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Midoria jumped first, the candy cane tried to get him as well. Killua kept firing, Damn it he was running out of bullets. He managed to catch stain twice, once in the shoulder and once in the wrist. Stain was actually pretty fast, he had emptied roughly 20 rounds and only two of them hit despite his perfect accuracy. He's tough, but not impossible. Midoria glanced up at him multiple times, and he ended up using his last shot to keep him from being stabbed. Don't pay attention to me damn it. He slipped his gun back on his belt and slipped out a yoyo, just one as to not give away all his secrets. Stain was moving around differently, like he was in some sort of hurry. He sized up the situation for a few moments before swinging his yoyo and catching his arm with it. He snarled, clawing at the strings and he even tried stabbing them once, they didn't come off. This gave the kids the opening they needed to land a series of blows that rendered him unconscious. After the final blow, there was silence. He unwrapped his yoyo from up there and looked down at all four people staring at him.

He decided to pretend to be a hero, but a more laid back one. He raised a hand to give them a thumbs up, still using his feminine voice. "nice work kids, but I'm needed somewhere else for the time being" and then he ducked out of sight. No way in hell I'm leaving yet, the bodies can wait. He didn't trust Stain alone with Midoria. Well, he wasn't exactly alone. He kept listening as they had Native carry Midoria. Damn kid overused his power again. "I've never seen a pro who looked like that" Iida said, and Native frowned slightly. "I'm not sure she is a pro hero" the other's eyes widened, all except for Midoria's. "but then who was she?" Todoroki thought for a moment. "he called her 'Aoi', I've never heard of anyone with that name before" he saw that Midoria was smiling a little. He's the only one who knows- "Midoria, are you alright?" he blinked over at Todoroki. "nothing?" Damn it this might be bad. Killua had to move a little to keep listening. "you made an odd expression, and you don't seem worried or confused about that that person" Iida jumped in, "do you know who she is? Of course you would, you know pretty much every pro hero by heart"

He peeked out for a second, just enough to meet his eyes. Then he nodded, Midoria's mouth opened slightly and he ducked out of sight before anyone else could see him. This will help me I think, if Midoria tells them about Gon. "well first off, he's a boy. I think his gas mask has some sort of voice changer in it" Iida looked thoughtful for a moment, and Midoria sighed. "but... he's not a hero" all of them looked surprised, and rightfully so. "then who is he?" Native asked. He sighed. "he's actually a villain" Todoroki's eyes narrowed. "how do you know him then?" Midoria was silent for a few seconds before he thought about what to say. "I've seen him a few times-" they stopped, and Native set Midoria in a sitting position. "oh thanks" he rubbed the back of his head for a moment, "actually, the first time I saw him was at the U.S.J" that alarmed the others, most likely because that meant he was part of the league of villains. "what happened?" Native asked. He bit his lip. "well, actually he jumped me with a knife" Todoroki looked confused, "I didn't see a knife on him" Midoria sighed again, "he has this utility belt. Anyways, he had a knife to my neck-" , "Are you alright!?" Iida half shouted. Shut up and let him speak damn engine legs!

"but he didn't kill me" Midoria continued. "there was nobody there, he had the knife in the right spot" he smiled slightly. "but he didn't do it. It was like, he couldn't " the others fell silent, listening intently. "and then he killed one of the other minions who came at me and ran away" he saw the obvious confusion on the other's faces. "but why?" Native asked. Midoria continued with his story though, ignoring the questions "and then after the sports festival, he went to my house" all three stiffened a little. "this villain knows where you live?" he shrugged, "it's not exactly a secret Iida-kun" but it is kind of stalker ish, I can see why their kind of on edge. And then Midoria gave them a smile, which confused them even more. "he left a really expensive healing ointment on my porch, along with a note and this tag" he pulled out Killua's number tag. He kept it on him? But why? Perhaps it was a quick way to show Gon that he knew him? "this makes no sense" Todoroki muttered. "it didn't to me either, until I read the note" Midoria glanced back up at the alley roof. He gave him another thumbs up and he turned to his companions. Tell them.

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