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He was about to say something again when his phone rang. It honestly slipped Killua's mind why someone could possibly be calling him so he answered and waited the customary 5 minutes. "Killua Zoldyck I swear to fucking god if you didn't fucking man up and have a damn conversation I'm gonna beat your ass" He gulped, then Gon giggled. "Hey Kurapika!" There was silence for a moment. "Gon? Why do you have Killua's phone?" Killua blushed and Gon poked him until he said something. "Stop it touching my face!" He snapped. Kurapika chuckled. "So, have you two kissed yet?" Both Gon and Killua flushed. "Kurapika what the fuck!" He yelled. "Twice" Gon admitted. Killua blushed even more. "T-The first one doesn't count if I don't remember!" He stammered. "Excuse me?" He blushed and looked away, Gon sighed. "So Killua woke up in the middle of the operation and wouldn't stop panicking so I had to find a way to get him to let his guard down and I wasn't thinking and he didn't remember but Toga saw it and wouldn't stop teasing me about it and that's why I blushed when she smirked at me" He covered his face with his hands.

"I knew something was up, your both so obvious" He shot a glare at the phone, but Gon blinked in confusion. "Huh?" Kurapika laughed for a few seconds. "Every time you smile in Killua's direction he blushes." He growled and glared at the phone some more. "N-No I don't!" Gon giggled and he looked up, only to blush and look away at the bright smile on his face. I don- FUCK. Damn it Kurapika's right . Gon gasped. "Ah! Your right! Kurapika your so smart" Killua hissed and shoved Gon. "Haha, don't think you're not obvious as well Gon. I've seen your phone before" He squeaked, and Killua got curious. "What's that supposed to mean?" Gon blushed and covered his face when Kurapika snickered. "He has an entire photo album of you doing things. Eating, talking, reading, just standing, hell there's a few of you sleeping as well" Killua blushed furiously and stammered. "W-What the fuck Gon!" He sulked for a bit. "But you were so cute I just had to take a pictureee" He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed. "Last time I checked he had almost 90 photos on there"

"That sounds a little stalkerish" Kendo said. Gon scoffed. "Tell that to the one who actually stalks me sometimes" He shot Gon a glare. "Hey! I saved your ass from being kidnapped multiple times that way. I do it because I'm worried, not because of any shady reason! It's not like I watch your every move like some sort of creepy yandere stalker!" He shot back. Gon blinked. "What does that word mean again? Something about killing people who flirts or attacks me? That sounds like you" He blushed. "Now that I think about it, yandere does perfectly describe you" Midoria mused. He blushed even more and yelled. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kurapika snickered. "he's not wrong" Killua covered his face with his hands. "Why's everybody like to embarrass me damn it" he muttered. Gon smirked. "I know what'll embarrass you more" He glanced up in confusion, only for Gon to lean forward a kiss his lower jawline, next to his ear. Killua flushed. "Kyyaaa!" He blushed even harder and smacked a hand over his mouth. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT WEIRD ASS NOISE? He shoved Gon off the branch as he was laughing. "I FUCKING HATE YOU! STOP IT!" He hollered.

"Oh really? Then why's your face so red?" Gon said with a grin. He dry sobbed into his hands of embarrassment, his face was burning and the three people laughing made it worse. Kurapika was also laughing his ass off through the phone, and he flipped out his knife and threw it as hard as he could at Gon's head. The other two fell silent as Gon caught it with a snicker. "Throwing knives now are we?" Gon threw it back and he caught it between two fingers. "Fuck off damn it" He snapped. "Wow. About ten minutes ago you were crying because you thought I didn't love you." He scoffed. "Oh I'm well over that by now. If you were fucking into girls then you wouldn't do all the weird shit you do to me. Like the fucking hand holding and chasing me shit, which is annoying as hell by the way. Stop it." Gon rubbed the back of his head.

"I swear I didn't know the hand holding was a couples thing! We talked about this!", "That doesn't mean it wasn't awkward as hell!", "I said I was sorry! I'm dumb ok?", "Finally you admit it!", "you've got your fair share of issues too!", "Well at least I don't blow a fuse every time I do math!", "says the one with anger issues!", "I do not!", "Oh yes you do", "Fine! At least I'm mentally stable!", "Are you sure about that?", "your more mentally unstable then I am!", "You kill animals when your mad", "would you rather me take my anger out on people?", "Depends on what kind of people!", "Your supposed to be good!", "I am! But if it's between mass murderers and cute furry creatures kill the damn people!", "And people wonder why your morals are gray", "Yours are too!", "I'm a fucking assassin!", "and I'm your best friend! If I had straight morals then I wouldn't have stuck around", "How does that justify you killing people?", "I didn't say I'd kill them, just that I wouldn't be mad if you did", "Good! You're not allowed to kill people, that's my job", "If someone tries to kiss you no promises", "W-What the fuck? That's some yandere type shit right there"

"This is amusing to listen to" Kurapika said. He growled, and Kurapika snickered. "Didn't know you were a Yandere Gon, I expected that from Killua but not you" Gon blushed a little. "H-Hey! Killua always kills people who hurt or flirt with me, why shouldn't I do the same? Why's it different if I suggest it?" Killua snorted. "You don't like killing people, sure you don't mind or get mad when I do but I've never seen you raise a knife to someone" Gon rubbed the back of his head with a nervous laugh and his mouth gaped. "Hold on, you have?" Gon shuffled his feet a little. "L-Listen! He attacked you in the middle of the operation! Also I may have uh... shattered the other one's leg and bashed the third in the face so hard he got a fracture" Killua found himself blushing a little. Damn. "Who the fuck attacks an emergency room?" Kurapika said angerly. Gon growled. "Exactly! I have no regrets. He tried to kill my Killua!" Killua blushed. "W-What the fuck did you just say?"

Gon blinked. "I have no regrets?" Kurapika snickered. "I think he means that you literally just said Killua was yours" Gon nodded. "yes, yes I did. My Killua, I still wanna stab Native for making you cry." I didn't think he could be so aggressive and possessive...damn. Well... it's not like I mind, but... "I'm not a fucking dog, I don't belong to anybody" He huffed. Gon leapt up next to him and grabbed him by the collar, then looked into his eyes with a smirk. "Say that to my face" he blushed hard and tried to speak, but no words came out. D-Damn it! Why does he disarm me so easily? "W-Well uhh, we have a school trip. So um...bye" Midoria muttered, then grabbed Kendo and dragged her away. Gon licked his lips and Killua blushed even more. "I-I'm not sure if I like that look" He said nervously. Gon giggled, "Now that they're gone, I wanna kiss you again!" he looked away for a moment, rubbing the red off his face. "I- uh...mh...eh..." He was fine with that, but the words wouldn't come out.

Gon slid down onto his lap and when he didn't protest he slid his arms around to his back and one ran through his hair. Killua looked back over, blushing but waiting for Gon to make the first move. When Gon just kept staring into his eyes an inch away from his face he closed them and rested his own arms around Gon's waist. Then Gon leaned forward and pressed their lips together. "Mh~" The kiss was slow and sweet, unlike the first one. He thought he heard a noise but ignored it, tilting his head to the side a little to deepen the kiss. "Mnh~ Mh~" after a few more seconds Gon pulled back, and his breath was slightly uneven. He turned and snuggled into his chest, Killua couldn't help but smile a little as he blushed. "Your soft" Gon murmured into his chest. Killua chuckled slightly, "It's my shirt, not my body." Gon giggled quietly. "right, you've got an 8 pack" He blushed a little. Then he heard a noise that made him blush even harder. It was the noise of someone hanging up on the other end of a phone.

Gon yelped. "W-Wait-" Killua smacked Gon. "You forgot to turn off the phone dumbass!" Gon sat up and covered his face with his hands. "Ahhh, Kurapika heard the entire thinggg" He snorted. "Since when did you have shame?" He huffed. "I don't, I just feel bad for Kurapika" He snatched the phone and typed, saying what he was typing as well. "Sorry, I forgot to hang up. I feel bad for your ears" He clicked send and Killua grabbed the phone and typed his own text. 'You could have fucking hung up when Gon asked to kiss me! Fuck you!' It was a while before they got a response. Oh I know that, I just wanted to teach you a valuable lesson. Never forget to hang up on a call. "Oh fuck you Kurapika!" he shouted, despite knowing that he couldn't hear it.

Back in the apartment Leorio and Kurapika were sharing, Kurapika suddenly sneezed. Leorio glanced sideways at him. "Got a cold?" He shook his head. "Nah" Then he chuckled. "Someone's talking shit about me, and I have a feeling I know who"

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To be continued...

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