Chapter 43 - The Last Moments

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"Mommy," I whispered in the blue dark, "What do you think happens, the last second... Before we die?"

It was deep into nighttime, hazy and a bit cold, myself wrapped up under my yellow comforters with my mother's gentle hand placed over my chest. She was looking at me, the prettiest parts of her face blooming in the pale moonlight, and I could remember thinking that maybe my mom was one of those angels we always talked about. Does that make me one, too?

"I don't know, daisy dove." She shook her head gingerly, whispering as well. "Nobody knows for sure."

"I'm scared of dying." I said, softer than all other words. I didn't want to admit that. I wanted to make myself believe that I was unafraid of everything. She only smiled down at me.

"Dying is what gives life a purpose, darling. You'll understand that someday." She told me. "But to make you less terrified of it... My Papa, your Grandpa, used to tell me and your uncle that it's believed that your favorite memory flashes before your eyes the moment you're about to pass. Usually, favorite memories aren't grand. They're the simple moments, fragments of time you didn't even declare or recognize was actually the most precious you've ever held."

I stared at her in awe, letting my mind fly to the idyllic suggestion that the trance that sends us to the afterlife was our favorite memory. That surely was a relief to know.

"I don't have a favorite memory yet," I whimpered.

"Well you're not about to die yet, sweetheart!" She giggled. "Make sure you make lots and lots of memories. When you die, sometime far, far away from now- those are all that's going to be left of you."

From then on, I always had a penchant for collecting sentimental things; ones that could encapsulate memories, for the mind certainly betrays us in the long run by losing grip of precious moments. I wanted to have as much memories as possible. I wanted to know if I can relive what memories I have collected in the afterlife, and wondered if heaven was only the best parts of our living time on repeat. My mother had done a lot to indoctrinate that sense of importance in me.

"I love you, Naomi. Goodnight." My mom whispered, "You've still got a long way to go."

I cozied up at the softness of her lips on my forehead, closing my eyes as I let her sweet voice lullaby me to sleep. As I continued to drift deeper, more and more kisses were planting all over my face, and even one on my lips. Softly, it was followed by a distant whispering of my name, which soon brought me to consciousness. I suddenly felt cold.

"Naomi, love." Levi's voice replaced my mother's, making me aware of the rising wind. "Wake up."

I yawned, opening my eyes to perceive that I had fallen asleep with my head on his shoulder, as we both leaned against the wall of the superstructure. The sky was still indigo and slightly starry, but the ocean waves were calmer; suggesting that it was only a couple of hours or so until dawn.

"What time is it?" I asked softly, looking at Hanji and Armin, who were still dozing off on the deck.

"About fifteen minutes until four." Levi answered under his breath. "I'm sorry I woke you up so early. But we need to prepare the others."

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