Chapter 41: I'm sittin' in the rain showers

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"Okay, are you ready for our date?" Clay said taking my hand.

"I mean sure?" I said. "I do I need to be worried?"

"No, of course not, I just wanted to be sure."

"Well, I have been waiting here for a while, so one could assume..." I trailed off.

"Fine fine fine, I get it, I was late." He said pulling me up from off of the couch. "Let's go!" He excitedly walked to the car, and like a gentleman opened all the doors for me.

"Hey, our neighbors are moving," I said noticing the for sale sign across the street now had a bright red sold plastered on top of it.

"I guess they are." He said shrugging. "I didn't really know them so I don't know why but, let's just hope for some nice neighbors."

"Yeah," I laughed, "We don't want some annoying assholes."

"Most definitely not." He said starting the car. "You want aux?" 

"Is that even a question of course I do!" 

 After a pretty quick car ride, we ended up in the park.

"We're in a park?" I asked as I stepped out of the car.

Clay was grabbing a blanket and a basket from the back seat of his car. "Picnic!" He said, almost giddy in a toddler-like fashion. I followed him to a spot that was not near our car at all, but it was a really nice spot. I could tell he had spent time looking for it. We were sat in a nice grassy clearing under a tree, with assortments of daisies and dandelions scattered throughout, overlooking the ocean, despite the light grey clouds scattering the sky, it was stunning.

While I was taking in our surroundings, Clay had spread out the blanket behind us and had started to pull things out of the basket, a cutting board, some champagne, strawberries and grapes, a cheese or two, some cold cut meats, and a loaf of bread

"Clay, this looks really good." I smiled softly. This was one of the nicest things any single person had done for me in a long time.

He was furiously digging around his basket. "Shit."

"What?" I joked "Did you just notice the stereotypically cloudy Florida sky?"

"Well, okay not that, but I forgot the Jam!"

"I think we'll be okay." I giggled.

"But the jam highlights the flavors of the cheeses!"

"Look at you with your all fancy cheese knowledge," I said. "I think I'll be okay, this looks delicious anyways."

"That's annoying." He said

"I don't think this is annoying," I said. "I'm happy to be here."

"Thanks." He smiled, and then explained the arrangement of things that were in front of us, the names of the cheeses, and what things they tasted best with, and their flavor profiles, I wasn't really able to keep up, to be honest.

"Where did you learn all of this stuff?" I said as he was cutting some hunks of cheese. "I don't remember you being heavily into the art of cheese."

"I got my mom and I this ' cooking for a group' classes, kinda expecting to cook some more, but we did a whole day on this kinda stuff, and I figured it would be fun for us to enjoy." He said. "Plus, I thought it was kinda fun."

"I'm glad." I popped a strawberry in my mouth as Clay was pouring champagne into glasses. "What are we celebrating?"

"I hit 25 million subscribers yesterday, I figured that could be something to celebrate." He grinned handing me a glass. "Mostly it just pairs well with the rest of the stuff."

I shoved him on his shoulder lightly. "That's a big deal Clay! We should celebrate."

"Well I mean yeah it's a big deal, but I don't know, it's an incomprehensible amount of people."

"It is. It's a lot of people."

"And it's really tough being faceless now, I like can't go out with George or Sapnap because I'm worried I'll get doxxed or something like that."

"Why don't you just face reveal then?" I asked. "That seems like the easier option."

"Well, it's not quite that easy. I'd get worried about you, and being like address doxxed, and the hate."

"I mean you always said that once George came to Florida you would face reveal. And he's been here almost the entire summer." I said. "And you have told me a concerning amount of times that hate doesn't bother you. I'm not worried."

"That's true, but-"

"Clay do you want to do it?"

"Well yes?"

"Then do it. We can work out the details. Together. Sapnap, George, and I are all here for you. We're ready to support you in whatever decisions you make, I think maybe taking this leap of faith will help you. I can tell it's been stressing you out recently."

"I don't know." He sighed. "It just is a lot easier said than done."

"Then wait, figure it out before you do anything you will regret."

"How about at 30 million I'll make a decision."

"You can do whatever you want, and I'll help."

"I want you to hold me to this Y/N." He said, "I want you to make sure I do."

I looked at his stunning green eyes, although they were begging for confirmation of what he needed, I couldn't help but notice that he wanted me with him in the long run. He didn't just see us falling apart anytime soon, and that made my heart swell with happiness. If he was there for me, I'd be there for him.

"Okay," I said. "I can do that."

"Thank you Y/N."

"To 25 mil," I said holding up my glass.

"To 25 mil." He said, clinking our glasses.

And almost on cue, the thunder cracked and it started to pour.

"This happens to us too often on first dates," Clay said scrambling to put things away.

I laughed. "I guess it does."

"I cannot believe it's raining," He said as we started to run to a covered gazebo nearby. "First the Jam, now this, maybe I'm just not cut out for this whole charcuterie business."

"Hey," I said as we finally stopped under the green roof, and he turned to me. I placed a soft kiss on his lips. It was passionate and our tounges matched together better than any cheese and nut combination, it felt just right. "You can do anything you set your mind to."

"That was fucking cheesy as shit." He said

"Oh fuck off, it's not that bad."

"Thanks, Y/N."

"Anytime Clay."

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. Author's Note


side note saw a tweet today that was like oh since mcc is on a break this is likely the last stream dream will have as a faceless creator and that fucnking shook me to my core


also did you guys see corpses shadow *swoons*

AnywayS have an amazing day, and remember to drink some water and get something to eat because you are amazing and you deserve it.


Word count: 1027

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