Family Meeting

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Soon, the family meeting would start, but when Sehun came down to the living room, only Kai was there, sitting on the sofa, watching something on his phone. Sehun sat down next to him, leaning closer to see what he was watching (and also because Kai's shoulder was very comfortable). A minute later, Kyungsoo alpha arrived and sat down on the one man couch.

Sehun was not very surprised to see that Kai was watching something with kittens and puppies. He usually liked those kinds of things. That was okay. Sehun allowed him to watch it if it was only a little. If it was too much, then maybe Kai would start to get too attached and think he should get a puppy of his own. That would be the worst. Puppies were too much work and then there would be no Kai-time left for Sehun (and maybe Kai would even like the puppy more than him!). So Kai was only allowed to watch those things a little bit.

"Don't you think they are cute?" Kai said half-giggling, showing Sehun the video.
Against his will, he had to admit that this was actually very fluffy and cute. It was a basket full of tiny puppies, all crawling on top of each other. So he graciously admitted: "Yes. They are very hot."
Instead of behaving like a normal person, Kai jerked back, rudely removing Sehun's shoulder-pillow. "What did you say?!?"
"I just said that they are very hot... the puppies." Maybe his alpha needed to have his ears cleaned, because Sehun had been quite clear.
"What do you mean... The puppies are hot?!?"
Kai stared at him in absolute horror, with his mouth open in shock, and it was then that Sehun realized that Kai didn't understand the cool slang that Baekhyun hyung had taught him.

Suddenly feeling smug, Sehun leaned back on the couch. His alphas were always saying weird things that he didn't understand, but now for the first time, he had the power. So he crossed his legs, and explained smugly:
"It means that seeing the puppies makes me warm on the inside and that I want to touch them a little bit."
"How exactly do you want to touch the puppies Sehun-ah? HOW?" Kai asked loudly, and seemed just as shocked as before, maybe even more shocked, though Sehun had explained everything so clearly.
"How?" What kind of a question was that. Wasn't it obvious? "Just... their fur. It looks soft." Sehun said looking at the paused video. They did look soft, so it would probably be fun to pat them.
"I... you can't... Don't..." It seemed like Kai's brain had completely broken down.
"Sehun-ah..." Kyungsoo stepped in, slightly chuckling. "We only use the word 'hot' for people, not for animals."
"Oh? Okay..." What a strange rule. Slang was hard.
"Yes... that's... different kind of touching... so don't ever say this again about puppies." Kai said, still looking horrified.
"Uh, okay."
Honestly Sehun didn't understand why Kai was being so dramatic. He should just have told him about the (non-logical) human vs animal rule from the start and not make such a big deal about this. He could be a bit of a drama queen sometimes.

It was then that Suho arrived. He looked at his watch, and then up at the second floor. He waited for a minute, and then yelled:
"Baekhyun-ah... Chanyeol-ah... Family meeting." He stayed silent for a minute, but then sighed. "Kai-yah... will you go get them, please?"
"Sure leader," he said but wrinkled his nose a little bit as he muttered: "They better not be doing weird shit."

But Kai had barely stood up, when the latecomers stepped out of Chanyeol's room, and Baekhyun shouted loudly from the second floor: "We're here! We're here! Sorry we're late!"

Once Chanyeol had sat down on the free couch (and Baekhyun had sat on top of him), Suho cleared his throat.
"Thank you all for joining me today." He looked around. "It has been a while since we held a proper family meeting, so if you have any complaints or suggestions for improvements, this is the opportunity to discuss and..."
"I have a complaint!" Baekhyun interrupted loudly. "Hyung, we miss you too much!"
The others mumbled in agreement, and Sehun did too. Suho hyung was too much away. It was very unfair.

"Well," Suho looked down for a moment, shyly smiling. "I know work has been busy lately, but in part that is because I have recently hired some new people, and I have been training them to handle some of my workload, so... my hope is that I will be working less from now on."
"Yeah!" Baekhyun shouted loudly, and the others let out happy sounds as well.
"I... hope that we can all spend some more time together from now on." Suho said with a soft smile, "...and I was thinking we should celebrate today with a barbeque party in the afternoon."
His suggestion was quickly met with big applause.

"But before that, we have some matters to discuss. First of all... It seems to me that the rule about the common areas has been... broken quite frequently." Suho said sternly.
"Yeah it has!" Baekhyun said with a big smile.
"Well... I think it is important to respect each other's right not to walk in on anything indecent."
"Hyung..." Baekhyun did not sound particularly impressed. "Nobody's day is going to be ruined if they walk in on Sehun being fucked on the kitchen counter."
Suho sighed. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but even though you feel that way, that doesn't mean everyone does..."
"I'm pretty sure they do..."
Again, Suho sighed, this time louder. "If you really have a strong urge to use the common areas, I think it would be better if you could warn your pack members beforehand, maybe some sort of a schedule would be appropriate?"
"Leader, sorry..." This time it was Kyungsoo hyung who spoke up. "...but I am not sure that is... completely realistic."
"Yeah..." Baekhyun butted in. "If Sehun wants to get fucked, he's going to get fucked. Nobody is going to say no to that because it wasn't on the schedule."
Suho rubbed his temple. "I just think it is important that you respect each other, and don't force anyone into acts that they are not prepared for and completely..."
"Sorry leader..." Chanyeol said softly. "I think it was mostly me... I got a bit carried away. I promise I will be more careful in the future."
"I'm very happy to hear that." Suho smiled gently, making him very handsome. " My goal is not to make your life more difficult. But I think it's important that we respect each other's space and that the common areas are always welcoming to everyone." He cleared his throat. "Now, about other matters..."

Sehun wasn't completely sure what they had been talking about, but had the feeling that it had something to do with the recreation. But nobody was mad, so probably everything was fine. Then Suho started mentioning something about the cars, and it became really difficult to hold the attention. It was just much more fun to smell Kai instead of listening, so he snuggled closer, resting his head on his shoulder, and took his hand in his, playing with it a little bit. Kai smelled very nice, like a manly alpha who would love Sehun forever and protect him always. It felt nice being close to him, so Sehun focused on that instead of listening to all the words that the alphas were saying (there were far too many words anyways).

He was feeling very comfortable, right until his Kyungsoo hyung said:
"Actually, leader, I have a question."
Suddenly, Sehun remembered that he had asked his hyung to ask Suho hyung if he wanted to do knotting with him. But he would never have imagined that Kyungsoo hyung would ask in front of everyone! What if Suho would say no in front of everybody, and then his other alphas would start thinking that they wouldn't want to do knotting either! That would be a disaster! So for a few seconds, Sehun's palm started sweating, right until Kyungsoo revealed that his question was something about groceries. Extremely boring. Such a relief!

But after the meeting was over, and everyone had scattered around, Sehun noticed Kyungsoo talking to their leader. His heartbeat became easy, but waited until they were done. As soon as Kyungsoo was alone, he hurried to him.
"Hyung did you ask?"
"Yes, I asked." He said with a soft smile.
Sehun gasped and smiled brightly. Tonight, that was so soon. But also long. Many, many hours away. This was so exciting. But also nerve wracking. What if it wouldn't go very well? Then Suho hyung would probably never want to do knotting with him again. That would be horrible.
Kyungsoo hyung seemed to understand his feelings, because he gently cupped his cheek. "Don't be nervous. I will be there too, so there is nothing to worry about."
Sehun nodded. That actually was better. He could always trust that Kyungsoo would take care of him.

The day passed like a dream, they played volleyball in the pool. All of them, together. Sehun was surrounded with his smiling alphas (who didn't have any shirts) and it made him so warm, and happy. All of his alphas were very, very hot (and he was allowed to think that because they were humans).

Afterwards there was a barbeque party where everyone helped with the preparations, even Sehun. All his alphas were in such a good mood, laughing and teasing each other, occasionally kissing each other, and Sehun, and he wished life could always be like this. After dinner he was even allowed to have two big bowls of ice cream.

Later, when Kyungsoo was cleaning up, he lingered around, not sure what the plan was.
"Not now. Later." Kyungsoo hyung said, before he even asked. "I will come get you when it's time. Don't worry, hyung won't forget."
For a moment, Sehun wanted to complain (because it was difficult to wait so long). But in the end he decided against it. Sometimes if he whined too much, Kyungsoo hyung became very strict, and he definitely didn't want to risk that now.

But he also didn't want to be alone, so he went to Kai's room.
"What are you doing?" He asked, once he saw Kai on the bed with a book in his hand.
"Just reading."
"Can I read too?"
"Of course, just pick anything you like."
For a long time, Sehun stood in front of the bookshelf, until Kai said:
"I also have some mangas, if you want?" And pointed to another bookshelf.

That was probably better, so Sehun just picked one where the picture in front was nice, and then he laid down on the bed, using Kai's stomach as a pillow.

This felt very comfortable. Especially when Kai occasionally let his fingers run through Sehun's hair. The manga was also alright. It was a romance book, and it was sweet and fun, even though the omega was a little bit annoying. Sehun just didn't understand why alphas always read books and watched movies with such lame, needy, and whiny omegas. Real life omegas weren't like that at all. If only there was a series of Onew the angelic omega mangas, then Sehun would read them over and over and over again.

But as Sehun continued reading, he started to understand the omega a little better. Even though he had finished many, many pages, the alpha hadn't done any knotting with the omega. Not even a little bit. Of course that would make anyone insecure. It was like alphas didn't even understand that omegas needed knotting to be happy. Sehun shook his head in disbelief.

When Onew the angelic omega would find his alphas he would not tolerate such nonsense, but demand that all his alphas would do knotting with him every single day. Sehun sighed in admiration. Onew was the best. So brave and strong. He would never be nervous or needy, and all his alphas would always do anything he ever wanted. He would never have to wait many pages (or hours) to be knotted. Sehun sighed again. It was such a shame that Onew the angelic omega series ended so quickly. Only after 24 movies. That was so little. And Sehun didn't get to see when he found his alphas. That was such a shame. He was sure that he would have been able to learn so much from him. Instead he only got to see the lonely part. When Onew didn't have any alpha to love him.

Putting down his manga, he looked up at his alpha. He really was beautiful.
"Mmh..." He didn't look away from his book.
"Do you love me?"
This time, Kai looked directly at him. "Of course I love you... Why do you ask?"
"I donno," Sehun shrugged. "I just needed to hear it."
Kai smiled, making him even more beautiful. "Whenever you need to hear it, you can always ask, and I will always answer that I love you, because I'm going to love you forever."
Sehun giggled happily.
"Are you sure everything is okay? Are you nervous over something?"
"Maybe..." Sehun admitted hesitantly, and when Kai looked at him patiently, he admitted. "Suho hyung is going to do knotting with me tonight... for the first time." He held his breath, worried that Kai would think that it was strange that Suho hadn't done knotting with him yet, but he just smiled.
"I remember my first time with Suho hyung... I was also very nervous."
"You were?" Sehun looked at him in surprise.
"Mmh." Kai continued to play with his hair. "It was soon after I came here... I hadn't done anything sexual with anyone before, and definitely not with an alpha so..." He smiled. "Honestly, I think I mostly did it because I knew my parents would hate it... and maybe I was a bit curious... But I was sure it would hurt a lot."
"Did it?"
"Maybe a little, but mostly it felt good. I was surprised how good it felt." He smiled.
"Did you do knotting together?"
"Not then. Back then I couldn't even imagine that two alphas could or would do that... But a couple of months later, then yes. Hyung knotted me, and it felt a lot better than I expected, and I'm sure for you it will feel even better."
"Do you think so?"
"I'm sure."
"And you don't think he will hate me?"
"How could he possibly hate you?"
"Like if I... do something wrong?"
"Of course not."
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For telling me your story." Sehun was starting to understand better the power of stories. Hearing about Kai and Suho hyung doing knotting together was a very nice feeling. "Kai?"
"I also love you very much."
Kai's smile turned blinding, and he gave him a kiss on the head.

When Sehun had read many more pages of the manga and there was still no knotting, he got tired of it, kissed his alpha goodbye and went downstairs. The lights were turned off, and it had gotten dark outside, but the lights by the swimming pool were still lit. When Sehun came closer to the glass wall, he could see two people still out there.

Baekhyun was sitting on the side of the swimming pool, with his feet in the water, wearing nothing but his swim trunks. In the swimming pool in front of him was Chanyeol, who laughed, and pulled him down for a kiss.

Sehun felt warm, and a little awkward. It felt good seeing his alphas together, but they didn't know that he was here, that he could see them, and he was not sure that he was supposed to.

They stopped kissing, and Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun hyung's shorts down to his knees, and then completely off, so Baekhyun was just sitting there naked. Chanyeol hyung lowered his body, his beautiful stomach disappearing down into the water, and then he started practising, on Baekhyun hyung.

Almost as soon as Chanyeol put his mouth on Baekhyun's penis, someone put an arm around Sehun's waist.
He jerked a little in surprise, and blushed. He probably wasn't supposed to be looking at that, and someone might misunderstand.
But then Kyungsoo hyung's deep voice said: "They are beautiful, aren't they?" So he didn't seem to think that Sehun was watching for bad reasons.
"Mmh." He nodded, because they really were beautiful. Baekhyun was leaning back, supporting himself on his arms, his eyes closed like he was enjoying this very much. When it was other people doing practicing, then the angle was different, Sehun could see more, and that felt nice somehow, and made something in his stomach flutter.

Kyungsoo hyung also seemed to like it, because for a moment they stood together in silence, and watched how Baekhyun's penis went into Chanyeol hyung's mouth and then out again, in and out. In and out. It was very hypnotising to watch.
"You know..." Kyungsoo hyung cleared his throat. "Every time one of them goes away for a while, they always become insanely clingy afterwards, like they are on their second honeymoon." He paused. "It can be annoying, but actually it's mostly adorable."
He smiled, and Sehun smiled back at him. He could sort of understand what he was saying.
"But don't tell hyungs I said that, okay?" He muttered quietly. "They're obnoxious enough as it is."
"Okay." Sehun giggled. He liked knowing Kyungsoo hyung's secret. Also, it made him feel good when his hyung said nice things about their other alphas.
"So, are you ready?"
His hyung didn't have to explain what he meant, because Sehun already knew. "I'm ready."
With a broad smile, Kyungsoo hyung took his hand and led the way.

Sehun's stomach turned around when he realized that finally, he would be able to do knotting with his Suho hyung. On the way to their leader's bedroom, Sehun wondered if Chanyeol and Baekhyun hyungs were also going to do knotting together. Sehun hoped so. He wanted them to be happy. And also later, if he would ask his Baekhyun hyung really nicely, then maybe he would tell him all about it.


Hey lovelies
How're y'all doing today and hope you guys have a fun weekend also I appreciate y'all for the love you're showing not-so boring story 😆

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