Ch. 22(part 2)

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After Letty said that I grab mine, Abels and the twins' stuff and leave a note for Dom and 'em since they left to finish off the job


I know this is short notice but Jax is here in Brazil and i need to take the kids and leave i Love you all so much and i'll miss you

Ride or die

Xx -Brianna Janelle

I grab the the bags and throw 'em in my back of the car the place Abel in his car seat in middle and then buckle in the twins' carriers beside him

"Goodbye" i say getting in the drivers seat and turn the engine on, I pull out and start driving... somewhere

*Doms P.O.V*

I pull into the garage to see Bri's car gone

"BRI!?!"  I yell then i see a note, I pick it up and read it


I know this is short notice but Jax is here in Brazil and i need to take the kids and leave i Love you all so much and i'll miss you

Ride or die

Xx -Brianna Janelle

"We have to find her" I say getting back in my car

"DOM! LET HER GO" Letty says standing in front of my car "WHY?" I shout getting out of the car and walking up to her "I TOLD HER TO GO, TO GET OUT OF THIS LIFE, OF JAX'S LIFE THOSE KIDS NEED A HEALTHY LIFE, ONE THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE THE CRAP WE DO!" Letty shouts pointing to the volt our cars she's right I think "you're right" I say above a whisper leaning on the hood of the car "of course im right" she says walking up to me

"Dom" Brian says walking up to me with something in his hand "what is it o'Connor?" I ask looking up "Bri left this" he says showing me Bri's notebook "and?" I ask, he throws it to me "look in the very back" I flip to the back and see she left another note for me, I start reading


Heading to airport heading to Dublin, Ireland, if you're reading this you found the book and are reading this.

I got new I.Ds for me and the kids i'll call you when I land, Save the number.

I needed a better life for me and the kids. Jax wouldnt leave the club if his life depended on it so i needed to get to get the kids away for Charming and Tran n 'em back home.

It was either this or try to reason with Jax to leave the club but i know that'll never happen he loves/needs it too... much

I love you all

-Brianna Janelle Toretto xx

P.s Jax is in Brazil right now

I read it and throw it to the side, i look up and start walking to the back area

"TORETTO!" I turn around to see Hobs

"You're tough man to find" he says "maybe i dont want to be found" I say walking up to him qnd getting in his face

"Come with me" he says grabbing his handcuffs "cant have to look for my sister" I say "she's over there" he said pointing to Mia "Not her" I say walking over to my car and jumping in "it ain't over Toretto" he yells as i pull out

"I need to find her" "no you dont Dom" I jump and look back to see Brian getting in the passenger seat


I pull into the airport and grab the buggy from the trunk

"Abel come here" i say as i unbuckle him

"BRIANNA" i hear a famliar voice... Jax

"Crap" I mutter freezing in my spot

"BRI" i hear him yell again i put Abel back in his seat and quickly buckle him up. I jump in the front seat and start the engine... but it was too late Jax was already near us

"Not this time Bri" he says grabbing the wheel and then reaching over and grabbing the keys

"Get out" he says in a low voice I get out slowly praying for Dom or Brian find me, I step out of the car and stand in front of the door so he couldnt see the kids

"Bri move" he says grasping my arm tightly and yanking me forward

"J-Jax" i stutter in a quiet voice crying a little

"NO BRI"  he starts shouting "YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH, YOU TOOK MY SON, MY KIDS AWAY FROM ME, YOU TOOK MY FAMILY" he yells pushing back each time.

I fall to the ground and twisting my ankle.

He looks at me sympathically and tries to help me up

"No stay away" i say before snatching the keys and running to the car and starting up and driving back to the hide out.

I grab my burner phone and call Letty


"Letty its me" I say crying

"Whats wrong?"

"He found me" i say pulling over

"Mama you otay?" Abel asks from the back "yah i am monkey" i say covering the phone

"Im coming back ill be there in 20 minutes ok" I say before hanging up and rushing down the road.

I pull into the hideout to see Letty their with everyone else.

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Where stories live. Discover now