Chapter 26: Grodd Lives

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My name is Daniella Ramon, and I am the fastest woman alive. When my best friend was a child, he saw his mother killed by something impossible...His father went to prison for her murder. Then accidents made Barry and me the impossible.
To the outside world, we're ordinary forensic scientists, but secretly, we use our speed, to fight crime and find others like us. And one day, He'll find who killed his mother...And get justice for his father. He is The Flash...

Barry and Daniella are zooming around the city, late at night....

Iris's Voice-Over: Think about your best friend....It could be your wife, your father, your sister, maybe someone you grew up with. It's the people you can't wait to talk to at the end of the day. The people who know everything about you, who roots for you. Now imagine you discover that two of your best friends have a secret. No, not a secret. A universe of secrets. Would you confront them? Would you stay silent? Either way, you know nothing will ever be the same again.

At CCPD the next day...Barry and Daniella were with Joe as Captain Singh walked out of his office.

"Where is Thawne?" Singh asked.

"He took some personal time." Joe said.

"Yeah, Eddie's been going through some stuff, Captain." Daniella said.

"Yeah, aren't we all?..You got anything on these gold store robberies? Perps hit up two more in the last week, and we still got nothing." Singh said.

"Just waiting on some final results from the lab." Barry said.

"All right, well, pick up the pace...And see if somebody can contact The Flash and Bolt. Maybe they can help speed things up....You know what I mean. Get going." Singh says, as he then turns and walks away.

Joe turns to face Barry and Daniella then says,"Anything?"

Barry shakes his head and then he says,"No."

"I mean, we've looked everywhere. But we've come up short." Daniella said.

Joe sighs and then says,"Keep looking."

"Of course. Yeah." Barry said.

Later at Barry and Daniella's lab...Iris walks in....

"Hey." Iris said.

"Hey. Uh, we're heading out right now. What's up?" Barry said.

"Something happened. And I'm not supposed to say anything, but I couldn't keep quiet." Iris said.

"What happened?" Daniella asked.

"The Man in Yellow, he took Eddie right in front of me." Iris said.

"Oh, my God." Daniella goes to touch Iris on the shoulder, but Iris backs away. "Are you okay?" Daniella asked.

"No, no. Not at all. No, I...The Flash and Bolt were there. They told me to go home and not to talk to anyone because they would fix it, but they haven't...I think the police should be out there searching for Eddie." Iris said.

"No, Iris..." Barry said.

Barry goes over to the lockers, and grabbed his bag and then he also grabs Daniella's and gives it to her...

Iris interrupts him and says,"My dad needs to know the truth."

"Uh, I think that The Flash and Bolt are right. Joe and the cops, they're no match for The Man in Yellow, Iris. They would just get hurt." Daniella said.

"So you think The Flash and Bolt are out there right now, searching for Eddie?" Iris asked.

"I'm sure they're doing everything they can to find him." Barry said.

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