Chapter 3: Pilot part 3

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"You don't really believe they can run that fast, do you?" Caitlin asked.

"I don't know, Cait, I saw it, he ran faster than anything and besides you all saw me phase, whats to say, Barry and I can't run fast." Daniella said.

"She's right, Caitlin. I believe anything is possible, and in a few minutes, maybe you will too." Dr Wells said.

Cisco calls out to someone inside the truck, "How does it fit?"

Barry walks out from inside the truck and says, "It's a little snug."

Daniella laughs and Cisco grins at her, "Sorry. Sorry. I just—-." She laughs again and Cisco throws a marker at her, "I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry."

"Don't listen to her. At least you will be moving so fast no one will see you." Cisco leads Barry down the stairs, "See, you thought the world was slowing down. It wasn't. You were moving so fast. It looked like everyone else was standing still." Cisco turns to Dr Wells, "Dr Wells will be monitoring your energy out, and Caitlin, your vitals."

"What do you do?" Barry asked.

"He makes the toys, Bar." Daniella said.

"Check it." Cisco said.

"Check what?" Barry asked.

He pulls out a headset that has a lightning bolt of the front, "This is a two-way headset with a camera I modified. Typically designed to combat battlefield impulse noise, or in your case, potential sonic booms which would be awesome." Cisco walks away from Barry.

Caitlin walks towards Barry and begins to check his vitals.

"What?" Caitlin said.

"Nothing." Said Barry, "I just noticed you don't smile too much." Barry said.

"My once promising career in bioengineering is over, my boss is in a wheelchair for life, and the explosion that put you and Daniella in a coma also killed my fiancé. So this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go." Caitlin said.

Daniella whispers to Cisco, "Ronnie died?"

"Yeah." Cisco said.

"Dang, I liked him. He was cool." Daniella said.

"We all did." Cisco said.

Dr Wells wheels over to Barry and says, "Mr Allen, while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities, I do caution restraint."

Barry clears his throat, "Yeah."

Barry kneels down and Dr Wells puts his sunglasses on.

Barry looks out into the distance, a spark crackles to life in his eyes and boom!!!! Barry races off, sending Cisco on his ass, Caitlin, Wells and Daniella reacting.

Barry runs as he tries to maintain control, he zigs and zags, Barry pushes himself harder, he crackles with electricity, it grows around him.

Back at the truck, Daniella, Cisco, Wells and Caitlin watch astonishly as they can't believe what is happening.

"It's impossible." Caitlin utters.

"Anything is possible." Daniella smiles.

Barry zooms harder as suddenly he remembers what happened to his mother as he pushes himself into cones as he grunts, his arm is broken and the group looks on.


At the police station, there are dozens of people as Captain David Singh walks in.

"What is all this?" Singh asks Joe.

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