Chapter 11: I'd like for you and I to go romancing

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"You know what I've always wanted to do?" I said my hand interlaced with Clay's as we were walking away from a taco truck to a nearby bench.

"What? Wait, wait if it's arson then I know you have been spending too much time with sap."

"What?!" I chuckled, "It's not arson I promise."

"Good good good" Clay said sitting down and opening the bag.

"I've always wanted to go on a road trip in a convertible or something like that and drive until it was nighttime and then look at the stars, like bring some blankets or something and drive to the middle of nowhere and sleep under the stars."

"We could do that you know." Clay said very casually with a taco in his hand.

"What?" I averted my gaze from my taco to Clay, "We can't do that. I don't even have a car for starters—"

"We can rent a car, and I have a tent, we could probably even go today if we really wanted." He shoved more food in his mouth. "And don't worry about the money, I'll take care of it, it will be fun."

"Clay, are you sure about this?" I was excited for sure, but I wasn't sure it was the best idea, I wasn't usually one for spontaneity, I liked to plan stuff out. "Are you sure we are like ready for this and—"

"Y/N," he grabbed my hand, "It will be fun! I can go rent the car quickly and grab my tent, and then you grab some snacks and any other stuff we might need and then I'll pick you up and we can just drive and then look at the stars, Okay?"

I felt a wide smile fill across my face and nodded, I was so excited. We quickly finished our lunch, and Clay found a car rental place that actually had a convertible, and we went our separate ways. We weren't that far from a grocery store, so I walked over and started to grab some snacks.

I grabbed some popcorn and chips, as well as a massive bag of gummy bears and some chocolate chip cookies for us to share. I grabbed myself my favorite soda and a drink for Clay and then headed to the line for the checkout.

I gave my things to the cashier who was a Tall brownish-blond-haired boy who looked to be around seventeen. He had a pin with a grass block on his apron. He watched each item with his almost grey eyes as he scanned very carefully, almost like it was his first day on the job. He looked almost nervous to see me.

"Your total is 12.73," He said, bagging the stuff up. His voice sounded vaguely familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on where I knew it from, maybe I knew his family? Or maybe I had met him at work at some point? It just felt weird to me, so I asked.

"Hey do I know you from somewhere? You sound really familiar for some reason." I said handing him a 20.

"Uhhhhh" He fumbled with the change as he handed it back to me "I doubt it. Maybe I've just got one of those voices?"

"Yeah, I guess that's what it is." I grabbed my bag of groceries "Sorry about that, Have a good day though!"

"Yeah, you too!" He said as I walked towards the exit. I exited the door of the grocery store and headed towards the train station. As soon as I left, I felt like eyes were on me. I was uncomfortable, and pulled down my sweatshirt to cover myself more and picked up my pace slightly.

I quickly turned the opposite corner of where I was going, just to see if someone was following me and someone was. A relatively tall man with a black hoodie and jeans was following me. I could feel a sense of panic rushing through me. No, not now, I need to find a place to cry, not here not now.

I looked around and there were some familiar streets. I vaguely recognized where I was to be where Ellie's brother lived. I tried my best to head over there as fast as possible without seeming suspicious. I finally reached the apartment and I rang the doorbell, and as soon as Ellie's brother Jason came to the door to greet me, I had finally lost the man behind me.

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