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She lunged at me but Jax was quick to grab her after he and Opie came in. while Opie stood with Ly to protect her. while I was alone.

"Will you two stop fighting" Jax says

"When you get your dog under control" I replied

He looked at me.

"It takes a bitch to know a bitch" Tara replied

"Sweety my level of bitch isn't within your grasp. You still in the shit level of being a bitch" I tell her

She started struggling to come at me.

"Hey you attack my sister and I'll kick your ass" Ly says

"Oh I'd love to see you try" Tara says

" Hit my pregnant sister and see if I dont knock your teeth out" Ly says walking over to me.

Everyone looked a little surprised by what Ly told them.

" She had to get knocked up to fit in when she was a nobody."

"Bitch you fucking came back here like a fucking chickshit to get Jax to handle a stalker cause you're weak as fuck. Then to make sure you kept the protection you went and got yourself knocked up.so let not go down that fuckin road."

"At least I didnt misscarry."

That did it. I fucking lunged at Tara but was quickly grabbed.

"You best keep you fucking whore away from me Jackson" I warned

He knew I wasn't fucking around.

"Sleep with one eye open mother fucker. You're fucking days are numbered" I tell Tara

I shove out of Opie's arms and walked off.

"You are a worthless piece of shit. Saying that shit." Ly says as she comes after me.

I stayed hidden for a bit so no one could find me.

When I heard the shouting I headed in and kept my emotions in check regardless of me wanting to beat Tara's face in till no one recognizes her.

"You ok Issy?" Ly asked

"Yea" I replied as I keep back from the shit show happening.

Happy was intervening with breaking up the whole fight when Hale stepped in.

I looked over at him as Jax was explaining what he was doing.

I felt like something was gonna happen so I braced myself against the wall trying to prepare myself for what was to come.

"Excuse me," he says walking further into the house gaining everyone's attention since I was already watching him.

"I figured I should tell this you in person" he states

I know everyone was confused by what he meant.

"We just found Louann Delananey dead off county 18," he says

"NO...." I cried out and sunk to the floor. The tears I managed to keep back had fallen for a different reason.

My sister and Happy came over to soothe me but it didn't work.

Ly wrapped her arms around me as she too cried since Lu was like a second mother to us.

"Beaten to death" he finishes

I sobbed louder as did Ly which caused Opie to come and pull her away so he could comfort her while Happy picked me up and held me trying to comfort me.

"There are no other details right now. I'm sorry" he says then walks out the door.

Clay and Jax started talking, as did Opie and Bobby.

When a fight started Happy and Opie had to go and help break it up so I went over to Ly and we held each other.

Gemma stopped the fight up by breaking a platter

I held Ly closer as we were in the corner while Gemma sank into her seat and cried while the guys looked at her.

Ly and I slowly got up and walked over pulling Gemma into our arms and walking out the room with her as we all three mourned someone who we loved and cared deeply about.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now