Ch. 16|Short|

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I sit in the hospital room with Letty sleeping peacefully sleeping beside me on the cot they brought it for us since i told them what happened Gemma

"Hey Dom" I hear Jaxs voice i look up to see him at the incubators

"Hey Jax" i say "have you found your mother?" I ask "yah she was sleeping outside in her car" he says

"They're so small" Jax says placing his hand on top of Alisons chamber "ya but the doctor says they're making progress" I say standing up and walking over to Thomas' and lean on it, I look down at him and smile

"Have you talked to Bri?" I ask "no but i saw her when i went to Brians she was asleep though" Jax says gazing down at Alison lovingly like a father who will do anything for his daughter

"Jax" i say making him look up "can we talk out in the hall for a minute?" I ask then look down at Thomas "yah sure" he says standing up straight and following me out in the hall.

"Whats up?" Jax asks "its about the twins, where are they gonna grow up?" I ask leaning on the wall "Charming i hope" he says "well i dont want my niece and nephews near Gemma" i say "ya i get you there but i grew up there and my clubs there" he says

"Well what does Bri think of this?" I ask knowing after Brian tells her what Gemma done she wont want to live in Charming anymore and she told Mia and I about her expeirance with our parents and Jaxs father "i dont know" he says scratching the back of his neck

"Listen remember when Bri flatlined awhile ago?" I ask "yah what about it?" He asks standing up straight "well when she wanted to talk to Mia and I alone she told us she had a heaven expeirance" i start "she said she saw our parents and..." i pause "your father" i say he looks at me "my father" he says "yah and she said that JT told her to get you away from the club and to change your path" i say standing up straight


How come Bri never told me this

"Wow why wouldnt she tell me this?" I ask Dom "i dont know Jax but she was shaken a little cause she saw our mother" Dom says

"Hey there you are thought you left me" Letty says popping her head out the door "hey Jax" she says waving a bit "hey Letty" i say waving back

"Well uhm Alisons eyes opened not to long ago" Letty says pointing into the room "really?" I ask feeling better "yah i was gonna go get the doc" she says stepping out of the room.

I walk into the room to see both Alison and Thomas with their eyes wide open, Alison has my blue eyes and Thomas has Bri's brown eyes

"Hello are you Mr. Teller?" I hear a voice from behind "ya and your the doc?" I ask seeing a average height blonde in front of me "yes im Dr. Robins" she says extending her hand for me to shake, i shake her hand

"Well they are making a fast progress Mr. Teller i was just telling your fianceè that maybe in  a couple more week they can get out of the chambers" she says looking over their charts and checking the machines "really thats amazing" i say smiling down at Thomas "yah well ill leave you alone just ask one of the nurses to page me if you have any questions" she says before walking put of the rooms

·~·2 1/2 months later·~·


Today the twins are getting out of the incubators, Jax and I are so happy we told Dr. Karev who took over for Dr. Robins who left for awhile to keep the twins in them till their lung and organs fully develop, he happily agreed.

Today the twins are 8 months they've been in the chambers for 3 months now now they're getting a bit to big to fit in them

We walk in to the room to see they are in their baskets

"Oh my god hi handsome" i say walking over to Thomas' crib and caressing his little hand

"Hi Ms. Toretto" Dr. Karev walks in the room "hi Dr. Karev" i say smiling "well i weighed them earlier dismorning and they are at a healthy weight" he says "how much do they weigh?" Jax asks

"Well Alison is 6 pounds 5.5 ounces and Thomas here is 6 pounds 11.5 ounces" he says placing his hand on Thomas' forehead

"When can they be discharged?" I ask looking over to Jax who was holding Alison "well im gonna say about another week or so" he says "really?" I ask smiling, he nods laughing

A/n if you reconize they names yah their from Grey's Anatomy :b and i skipped a bit to where i want more drama to come along and that is where theyre going to raise the kids.  Abel is with Mia in the last couple chapters.

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Where stories live. Discover now