Chapter 12: Take a look at my girlfriend

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The sun was creeping its way through my eyelids as I fluttered them open. I looked around the room that I was in, quickly recognizing it as Clay's room, but when I rolled over on the bed there was no Clay. I sat up and looked over to the computer where Clay was sitting.


"Oh, Hang on Tommy give me a sec." He turned around and got up to sit with me. "Hey, how'd you sleep? Sorry I got up a little bit ago, Promised Tommy I'd stream with him today so I had to jump on, but we can go get lunch in like-" He paused, looking over to the clock on his desk that read 10:47, " An hour-ish? And then I can drive you back? Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah," I said, but feeling a shot of cold run through my body. I looked down to see that I was still wearing my short jean shorts and cropped tee from yesterday. "Hey, do you have like a shirt or something I can borrow, Just a little cold?"

"Oh yeah, of course, hang on," He got up to his closet and grabbed me a lime green hoodie with his smile on it. "Will this work?"

I smiled. A hoodie, one of his hoodies. "Yeah, that sounds great. I'm just gonna run to the bathroom and then I'll be back, have fun with Tommy mkay." I got up and walked over to the bathroom.

I pulled the hoodie over my head and stuck my arms through the sleeves, immediately surrounded by the smell of Clay. I looked in the mirror. The hoodie was far too big for me, and the sleeves went way past my hands and the hoodie ran down to my knees, covering up my shorts. I felt small in his hoodie, but I also felt safe, like clay was always giving me a hug. I quickly washed my face to wake myself up more and then walked back to Clay's room.

Rested my head on his shoulder and even though I couldn't see him, I could feel him smiling. "Hang on again sorry." He said to the headset and quickly muted. "I like the hoodie. It looks better on you than it does on me."

I blushed. "Thank you."

"I think there should be some coffee in the kitchen if you want to grab some, but could you grab me a water bottle, I'm really thirsty."
"Of course Dream" I placed a kiss on his cheek and headed downstairs to the kitchen where a pot of coffee was sitting on the counter next to what looked to be a half-awake Sapnap scrolling through Twitter.

"Hey, Sap. D'you know where I could find a mug?"

"Yeah, top cabinet to the lef-" He turned around to face me " Are you wearing pants?"

I pulled the hoodie up to reveal my shorts. "Of course I'm wearing pants, dumbass, Who do you think I am? This isn't even my house?"

"Yeah, Yeah, sorry. Top cabinet to the left" I walked over to what I thought was it. "No not that one - not that one, you know what nevermind I'll get it." He got up and went to the opposite side of the kitchen.

"Dude that is not left. At all"

"You know what, I don't care at all."

"Water bottles?"

"In the fridge, first shelf."

I opened up the fridge and grabbed a water bottle for Clay.

"Cream or sugar?" He asked, pouring me a cup.

"As Dark as my soul."

"Cool so cream and sugar." He said chuckling. (you can change it to whatever you usually have lol i just thought this was funny.)

"Hey! I can be dark and brooding!" I exclaimed with sarcasm lining my sentence.

"Oh yeah, prove it."

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