Chapter 24: Then you walked in and my heart went, 'Boom!'

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"Hey Y/N!" Clay called up the stairs. "I'm gonna go to the mall in like 10 minutes. Do you wanna come with me?"

I was just laying down on my bed, editing some photos I had taken while we were camping. I had nothing to do today since it was Saturday, and my GeorgeNotFound hoodie-wearing self needed to get out of bed at some point.

"Um Yeah!" I called back down. "Just give me a minute to look mildly more presentable."

I pulled on a pair of striped navy blue shorts and a light blue top with a sunflower on it. I grabbed my black crossbody from the floor by my bed and headed downstairs. Clay was waiting, likely scrolling on Twitter or Tik Tok, leaning on the side of the kitchen island.

"Okay," I said, throwing the bag over my shoulder. "Are we going?"

He looked up and paused. I could feel his eyes scanning me, but he proceeded to put his phone in his back pocket. "Yeah let's go."

"What?" I asked following him to the car.

"What do you mean what?" He asked, unlocking it,

"You just gave me a weird look. Is my outfit bad? I wasn't sure that the two blues matched, oh shit they probably don't match. Oh god."

"Y/N," He said starting the car. "You look great."

"Oh." I blushed slightly. "Thanks."

"Of course." He said backing out of the driveway, putting his hand on the corner of my seat, and turning around.

"So, what's caused this impromptu mall adventure?" I asked

"Well, my sister's birthday is in like a day, and I don't have anything for her."

"Which sister? Younger or older?"

"Ashley." He said, "She's turning 15, so I feel like I can't not get her something."

"Ooooh," I said. "Yeah, you definitely need to get her something."

"I have no idea what to get her,"

"So that's why I'm here?"

"Yeah, you definitely need my help," I said with a laugh.


"I think this is a nice smelling candle," I said holding out a candle. "Maybe she'd like this?"

"Y/N this is soooo hard!" Clay complained. "Why can't I just give her some money?"

"You can, but you also have to show that you didn't just get it the day of, you remembered her birthday. She'll appreciate it a lot more then."

"Okay." He picked up a mug that said 'gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss' in gold lettering. "How about this?"

"Oh my goodness I didn't even see that!" I said excitedly. "That's such a good gift! It fits your sister perfectly!"

"You've only met her three times."

"Am I wrong though?"


"Okay let's get it!" I said. "And then maybe you can put in some candy or something with the cash inside the mug."

"Okay." He said. "Do you want to get that candle? I'll buy it for you."

"No," I said putting it back on the shelf. "I'll be fine. I don't need it."

"You sure?" He said, "I'm happy to get it if you want it."

"Clay it's fine. I promise. Now go pay."

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