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It took some time for me to talk with my sister again.

When we got back to how things were. She apologized endlessly to me before asking for my forgiveness, which I told her if she ever gets pregnant again and decides to give it her last baby's result, then I'd never talk with her again. She knew why I was so much against it and she understood where I was coming from.

"You need to tell Opie what's going on so no one else finds out and tells him which will make things worse.

" I told her

"'I'll tell him today. You wanna come with me to see Happy?" she asked

"He didn't come home last night so I wanna go see what happened" I tell her

"Funny thing is Opie never showed up last night either" she replied

I looked at her and she knew what I was thinking.

"You know how I am and the warning he was given" was all I said as we both walked out Cara Cara and headed to Teller-Morrow in Lyla's Prius.

I sent up a silent plea that Happy didn't step out on our marriage as Lyla and I climbed out of the car and headed over towards the club house.

Only to run into Tara and Gemma.

"Have you guys seen Op?" Ly asks

"Uh. I think he's with the guys" Gemma replied

"Ok.* sighs* he didn't come home last night" she explained

"I think they had a late one," Gem says while Tara fiddles with her necklace. And slowly nods in agreement.

I noticed Ima's car while Ly talked with Gemma and Tara. till they walked past us heading towards the guys that just showed up.

"Either he crashed here or had a orgy" I commented

Ly looked at me and I nodded towards Ima's car.

"Son of a bitch" she says then walks into the clubhouse.

I followed Ly inside where Piney was with Thomas along with Dawn, and chucky.

"Where is she?" Ly asked

"Where's who darling" Piney asked right as Ima made appearance

"What are you doing here?" Ly questions Ima who rolls her eyes.

"Now one says good morning anymore" she replied

"Fuck the good morning bullshit" I replied

She glares at me.

"You spend the night?" Ly asked the already known reply to that.

"You don't want to know" Ima says

Her and Ly exchange a few words. As tig, Bobby, Tara, & Gemma walk inside.

When Ly went to attack Ima, Ima pulled out a gun. Which she pointed at me and my sister then the others.

When Piney moved as Tig started to approach Ima threatened my sister which I didn't take too kindly so I walked up and punched her in the face grabbed the gun, unloaded it then fisted Ima's hair.

"That's two fucking counts against your ugly ass." I tell her before I lay into her.

"This is her fight not yours" Ima says as she tries scratching at me to let her go.

"You pulled a gun out with a baby in the room then threatened my sister. So I will fuck you up you stupid hoe" I replied then socked her right in the face and dropped her.

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now