are they?" "2" she says "so they're a year older than Abel" i say looking at Abel pull Leons hair

We all leave the resturant and head to the hospital to see Alison and Thomas

We walk into their room to only see Alison their "where's Thomas?" I ask frantically "Bri relax theu probably took him for sone tests" Letty says as she places her hand on my shoulder "yah your right" i say handing Abel to Vince

"Hi babygirl" i say placing a hand on Alisons incubator "you're so beautiful Ali" i whisper

"Hi I'm Dr. Robins i'll be taking over for Dr. Torres whi had a family emergency she had to attend to back in Seattle" Dr. Robins says wheeling Thomas back in the room "hi im Brianna Toretto" i say extending my hand towards her

"hello and is one of these men here their father?" She asks looking at Vince and Leon "uhm no he had to head home business stuff" i say trying not to laugh

"oh ok well they're both making good progress and actually tomorrow they can get out of the incubators" she says smiling "oh my god really Dr. Torres said it would've been like 6 weeks" i say smiling "well with their progress if they can last an hour outside if the incubator than they be able to stay in the cribs, and if they cant then they will be put back in the incubators for those remaining 5 weeks" she says looking over some charts

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Where stories live. Discover now