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"Before I start I need to know who's still my partners."

"All of us lass" Chibs says

"So no one is patched out or leaving? Cause if so I only want to speak with the ones that are fully in this with me and not leaving or being patched out" I replied

Jax stays sittign there.

"We can stil ldisscuss partner ship with Jax boy even if he's leaving" Chib says

I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Happy asked

"Nothing. Never mind I'll think over this offer and handle it myself." I replied before I walked out the room.

Right into Tara and my sister getting into it.

"Why are you here your no an ol lady?" Tara asked

"Well your husband is patched out so you're not one either" Ly replied

Tara looked over to where everyone was standing and seen that Jax was with out his Kutte. Before looking back at Ly.

"No but his name is part of this place so that gives me every right while your not any part of this place" Tara says

"Keep your nose on your face and out of my business" Ly tells her

"Or what?" Tara asked

"My god does this shit ever end?" I voiced

"What are you talking about?" Tara asked

"You stickign your nose where it certianlity doesnt belong thinking you have every right to be in any business that the club's involved in or a memeber of the club is involved in when your not and never was" I replied

"I'm so glad we are leaving Jax, I'm tired of these twin tramps" Tara sys

I stepped up into her face just like Ly did.

"I am tired of hearing your mouth. You insult me again and I will make that injury you got going on there look like childs play" I warned

"We both will actually" Ly says

"Or two on one like that's fair" she says

"You talk a lot of shit Tara. but when it comes to backing it up you run and hide" I replied

"I dont hide. I face my issues" she says

I smirked.

"Yeah sure you do" Ly says

"You dont have no buissnes here so leave" Tara says

"Make me" Ly says

"Jax make her leave. She's no longer an ol lady" Tara says

That right there got my laughing.which pissed Tara off and she swung at me. She made contact and my head went to the side.

I licked my lip as I held Ly back and looked at Tara with my wicked bitch smile which made her back up while Ly smirked.

"You fucked up Tara" Ly says

"Jax help me" Tara cried

"Dont get in this brother. Its between our ladies" Happy said

"She's hurt already. Isla will kill her" Jax says

"Its like you said we dont hurt or kill women we let them handle their issues their self" Happy replied

I slowly walked towards Tara as she walked backwards before she turn to run. I chased her and grabebd a fist full of her hair and Yanked her back.

"Where you running Tara. the party is over here."

"I'm sorry please" she pleaded.

"Your pleadign and begging won't get you no where. Your husband wont do a damn thing to me" I replied

I shoved her towards the table and she quickly turned around and braced her self against the table.

"Just let us leave Isla, she said she's sorry" Jax tried as he and the rest of the guys stood there.

"Butt out Jackson" I replied not looking away from Tara as I walked closer to her as she tried to run but the dumb idiot ran herself right into a corner.

"Please Isla" he tries

I ignore him as I get closer while putting my hair up.

"Oh fuck she's getting beat. Isla put her hair up" Ly says

"Ly stop her please" Jax tried

"Not happening Jax, Tara was giving plenty of warnings by Issy" Ly says

I stood before Tara and head butted her right in the nose before I started to beat her ass ignoring her cries and Jax's pleading and begging.

When I was done with her I walked away leaving her in a bloody mess. I let all my anger and frustration that I held. I released it all on Tara, stopping before I caused brain damage or killed her.

"What happened?" Gem asked as she and Unser walked over

"She ran her mouth and hit Issy" Ly explained

"Damn baby you fucked her up," Gemma said

"She had it coming and I warned her so many times. She didn't listen so now maybe that beating will open her eyes" I replied

Happy walked up to me and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back.

I heard a gun coking and Happy growling before he pushed me behind him.

"Put the gun down Jackson," he said

"No, she hurt my wife," Jax said

"It was their business we are to not interfere it's rules" Happy says

"Well, they dont apply to me. I'm patched out" he says

put me behind him.

"Drop the gun Jax" Happy tells him again

"Can't do it Happy," Jax says

"Why?" he asked

"She hurt someone important to me so now I must take care of her," Jax says

"So your gonna shot her?" Happy questioned

"It's fair" Jax says

"No, it's something you said you're against." Happy replied

I watched as Jax kept the gun pointed towards Happy and me.

"Jax. you need to put the gun down and take Tara home" Gemma says

"No, I need to take Isla out," Jax says

"That will be a big mistake, one you won't make it out alive to realize it " Happy says

Jax shakes his head.

When he didn't drop his gun Happy pulled his and pointed it at him.

"What you'll shoot me. I thought we were brothers?"

"You're no longer a son, it's like you said the rules dont apply to you. you patched out remember ."

"We are still brothers."

Happy shook his head

"My brothers don't leave when things get rough for their family. They handle it and are kept together. My brothers wouldn't draw their guns on my wife."

Jax looked from Happy to the others.

"You guys are gonna let him shoot me?" he asked

"You drop the gun and quit pointing your gun at Isla and him no one will be shot," Gemma says

Jax curses before he put his safety on and put his gun away before he turned to Tara and scooped her up and carried her away.

Happy put his gun away as well.

"So glad to be leaving this piece of shit place. It's going to the whores" Jax says

Killa's Queen (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now