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Happy decked Jax right in the face making him fall and dropped Tara on her already injured arm. She cried out and moved away while Happy and Jax fought.

The guys pulled Happy away from beating Jax to a bloody mess.

"Get out of here. Take your wife and get the fuck out of here now Jackson" Gemma tells him

He looks at Gemma in disbelief

"You're sticking up for this shit?"

"You're wanting to leave instead of doing what your father worked so hard for you to take over when he would have stepped down. You're running away instead of taking reigns of this club and being the one who fixed what your father tried to. What he died for, so go. Leave and take her away. I'm sure Wendy is getting full custody of Abel right now as we speak and we will back her up .hell we all already have so you're not taking him just take Thomas and leave" Gemma said

It was at that time Lowen showed up and gave Jax papers.

"Wendy has full custody. she put Happy and Isla as guardians. She took it all the way to court and showed that she was forced to sign her rights away and when the court viewed the papers they found them to be useless so she has rights to him. She proceeded further and they found out that your a convicted felon who's been in more trouble than what it's worth to them and they asked her if there was anyone who'd she like to have guardianship should anything ever happen to her. she gave Isla's and Happy's name and they check Isla's background seen no criminal record and granted the guardianship. Now Abel is no longer under your care. He is with his mother and will be living with her. They brought him in and asked him different questions about who he'd want to live with and he told them he wants to get to know and be with Wendy that he wants to stay and grow up with Myla, his other cousins be around his grandmother and Isla as well as his uncles. that he doesn't want to go away." Lowen says

Jax was so pissed off that he stormed off leaving Tara alone.

"Damn he left your fucking ass," Ly says

Gemma huffed before she went and helped Tara up.

"Chucky come take Tara to her palace and watch over her till Jax gets home," Gemma says

Once Chucky leaves with Tara Gemma turns to face me and the rest.

At that moment a car pulled in and I saw Wendy.

I smiled as she parked and got out then got Abel out who seen me and took off running over towards me.

"Issy" he says

I squatted down and scooped him up.

"I take it as you gave Jax the court papers with their decision?" Wendy asked Lowen

Lowen nodded her head as I played with Abel.

"Well they know about Happy's record and hold nothing against him knowing that a great majority of it was protecting his family, so the guardianship is still in place should something ever happen to me ." She says

I stopped what I was doing and looked at her.

"So Jax still has custody?" Gem asked

"No. I have custody. But as of right now Abel is a Case" Wendy says

"They know all about everything he's been through. They know about the school ordeal and that Isla helped him through it. They know about him being kidnapped while he was in Tara's care. They heard all the stories of how Isla been nothing but a practical mother to Abel since day one. Half the doctors and nurses told their stories of how Isla was the one who brought me in when I was bleeding in the house. How Isla refused to leave till she heard about Abel. and that regardless of not being related. A few of the crow eaters told the courts how Isla has treated Abel when no one else was around. How when Abel got scared the one person he wanted to go to was Isla or Happy. How they'd hear Abel ask about Isla when he was around happy and how they overheard Abel asking Happy one time if he'd ever want him. They hear so many wonderful things about Isla and how she's never been arrested for breaking the law or doing drugs that she has the cleanest record. So the courts decided that though Abel is mine and is a Case. that without a doubt Isla and Happy will get him if something happens to me. They know that Isla was hands on when I was carrying him and that she did everything I allowed her to and that she forced me to rehab when I tried to leave."

I looked at Abel and smiled before kissing his temple.

"Will I be allowed to see my grandbaby?" Gem asked

"Of course you will. I'm not taking him away from you Gem. we are staying." Wendy tells her

She smiled and nodded.

"The courts will send his new birth certificate, within a week, No father's name on it," Wendy says

"So they found Jax to be unfit and took all forms of his right from Abel?" Gem asked

Wendy nodded her head.

"They said that no court in all the united states would ever give Jax his rights back with the criminal record he has. and that though I haven't been in his life a lot. Due to rehab and trying to clean myself up. they seen with the years of me being clean I'm a suitable mother for him." Wendy says

I tossed Abel up in the air. Making him laugh before I held him close.

"Does this mean that I will be staying around ,Myla,piper,Ellie,and Kenny?" Abel asked

"Yea baby you will," she says

He got really excited.

"I'll be going just came to tell Jax has happened. Now to deal with the whole Club matters that are to come" Lowen says which a chuckle before she left.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now