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Kendo's eyes widened in horror. "he's an assassin?" Gon nodded, "yeah, it wasn't his choice though. His parents wanted him to be the heir of the family business and trained him since he was three, didn't start actually killing until he was six though" Kendo frowned slightly. "hold on, how can you just be okay with that?" Midoria blinked a few times. "oh yeah, you don't even seem bothered by the fact he kills people" Gon shrugged, "it wasn't his choice, and Killua's not a murderer, he's an assassin." and then his eyes started to gleam. "there was this one time he was in a death match with this super scary guy who could smash rocks with his fingertips" Gon said, beaming. "and in a matter of seconds he just like, ripped his heart out of his chest! He got no blood on his hands either, isn't that cool?" there was dead silence for a few seconds. "Oh! You never told me how you met him!" Gon said, pointing to Midoria. He sighed. "well um... the first time I met him he had a knife to my throat" Kendo gasped, but Gon smiled. "but he couldn't do it could he? Or else you'd be dead." he tilted his head slightly. "how did you know that?" Gon giggled, "there's no way you could have gotten out of that unless he spared you" Kendo shifted a little on her branch. "but why couldn't he?" Gon pointed to his hair. "well his hair looks like mine, once he tied you and me together by noticing that he wouldn't be able to" Midoria laughed nervously, "I didn't find that out until after the sports festival when he left me some healing ointment and a note" Gon's eyes brightened. "note?"

He nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of his backpack, it had a picture of Gon and Midoria side by side. 'this is Gon. I know it's an odd ask but if you see him, please let me know somehow. He's so much like you, from his hair to his personality and strength. I know you don't know my name, but tell him one thing for me. Number 99' Gon's eyes widened. "he actually asked for help?" Gon felt kind of bad he didn't come for him sooner. "he must have been so desperate to actually reach out to a stranger, although if you kind of look and act like me then I guess it might have made it easier" Kendo frowned slightly. "does he not ask other people for help?" Gon shook his head. "No, he doesn't accept help from anyone usually, except maybe me." he bit his lip. "I forgot that Killua has separation anxiety, I wish I came to find him sooner " Midoria suddenly looked very sad. "also... during the hosu incident" Kendo gasped a little, but Gon had no idea what he was talking about. "so. Me, Iida and Todoroki were attacked by the hero killer Stain" Gon blinked. "never heard of that guy" Midoria frowned slightly, but Kendo put a hand on his shoulder. "he's wanted for the murders of dozens of pros, as well as wounding many beyond repair" he shrugged. "Oh, ok." then Midoria continued. "he was watching from the rooftops and suddenly started shooting at him"

He frowned slightly. "did he kill him?" Midoria shook his head, which surprised him. "he shot at least 20 times and only hit twice" Gon's eyes went wide. "but he never misses! Like ever!" Gon finally got how dangerous this guy was, if Killua missed so many times how could the others ever hope to catch him? "but then he threw something, I'm not sure what it was but it wrapped around his arm and held him still long enough for us to knock him out" Gon nodded. "his yoyos" Kendo's eyes narrowed slightly. "I thought Endeavor was the one who knocked him out" she said. Midoria rubbed the back of his head. "well, it was against the law to use our quirks to harm a villain without a license. The chief of the police said we had to tell the media it was him" Gon scoffed. "that's bull crap!" they both shot him shocked looks and Gon crossed his arms. "it's not like you killed him, why can't people use all their skills in a life or death situation?" he huffed. "and if stabbing is off limits as well, what are people supposed to do? Not everyone has enough physical strength to defend against that type of thing" that rule was so unfair! If that rule existed where he came from, he might have died a few times.

"but what if you don't know how to use it correctly and accidently hurt someone beyond repair?" he blinked. "I know how to hold back enough, and I never aim for vital points. My friend taught me where they were for 'self defense' but I don't like killing people for no reason. Most times there's never a good enough reason for it." Midoria looked thoughtful for a moment. "I've noticed that you never refer to him by name" Gon sighed. "he never gives out his name unless he trusts somebody" Kendo frowned slightly. "but he did tell me his name" Midoria nodded. "I heard stain say it as well" Gon shook his head. "not his real one I bet, remember that he's part of the most well known assassin family where we're from, he also gave me a code name as well" Kendo looked confused. "so Mori isn't your real name?" he shook his head. "but your name is Gon right?" he blinked in surprise at Midoria. "oh right, he used my real name in the note" Kendo frowned slightly. "why's his code name Aoi?" he giggled, "I'm guessing his name is Aoimoku, I always tell him how beautiful his eyes are" Midoria shifted a little to be more comfortable. "then what is his real name?" Gon thought for a moment, then came to a decision. "well, his name's Killua, and he's my best friend in the entire world!" he said, beaming. "are you sure you want a friend like that? He sounds really dangerous" Kendo said.

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