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Few months after I took full owner ship of Cara Cara I changed some of the things up a bit which Ima didn't like so I told her that she could always walk away and risk law suit for breeching her contract or I'd sell her contract to the highest bidder who I'm sure would just love to take over her contract.

She scuffed and walked off.

I set up a meeting for all my stars that was a must attend. If they didn't they risk their contract. I todl them before I wasn't screwing around and I meant every word.

Ly and I went over the whole ownership of the cars. We kept some of them selling the rest adding half the profits to the trust funds of our kids.

And after talking with Ott we sold the house and split the profit.

Happy and I moved into a bigger palace where we started prepping a room for our little bean. He decided he'd do that painting since he was wanting to put a mural up. I just purchased all the supplies and let him do what he wanted to do.

While he did that I got all the things for the upcoming meeting together and placed it in my briefcase having it ready.

Crazy how things change in my life going from being single and making people think I'm Ly to be happily married, owning a business, and being four in a half months pregnant after suffering a miscarriage.

Lost in thought I didnt notice my phone ringing or Hapy trying to get my attention till I seen his tatted hand waving in front of my face.

Once I snapped out of it I looked up at him and he poiunted to my phone that was still ringing.

I picked it up quickly.

"Hello" I greeted

"Isla, I dont knwo what do to" Ly says

"Why what's wrong?" I asked

"Opie's getting revenge for Donna's death and he's risking prinson time" she explained

"Where are you?" I asked

"I'm at home. The kids are with Mary up at the cabin" she says

"Alright you come over and we will talk" I tell her

"Be there in a few" she says then hung up.

"What's wrong?" Happy asked

""Opie's risking prison time by revenging Donna's death" I explained

"Yea he's taking out Sthal while Chib's is handeling Jimmy" Happy says

"Are they being careful?" i asked

"Koz is with them and Unser is helping out so yea they are" he explained

I nodded and got up from the table just as Ly showed up.

Once Happy let her in she walked over crying and I held her.

"Hey its ok. Unser is helping him out so that it doesnt fall back on him" I explained

"Are you sure?"

"Its what I was informed and with how Unser's been helping the guys before. I'd say its fine" I tell her

"I just dont know what I'd do if he goes in" she says

"You'd have me. I'd be here with you, and Happy would be too" I tell her

Happy had walked off leaving me to handle my sister.

"What if happy goes in?"

"Then us sisters would have to handle the whole matter."

She nodded her head while wiping away the tears.

"We will handle this matter when it happens till then we will just enjoy our time with them," I tell her

"Right. Thank you so much Issy" she says

"No problem Ly" I assured her as we hug it out before she gets up to leave telling Happy and I, she'd see us later.

When things go back to how they was before Ly's freak out I went to see how Happy was doing. I walked up to the door and knocked in case he wanted to mural to be a secret or surprise.

He answered the door and smiled.

"Everythings going good, I'm fine" he says

"Have you talked with your mom lately?" I asked

"I was gonna call her later" he says

"Alright well if you need or want me just holler," I tell him before kissing his cheek that had specks of paint on it.

"Will do Niña " he says

I walked off to our room where I stripped down and walked into the bathroom where I took a hot relaxing shower.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now