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Killua and Gon kissed for a few seconds, before Gon pulled back. Killua flushed and took a step away, looking sideways and down. But...he does like her right? But he kissed me...Damn it! "I don't like Toga, and I know that's who you were talking about by the way because she's the only girl in the league" He gritted his teeth and looked away. "B-But then why...." Gon took a step forward and put a hand on his shoulder. "Why would you even think that?" He bit his lip, then looked down at Gon's feet. "W-Well...you blushed at her in the hallway" He mumbled. Gon made a weird noise, so he looked up to see that he was blushing again. "T-That wasn't because I liked her! S-She was...teasing me about something embarrassing that she saw" He muttered. Killua blinked. "Like what?" he was curious now. Gon blushed even harder. "I-It was nothing!" Suddenly Toga giggled, then shouted. "Mori kissed you in the emergency room!"

Both Killua and Gon blushed furiously, Gon squeaked and covered his face with his hands. "T-TOGA WHY!" Killua blushed even harder when he realized she was telling the truth. W-What the fuck? "W-Why!" He dry sobbed for a moment into his hands, then looked up with a really red face. "You woke up and wouldn't stand still for more than 5 seconds and I couldn't get you to let your guard down and I didn't think-" He flushed again. "A-And you didn't tell me?" Gon shot him a glare. "It would've been awkward as hell! I was gonna die of embarrassment before I heard you wouldn't remember it-" Then it clicked. 'it's better off that way' "So that's why you didn't tell me anymore! Y-you little shit!" He could pretend to be mad all he wanted, he was just flustered. "H-Hey! If the same thing happened to you, I know for fucking sure that you wouldn't have told me"

Then he giggled, "We're dating now! Come here!" He blushed and took a step back. "No" He said firmly. Gon grinned and tried to jump at him, Killua dodged and bolted out the door. "COME BACK HERE!" He just started running, then he had to dodge to the left as Gon tried to tackle him. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled over his shoulder. This is too much! How did it go from me wanting him so badly to me running away from him again? He crashed into someone with a yelp, Gon landed on top of him as well and he struggled to get away. "THIS IS HARASSMENT!" he yelled, as Gon dragged him away from whoever he had bumped into a few meters and held him down. Gon started kissing his face literally everywhere except on his lips, meanwhile he had his arms looped around his own to hold them in place. Killua blushed furiously. "S-Stop it! Get off me!", "Ow- Oh shit" He finally realized who it was that they'd ran into, it was the fucking orange haired police officer.

Gon giggled, showering him with kisses. He had to admit it felt kind of good, but this was too much. "B-baka! Stop it!" He struggled, and the orange haired police officer cleared her throat. "Ahem" Gon paused, then looked up at her with his arms still wrapped around him. "Oh hey!" The orange haired police officer awkwardly pointed at them. "Uhh, I believe that's harassment. Could you like..." Killua let out a sigh of relief as Gon pouted but stepped off him. Killua stood up, combing his hair with his hands. "exactly. It's fucking harassment. Stop it " Gon huffed. "You were all depressed because you thought I didn't love you! I was showing you how much I love you!" He blushed and looked away. "B-Baka!" Orangie laughed, he'd started calling her that in his head. "Glad to see you two got your stuff sorted out." Then she gave them a stern look. "But making out in a public space is-" Killua blushed furiously and covered his face with his hands. "THA'TS NOT WHAT THAT WAS!" Gon blinked. "Make out? What's that?"

He blushed even harder and bonked him on the head. "Your innocent, for the love of god please stay that way" Gon frowned slightly as he rubbed his head. "Ok fine, but how does dating work? The stuff back at whale island doesn't count because that wasn't really dating it was more like showing people around" Killua shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. "U-Um...I don't know? Why the hell'd you ask me? You're the one who has fucking experience" Gon pouted and grabbed his hand. "I said it didn't count! And I don't like girls, I like you" He blushed even more, then snatched his hand back. "What did I say about the hand holding thing! It's weird!" Gon blinked. "But why?" He shuffled his feet a little. "Well you probably didn't know this but it's a thing that couples do sometimes and YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING DOING IT FOR YEARS! IT'S AWKWARD AS HELL!"

Gon blushed a little with a squeak. "W-Wait it is?" He huffed and looked away. "yes. I don't understand why I know more about relationships than you. I wasn't taught anything about how they work but somehow, even though you've been on multiple dates with older women I know more than you do" Gon rubbed the back of his head. "Well...uh...Yeah I can't answer that question" Then he grinned. "I'm still gonna get you~" He flushed and started running again. "I SAID GET AWAY FROM ME!" The laughing of Orangie faded into the distance as Gon chased him for a while, eventually they found themselves back in the forest. Killua leapt onto a branch and blushed as Gon tried to leapt up after him. "W-Wait!" Gon paused, then blinked. "yeah?" Damn it. "I g-guess...you can um...." He blushed and looked away. "Hold my hand if you want" he mumbled. Gon giggled and grabbed his hand, it felt different from usual somehow. "Then why'd you run away?"

"Uhh...mh" His fingers twined with Gon's and he swung his legs a little. "It's embarrassing when you do that in front of other people" He muttered. Gon leaned on his shoulder and he let out a sigh. I feel so much...lighter now. It was late afternoon, about 2:30. he and Gon just sat there in silence holding hands for a few minutes. "This is nice" Gon murmured. He smiled a little. "Mhm" The peace was broken however, by a presence. He couldn't see who it was, but he knew they were there. Killua could also tell it was two people. He shot a glare in that direction. "I know your there. If you fucking put a hand on Gon I'm ripping your hearts out"

Midoria gulped and stepped out of the trees, followed by Kendo. Killua blushed and Gon used his free hand to bonk him on the head. "Killua! Those are friends!" He looked away with a slight blush. "I'm tired of people messing with you" He muttered. "Sooo....you sorted things out?" Kendo asked with a hopeful expression. Gon grinned and slipped his hand away, then slung his arm around Killua and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Killua yelped, then blushed. "I can't believe you misread such a small detail! Your way too sensitive! When have I ever showed interest in girls?" That does kind of make me feel better but... Killua snorted. "I clearly remember you asking me if I'd ever been on a date before at that gym. And when I asked you about it, you said you'd been on plenty of dates with older women" Gon sputtered for a moment and poked him sharply in the face. "I said it doesn't count! I was a dumb kid and I didn't know what it even meant! I was just showing them around the island!"

Killua chuckled. "Sure" Then his eyes darkened a little. "Then what about palm?" Gon blinked. "Um... well she was kind of creepy, I didn't want to make her mad. If you remember correctly she chased us with a knife after..." Killua winced slightly as he remembered. "Oh yeah, a giant mutant rabbit tried to kill you during your date. I drew it away and..." A hand went to his forehead briefly. Gon took notice and slid his arm down to be around his waist. "hey! Don't think about him! I'd gladly break Illumi's wrist again if he tries dragging you back a second time!" Killua smiled. "Yeah....thanks..." 

1420 words

To be continued...

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