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"What the fuck!" he and Gon looked over and Twice and Kurogiri were there. How they opened the door, walked in, and closed it without Killua noticing he would never know. Unless it was a portal, that makes more sense. Killua crossed his arms with a huff, "Gon made me fucking go on a walk with him, in public, without a disguise" he said, shooting him a glare. "and we got chased by like 12 police officers-" Gon tried to continue. Killua cut him off, the way he explained it last time was shit. "we got cornered at the top of a fucking 10 story building" he went on, then put his hands behind his head. "Sooo, we jumped" all three looked horrified. "you what?" Twice said. Kurogiri's eyes narrowed. "you could have asked me for-" Killua shrugged, lowering his hands. "there's three reasons why I wouldn't have done that" he held up a finger. "one, they could link us both to the U.S.J incident if someone saw the portal" another finger went up. "2, there's no telling where you would have dropped us" Killua wanted to properly introduce Gon rather than dropping in randomly and being bombarded with questions. "and 3" he sighed, "you know what Gon just say it" there's no use trying to explain it in a rational manor or sugarcoat it so it sounds more normal.

Gon giggled and bounced a little, "jumping off high places is fun!" dead silence for a few moments. Killua put a hand on Gon's shoulder. "this idiot likes the thrill of falling off high places. Buildings, cliffs, trees, you name it" he slipped his hands into his pockets. "is that even safe?" Killua snorted at Twice's question. "hell no it's not safe, the only reason he probably hasn't died yet is because I only let him do it when I'm with him" he shot a look at Gon. "you are doing what I told you to right? Asking first?" he nodded. "yeah, but you always say no!" he complained. He rolled his eyes, "because sometimes I don't feel like jumping off a 5 story building alright?" Killua flicked him between the eyes and he took a step back, clutching his forehead. "Aowwwoa!" then he paused. "how the fuck do I explain this to Shiggy?" Kurogiri chuckled, "the same way you explained it to us" he winced slightly. "that makes me sound irresponsible" and I don't want him to think that Gon interferes with my work. "since when did you care about what other people thought of you?" He shot Gon a glare, "if you remember correctly, before I met you I did all the damn time. Now I'm working again, and I have to please my fucking boss so I don't get fired!"

Gon squinted a little, "I thought he couldn't fire you because you're his 'greatest asset' or something" he scoffed. "that doesn't mean I can't get fired. No matter how good you are or what job you have, if you screw up or slack off enough times you'll get fired. Don't listen to whoever told you that" Gon blinked. "you're the one who said that" he paused. Did I? "I did?" he lifted one of his hands out of his pockets to point at Gon. "well it's absolute bullshit, that's not how it works" then he crossed his arms with a scowl. "now what did I say about coming into my room without permission?" Kurogiri chuckled, "I'm above you" Mr. Compress put a hand on his hip. "I was making sure you guys were in here and hidden" Twice said nothing. He shot a glare at Kurogiri. "that doesn't mean you can just, barge in. this room belongs to me and I am not beneath you. We're both on the same level" Gon's eyebrows raised, "did you just admit you were almost weaker than him?" he scoffed. "hell no. I'm just saying I'm second in command pretty much, not that I use that status for anything other than getting everybody to shut up"

About five minutes later, he was in Shiggy's room with his villain costume on. Killua had ordered Kurogiri, Twice, and Mr. Compress to keep Gon confined into that room and let him do it alone. "Aoi, care to explain why there was an entire police squad outside of our base?" he rasped angerly. There's a few ways I can go with this. Lie, half lie, or truth. Killua decided on the half lie. "Me and Mori were spotted, we ended up having to jump off of a 10 story building to escape." he said, in a monotone voice. "the building was not that far from here, they must have been doing a sweep search" he looked at Killua for a few seconds with a contemplating gaze. "what were you two doing?" I can't just say I was on a walk. "Mori wanted to tag along for a personal mission and he was inexperienced, so he got seen" Shiggy sighed. "acceptable I guess, but next time do it further away from our hideout" he dipped his head slightly and briefly closed his eyes. "yes sir"

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