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*4 days Later*

Lilah woke up late 2 nights ago.

She wasn't playing when she said she was tired.

If she could.. If she didn't have anyone to live for she definitely would've slept forever.

She's up and walking around, but with a limp.

It's very noticeable.

Super noticeable.

To me at least.

I feel terrible.

I could've prevented it from happening.

I could've turned back home and I wouldn't have to see her hurt.

I could've done so fucking much to prevent that from happening.

I just want her to be happy. I know she's tired of the fucking body guards and security I have to give her.

When I'm not with her I need to make sure she fucking safe and I know she hates it..

I feel so fucking bad, and most of it is my fault.

I love her with every inch and centimeter of my soul..

To see her limp around and to i'm the fucking one who caused it... It put's so much damn hurt and guilt on me.

I could've done a better job to protect her.

"You're worrying me." Lilah walks into our room.

Well limps into our room.

"I'm fine." I tell her.

"Elijah.." she touches my back that's facing her.

I turn over and make some room for her. She instinctively lays next to me.. Facing me.

My left wrist is in a brace and we both have cuts along our face.

She takes a deep breath.

"What's bothering you?.." she asks me in a soft voice. Almost a whisper.

"The accident." I say truthfully.

"And why is that bothering you?" she asks, her thumb caressing my cheek.

"Because, I could've lost you."

"But you didn't." she replies.

"I could have and I'm not sure If I could hold that weight on my shoulders." I explain.

"Well guess what? You don't have to because i'm right in front of you. Maybe a little bruised up, but i'm still here." she reassured me.

"I know, I know." I reply.

"Then why are you stressing over something that's over and done with if you can't change it?" She asked me.


"Because I love you." I tell her truthfully.

"I love you more and i'm not going anywhere. You know I go through tough shit and come out on top.. So stop worrying Elijah. Don't feel guilty for something you can't change." she says one last thing.

I pull her closer to me and rest my chin on the top of her head.

I've really been thinking as of lately and I don't understand why we're waiting. We might not ever get this chance again..

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