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A month later I found out that my sister left Opie. Which tells me something happened when they talked. Though they didn't divorce just separated.

I tried to get Ly to come and spend time with me but she told me she was gonna take Piper to visit mom and stay clear of charming for a while.

So after I gave her and Piper a hug and kiss bye they drove off while I went on to work.

I was about to sit down in my director's seat when Happy walked in and stood behind me while Bobby went to talk with Ima.

"Come on baby, we have to go. We are under lockdown" Happy explained

"Death threat or kidnapping?"

"First one" he says

I nodded my head, walked over to Luann and told her I was gonna be in lock down for a while. Which she told me was fine she'd handle the directing and other things I saw too.

After leaving the studio Happy and I headed to our place, grabbed our lockdown bags and headed out making sure our place was locked up.

I parked on one side of the lot while Happy parked his bike with the others.

When I got out of my car Happy was standing right there.

I looked at him as I shut my door.

"Who received it?"


"Why is that not surprising."

He shrugged before taking my hand since he already grabbed the bags and we headed inside where Gemma was busting out orders to the crow eaters and prospects.

"Hi darlings" Gemma greets us

"Hi Gem" we replied

"Go get settled in" she orders

"Yes ma'am" we both say before walking off

After we got our things situated in Happy's dorm we walked back out to where everyone else was coming in.

"Lyla will be safe right?" Opie asked as he walked over to me

"Yea she's out of state" I replied

He sighs and nods his head before he walks off to get his kids settled.

I sat on the couch with Happy before I text Ly and check on her to make sure she is doing well, along with Piper.

Yea Issy we are both perfectly fine-Ly

I'm just making sure- Is

I heard something happened and you all are on lockdown- Ly

Which is another reason I contacted you. I need you to be safe. Opie asked about you and I told him you are so please keep yourself along with Piper and mom safe - Is

We will be fine, you take care of yourself no need to stress with how you are - Ly

Happy seen that and looked at me

"What does she mean?"

I looked at him after sending my sister a ttyl text and pocketed my phone.

I leaned close to his ear

" Estoy embarazada " I whispered before pulling back and looked at him

" No bullshit?"

I shook my head before I got my phone out, pulled up the little video before I put my phone to his ear and pressed play.

The sound of our baby's heartbeat played before the video came to an end. I moved my phone and turned it to the next video and pressed play.

He sat there and watched as the ultrasound tech moved the probe around and our little bean appeared on the screen.

The video zoomed in on the tiny screen showing a better view of our little bean. After the video cut off I shut my phone screen off and pocketed it.

"What'd they say?"

"Looking good. that the heartbeat was good, there was no signs of trouble, and that as long as I keep stress free then things should be perfect for the remainder of the pregnancy"

He smiled, pulled me to him and kissed me.

To people around us, it was just Happy kissing me for no reason. but to us we knew he was kissing me cause we are finally getting what we have been wanting.

"Shall we tell everyone or wait?"

"Up to you . I mean I wanted to tell you after you got home but then Ly left and things got a little crazy which led us to being in lockdown."

"We can wait a bit longer."

"Yea, let us just enjoy this feeling. Before we share the news."

He held me close as I laid my head on his shoulder watching everyone bustle about.

"Alright you to get up and be productive don't just sit there" Gemma says as she walked over

"Sorry mom" Happy says as we get up

We both gave her a kiss on the cheek before we walked off to be productive like Gemma ordered us too.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now