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Lylay comes over and as we go over everything we take our time signing before Mr. Everlet is finished and puts the papers back in his case and closes it up before he bids us all a good day.

I move so I was facing everyone.

"Alright since this is fully my company I will keep the partnership with the sons since you guys have done a wonderful job with the security and such. Lyla if you want to go from being a star to being my director I'd love that" I say

"Thank you for keeping us as partners" Clay says as she he and Gemma stand to leave along with some of the others.

"You dont do me dirty I wont do you dirty. And we've had no issues or trouble with you all being Cara cara's partners." I explained

He nodded his head and walked out with those who was leaving.

"I'd love to be the director" Ly says

"Good, cause I know you've got the potential to help with this place behind the scenes. If you want since your also good with numbers you can be the accountant unless Bobby would rather do so."

"I'll stick to the directing."

I nodded my head and bid her and Op bye as they walked out the room.

"Bobby how would you like to be my accountant?" I asked

"Works for me" he says

"Perfect. You can start right now or tomorrow" I tell him

"I'll go now," he says

"Ly will show you to the accountant office," I tell him

After he leaves it's just Happy and I.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now