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The next couple days were spent healing, both for him and for Shiggy. His own wounds were already healed, so he slipped on his favorite outfit. It had been fixed and there was a small addition, a hidden knife sheath in the pocket of his shorts. He spent most of his time on the internet and eating candy, but he wanted something more. Killua left a note on his desk saying that he was going out, if he needed anything he could just call Kurogiri. He slipped a single yoyo into his pocket and left the bar. He was just kind of walking the streets, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hm?" Killua glanced backwards, only for his eyes to widen in shock when he saw the orange haired police officer. "hey kid" he tensed slightly, but followed as she led him to a less crowded area and he crossed his arms, leaning on the wall. "what do you want" she gave him a smile, a smile like he didn't stab her in the stomach about a week ago. "I see you've been all healed up" his eyes narrowed slightly. Is that idle conversation? "is there a point to this?" she shook her head. "not really, just saw you walking and thought I'd talk a bit" he frowned slightly. "your awfully nice and unworried even though you saw what happened back there" she shrugged, "you were backed into a corner, not only that but you were heavily injured" he huffed. "well I'll have you know I got hired"

Her eyes widened slightly, "really?" he smirked, "yep, someone was watching that whole scene and gave me a job" he put his hands behind his head, the woman bit her lip. "well that's... good I guess" he snorted. "don't pretend you support my actions" he rolled his eyes, "you're a police officer, probably waiting to ambush me or something" then he shrugged. "I mean, you can try, but your sending anyone to their deaths by doing so" she sighed. "No, I didn't-" there was a gasp. "Hey you!" his eyes snapped to the road and he saw the curly green haired boy walking in his direction. "fuck" the officer shot him a look and was about to say something when the broccoli haired kid spoke first. "I remember you from the-" Killua grabbed the officer and slipped his knife out, she gasped as he put it to her neck. The kid froze, shock on his face. "if you call for anyone I'll kill her" he said, eyes narrowing slightly. He raised his hands. "woah! I wasn't going to. I just wanted to ask you a question" he blinked for a few seconds. "there's no way in hell I believe that" he glanced around, then retreated into an alleyway so he didn't draw attention to himself. The orange haired officer was silent, and obedient. Well, she does know what I'm capable of. The broccoli boy followed, but with a few meters between them.

He let go of her and she took a few steps away, but otherwise didn't move. "you stay there" she nodded, then sat down. But she didn't seem all that worried, maybe a little scared but not terrified. "why didn't you kill me?" he froze, stiffening a little. How do I answer that question? What the hell am I supposed to say here? "there was nobody there, you had the knife to my neck so... so why didn't you?" he gritted his teeth and shot him a glare. "None of your business" he spat. The officer shot him a curious look and he ignored her. "I just want to know why..." when he looked the kid in the face, he wasn't angry. He wasn't scared, or worried, or disgusted. He was just, curious. Killua felt his resolve dissipate. Damn it, his personality is similar as well. "my job wasn't to kill the students, I was told that it was optional" Killua looked away to hide his expression. "that doesn't-" he clenched his fists and slammed one into the wall, trying to calm himself down. Cracks shivered up the wall and blood dripped between his fingers. Killua saw them both flinch. "I couldn't" he met the kid's eyes and said one last thing. "my boss wants you dead now, so watch your step" and then he scaled the wall. Killua slipped out of sight from them and sat down with his head in his hands.


Shiggy was in his bed, unable to move. "I want you to kill that green haired brat!" he snarled. Killua stiffened slightly. Does he mean... he clenched his fist a little, trying hard not to snap. "I refuse" he shot a glare at Killua. "Why not!" what he had gown to notice, was that his boss was a man child. He threw a fit whenever something went wrong, and acted like he'd never been told no before. "I'll do anyone else, I'll kill pros for you even" he said, looking Shiggy dead in the eye. "but I will not kill him. I don't give a damn if you hire someone else to do it, but I won't" Kurogiri gave him an odd look. "is there a reason?" he nodded. "there is, but I don't trust you enough yet to disclose that information to you" he looked back over at the man child. "cut my pay in half for this week if you want it as a compensation, just give me another target" he growled. "fine, but only because your my favorite" which was odd, he had only been hired for a few days. But I was the only one of his minions who didn't get captured, and I've proven myself. "bring me the body of a pro hero" he nodded. "yes sir" he didn't say who though, which means I have options.

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