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 A few days later Lyla told me she needed to talk with me about something so we met up at my place.

"Alright, Ly whose ass needs beat, or do I need to have a few words with Giant?" I asked

"It's nothing to do with anyone fighting or starting shit with me. and Opie is innocent of this," she says

"Alright what's up?" I asked

She sighs and takes a seat while I sit across from her.

"Before I married Opie I got pregnant" she starts

"Well con..." I went to congratulate her but she held her hand up and shook her head.

"I aborted it" she says

I looked at her and I became pissed off.

"Are you shitting me right now Lyla?" I asked

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I am sorry I did it knowing how you feel about the whole thing and how you think of the people that do it" she says

"Is that why when the topic of kids comes up you go radio silent?"

She nods her head

"Why did you abort an innocent life?"

"I wasn't ready for a kid. I mean I have Piper, Ellie, and Kenny. Why would I need another kid?"

"Why haven't you been taking your birth control or when you and Opie get intimate have him use protection?"

"Come on Isla, that's private. And I ran out without noticing" she says

"If that's the case then you could've been knocked up by one of the male porn stars" I tell her

"Half the time they wrap their junk" she says

I don't comment nor do I reply on that. I mean I get it, it's her body she can do with it what she wants. But to take an innocent life just because you weren't careful that's what pisses me off.

"Does he know?" I asked

She teared up and shook her head.

"Who does?"


"The fucking doctor knew before your sister?"

"I'm sorry, it happened after I fought Ima for screwing Jax,since Tara was carrying Thomas" she says as she cries.

I sat there not saying a word as she cried.

"I don't want you to hate me for aborting my child. I know how disgusted you are with people who abort their babies and I don't want you disgusted with me. I know your standpoint with Abortion and how you're not for it. And I am sorry for hiding this from you. I just was scared that I'd lose my sister over my actions. Regardless of it being my body. And my choice." she cried

I looked at her with unshead tears in my eyes before wiping them away.

"Happy and I got pregnant but I miscarried and now hearing you getting rid of your child kills me cause I lost mine while you willingly killed yours."

I was so upset and hurt at my sister that I started crying.

"I know you miscarried. I was there with you holding you through the pain and sorrow."

I laid my head back against the chair and closed my eyes while Lyla walked out of mine and Happy's house.

I didn't move or anything, not even when Happy walked through the door and called for me.

I just sat there crying.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" he asked

"I found out that I was gonna be an aunt before Ly married Opie but she decided to abort the baby" I replied

He lifts me up and sits down on the couch and holds me.

"I don't understand how women can just kill innocent babies when there are women in this world who suffer with miscarriages, and the medical issue of not being able to carry a child. & the ones that can they just rid of innocence babies like trash with no care in the world" I cried

He says nothing as I sit there and sob in anger and pain. Anger at my sister, pain for losing Happy's and my baby.

After I slowly start to Calm down, Happy carries me off upstairs, sits me on the bed before he disappears in the bathroom. comes back out, strips me, carries me into the bathroom where he gets in the water with me and lays me back against his chest.

"I am sorry you had to learn about your sister's abortion. It's not fair that she did that but we can't control her life or what she does with her body. Yes it's painful for you since we lost our baby and she willingly got rid of her's. I'll let you do what you want with Lyla whether you talk to her or not it's up to you. Just know I'm right here and whenever you're ready we will try for another baby." Happy tells me

I nodded my head and just laid there with his arms around me as we soaked in the tub.

Once my tears dried up and the water got cold we climbed out, dried off and got into bed where he made slow passionate love to me before he held me as I napped.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now