Chapter 30 - Farther and Farther Away

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When I woke up that morning, my head was throbbing in pain and my eyes could not completely open. I felt sore all over me, and it didn't help that the bed I was laying on was foreign enough to dislocate me. But the sun was shining through the nearest window to it, by the side wall in front of me, and somehow the warmth eased a bit of my outer weariness.

The sheets didn't smell like the twins' baby powder, which immediately reminded me that I wasn't in my own bedroom. With half of my spirit still in slumber, I subconsciously buried my nose into the soft blankets, trying to find a familiar scent that brought me home; something like newly-washed clothes in lavender, the comfort of sandalwood, the autumn beckon- Levi.

A sharp prick in my heart ignited as soon as I remembered him, and it woke me up completely. I curled up my knees to my chest, hugging myself in my own lone consolation to appease the heavy clouds that were beginning to form inside me so early in the morning. Memories of last night flooded into my consciousness, and suddenly I felt like a wilting flower, left untended.

Did it really happen? It all seemed too unreal. The memories themselves felt so distant and yet, ironically, so fresh.

The door to the bedroom opened with a creak, revealing a concerned looking Armin as he walked gingerly into the room. His blue eyes were all the colors of care for me, as I recalled how I just decided to run away to him so unannounced in the middle of the night. I tried to lift up even a faint smile to him as thanks, but I failed. He mirrored what I attempted to do anyway.

"Hey, good morning." Armin greeted softly, sitting down on the edge of his own bed. He must have slept in the couch last night. I felt so bad to impose, but I didn't know who else to run to. "You feel better? I opened the windows for you."

How would he know that I liked the sun touching me whilst I wake up in the morning?

I heaved myself up, slowly, feeling my sore bones weigh me down as if the bed was a tar pit. Eventually, I was able to sit with my knees still close to my chest, my sanguine hair probably still in a tangle. "Good morning, Armin. I'm sorry I just crashed in last night."

"It's no problem," He told me, his gentle tone understanding. "I was just kind of confused because you didn't do anything last night but cry."

Yes. I couldn't speak at all. And I appreciated him for just allowing me to bawl it all out without a single comprehensive word, just patting my back in comfort until I fell asleep. His presence alone was enough. When I was with Armin, we could spend the whole time not doing anything and I'd still feel happy just being there.

I looked down, rubbing my tired eyes. They felt puffy. "Yeah, I'm also sorry about that. I just really couldn't... Process everything yet. We don't really argue like that, you know? We never ever yelled at each other... Nor did we ever say anything hurtful."

Armin nodded understandingly, as if he already knew the reason behind my ceaseless tears the moment he saw me last night, without myself ever telling him what it was until this very chilly, lonesome morning.

"It just hurts to see things... Change." I sighed, putting my chin on my knees. "I want my old Levi back. The one who would sit down and calmly talk to me whenever he realizes something wrong, whenever we have a disagreement. The one who knew what I'm passionate about and did all he could to see me live it."

"Captain Levi loves you, Naomi. Truly. I know it." Armin said, putting a hand over my feet under the baby blue blankets. That sentence alone was able to tenderize my heart, make it even more vulnerable than it already was. "Trust me. You once said I'm a good judge, didn't you?"

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