Secret Weapon

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Kai ❣️


Little by little, Sehun's heartbeat calmed down, but it was still heavy, a strong pounding in his chest. Kai had rolled them to their sides, but his penis was still inside him, which was beyond embarrassing. So Sehun secretly nudged himself forward so it would slip out and he could start to feel normal again. Only, whenever he moved a millimeter, Kai automatically followed, so he lost his patience and decided to roll himself quickly onto the stomach so it would go out for sure. But nothing happened. He couldn't move away.
"Aaah." Kai inhaled sharply through his teeth. "Stay still."
"It's stuck!" This was terrible. Sehun's life flashed before his eyes. They were going to have to see the doctor and she would definitely know what they had been doing. He could try to tell her that he had been sleepwalking and just woke up like this, but she would probably not believe him and think he was a slut.

Then the doctor would have to cut Kai's penis off, and Sehun would have to live his life with it inside him. Go to the store with Kai's penis inside. Learn how to swim, with a penis inside. Everytime he watched a movie or sat at the dinner table it would be there, inside him, and everyone would know. Starting to hyperventilate, he tried to pull away harder, but it only hurt and didn't help.
"Stay still." Kai repeated, but Sehun was in too much of a panic to listen, until his alpha's strong arms were holding him so tightly, there was no way for him to move. "It's okay. Everything is alright."
That was easy for him to say. Kai didn't have to live his whole life with a penis inside his ass!
"But it's stuck!" He repeated.
"It's only for now." His alpha's voice was deep and soothing. "I... uh... knotted you so..."
"Uh yes. So we're stuck for a little while, but if you stay still it will go back to normal."
"You promise?"
"Yes, I promise."
Breathing in deeply, Sehun tried to relax, Kai wouldn't lie to him would he?

"Are you thirsty?" His alpha asked after a while.
"A little," he admitted, his mouth strangely dry. He could feel Kai slightly shifting behind him, and inside him, and then a glass of water was brought to his face. Awkwardly he drank a little, but some spilled on the mattress.
"Sorry, I don't have a water bottle nearby. I didn't know this was gonna... next time I will." With that he placed the glass back on the nightstand behind him, and reached over Sehun for the covers that were bundled up against the wall, and somehow managed to spread them over both of them.

Afterwards, Kai hugged him tightly, and Sehun could feel his warm breath against the back of his neck.
"Does it hurt?" He muttered softly, his voice deep.
At first Sehun only shook his head, but then realized that Kai couldn't see him. "No." Actually his asshole was stretched out in a way that probably should hurt, but it didn't. Instead he felt so full, and warm, protected and safe.
"Did I... hurt you... before?" He sounded worried.
"It didn't hurt, it felt... nice."
"That's good." Kai's arm pulled him closer, held him even tighter. "You know... I was so mad. So incredibly mad at my hyungs because they wouldn't believe that I could do it without knotting you." He chuckled. "Turns out they were right. And I don't even care anymore, because this was just..." Instead of finishing the sentence he hugged him even tighter.

This felt nice. Super, super nice. Kai was so close and so warm, his perfect chest pressed up against Sehun's back. It felt even better than normal hugging because there were no clothes in the way, just skin against skin. His alpha's scent was everywhere, surrounding him, strong and soft at the same time, just like Kai himself. The only thing that could make this even better would be if Kai told him again that he was beautiful and that he loved him. It felt nice when he said that.

So to get him to say those things, Sehun asked: "Am I your only omega?" Even though he knew the answer. But Kai seemed to misunderstand him.
"Yeah, my parents are a bit strict, so they wouldn't allow me to be with anyone until they found me an omega mate."
"Oh." It was strange to think that Kai had parents, Sehun barely remembered his. "They wanted to mate you?" The feeling was uncomfortable.
"Well... they tried." Gently, Kai started to stroke up and down his arm which was soothing, but Sehun was too shocked to be soothed.
"They found you a mate?!?"
"Mmh." His hand stroked along his side, down to his waist.
"But you hated him..." He must have hated that omega. He must have. "...because he was ugly and stupid... and way too short!" Small omegas were the worst. It was too unfair to be a cute and small omega. Who could compete with that? Nobody. So hopefully Kai also disliked small omegas (what did they have to be so short for anyways?).
"No." Kai chuckled, like this was somehow funny. "Actually, it was a girl, and she was lovely."
A female omega! That was even worse.

"So why didn't you want to mate with her?" This was important information. Sehun needed to know, otherwise he would never sleep again.
"I was fine with it."
"You were?!" Secretly he clenched his ass a bit tighter around the thick penis. Then it would be more stuck, and they would really have to cut it off. At least then Kai wouldn't go sticking it into random omegas off the street.
"Well yeah, I wanted to be mated so..."
"Why didn't you marry her then if you liked her so much?" Angrily he pouted.
"I didn't really know her enough to like her or dislike her." Kai's hand moved down and gently stroke his belly, making it warmer. "But she didn't want to mate with me."
"So she was stupid."
"No... She was just in love with a beta."
"Why didn't she mate with him then?" Instead of stealing other people's alphas when she didn't even want them. How mean. It was good that Kai was not with such a mean person.
"Her parents didn't approve, because he was only a beta and his family wasn't nice enough."
"Ah, were they too mean?" Maybe the beta was also mean and they deserved each other. A match made in hell.
"Mean? No I don't think so," Kai laughed gently and continued stroking his belly. "They just weren't very rich. My tribe cares a lot about those sort of things."

"But I didn't want to mate with someone who didn't want to mate with me. My parents didn't agree with that, didn't see the problem, so we had a bit of an... argument, and I took off. By coincidence I met Suho shortly after and somehow ended up here."
Luckily this omega girl was so stupid, otherwise it would be horrible. "Now your parents must be happy."
"Because Suho hyung is rich, and an alpha. They like that don't they?"
"Uh, not for me they don't."
"Why?" How could anyone not like Suho hyung?
"Uhm... Not sure how to tell you this, but this pack here... it isn't normal." Kai's hand moved up his torso, continuing to stroke his skin.
"What do you mean?"
"Typically packs have only one alpha and several omegas. Perhaps a beta or two, also."
"Only one alpha?" That sounded insane. What if the alpha had to work? Who would take care of the omegas then? What if they got hungry or needed to put up a shelf? Also having to share that one alpha with another omega? That didn't even make any sense!
"Yeah, and my parents are even more traditional than that, and think it should only be one alpha and one omega."
"How strange." It was certainly better than many omegas, but it still sounded too lonely.

"Yeah, so they are not too happy with their only son being the youngest in a pack of five alphas." Kai's hand was stroking down Sehun's thigh now, like it was on a mission to touch him everywhere. "Honestly... Deep down I've always known that I was acting out, that someday I'd go back to my own tribe. But somehow it's been two years and..."
"No." Sehun felt dizzy and suddenly it was too hard to breath. "You can't."
"I can't what?"
"You can't go back." His breathing was fast now, irregular but he didn't seem to get any air. He had always known that Kai was bad with the rules but this was out of control. "There are rules. You can't abandon your omega. You can't. Kyungsoo hyung said so. It's not allowed. You can't leave me. You can't. Don't. I. You. No. No. No. No no no no no no no."
"Leave you?" Kai seemed confused. "Sssh... breathe... relax. Breathe in... breathe out. I'm not going to leave you. Breathe in... breathe out. In... out."

Little by little, Sehun managed to calm down while Kai softly stroked him and talked to him with his deep smooth voice.
"You're not allowed to abandon me," was the first thing he said, once he was relaxed enough to talk.
"I'm not going to. That's the last thing I want."
This time his hand moved down his torso, and started to gently stroke the lowest part of his stomach, which felt very nice.
"But... you could come with me?" Kai paused. "I know my parents would take me back, especially if I came back with an omega." Suddenly he seemed excited. "They are pretty well off, so they would buy us an apartment, and I'd make sure you'd have everything you ever wanted. It would be just the two of us, and then in the future, if you want, we could adpopt a couple of pups, and raise them and make a family of our own and then..."
"You don't want pups? We don't have to..."
"No, I don't want to go."
"Why not? I would make you happy, I promise."
"Because it's better to be loved by five alphas than to be only loved by one." So much was obvious.
"Oh." Somehow Kai seemed a bit taken back, and sighed deeply, but wasn't angry when he muttered. "You're a bit spoiled, aren't you?"
"No. I'm not spoiled." How dare Kai say such a ridiculous thing. Sehun meant to be angry, but it was difficult when Kai kept stroking further and further down until he reached his most private place, making it harder while his big alpha penis was pounding inside him, heavily. Or maybe it was Sehun's ass which was pounding around it. "I'm not spoiled," he repeated. "It's just. I need five alphas. It's science." He meant to explain about the book that proved it, but it was difficult to think when he was being touched like that. "Also, wouldn't you miss our hyungs too much if we left?" What sense made it to leave and lose them, when they could stay and not lose them.
"I guess I would." Kai's grip around Sehun's dick became firmer. "I actually would. But it's hard having to share you. I want you all for myself."
Sehun let out a out a soft moan. This Kai who wanted him for himself made his body hotter, especially around the penis area. "Don't you love our hyungs too?"
"I... I... I guess I actually do." Sighing deeply he muttered. "How did I end up like this?"
"Isn't it nice to have... four alphas who love you?" Only four. Poor Kai. Four was too little. But at least he had four alphas, not zero like his parents wanted. That was beyond ridiculous. Who could survive with zero alphas?
"It is nice... most of the time." He hesitated before adding: "What about you?"
"What about me?" It was starting to become frustrating how slowly Kai's hand was moving.
"Do you... would you really feel bad if I left?"
"No." Sehun didn't like this subject. It made his heart feel like it was thrown into Suho hyung's blender, the one which made healthy drinks that looked like vomit. "I wouldn't feel bad because it won't happen. I can't if you leave. So you can't leave. And you're not allowed to talk about it anymore." But he realized that wasn't enough. "Also, you are not allowed to think about it either. You have to call your parents and tell them that you have four alphas who love you and one omega who loves you, and you love all of them too much - especially the omega. So you are going to have to stay in this pack forever, and they are just going to accept that and not mate you with short omegas who are female. Or any omegas at all because you already have an omega and you don't need any other omegas. Ever."
"You love me?"
That was the part he picked up from his rant? Really? "Of course I love you, you are my alpha." That was too obvious. Why did Kai even have to ask. He was a bit silly sometimes.
"I love you too, Oh Sehun. So... so much."

Hearing that again, made Sehun's body hotter, so he was going to ask him to say it again, many times, but then Kai's hand started to move faster and there was no way he could talk. This felt too good. Different from before, because now Kai was completely still inside him, his penis so hard and thick and filling him up. His asshole was almost numb from being stretched out for so incredibly long, but at the same time it was even more sensitive than before. Like he could really feel the detailed shape of Kai's penis, feel how the veins in it were throbbing.

However, Kai's hand wasn't still, and was stroking him so fast now, and it felt so nice. Everything felt so good, his ass, his penis, his skin where the two of them touched and his heart because Kai loved him. The pressure kept building up and building up in his penis, until a soft, yet strong feeling of satisfaction rushed through his body, Kai's hand stroking him through it. Automatically his ass tried to clench around the big penis inside him, but it was too big, he couldn't really so he just focused on the pleasure, while listening to Kai's soft moans.

Afterwards, his alpha reached back for some tissues, and then clumsily tried to wipe him clean. This was way better than this stupid thing called masturbation. How stupid was it having to clean himself up? That sucked and was ridiculous. Once he was clean, or clean enough, Kai snuggled again up to him, his penis still inside him. It had at least been half an hour so Sehun wondered how long it would last, scretly hoping it would be at least five hours more. Or seven. Seven was also okay.
"Are you comfortable?"
"Mmh." He agreed, getting even more comfortable when Kai's hand grabbed onto his and held it.
"Ehm... tomorrow... Maybe it's best if I am the one to tell Suho hyung about this, okay?"
"Okay." That was way better, it was too embarrassing saying it himself.
"I'm sure it will be fine... I hope. Whatever happens it was worth it."
"Oh." Suddenly Sehun remembered something important. "Tomorrow you will also have to go to my room and hunt for bugs."
"Uh, okay... but why?"
"Because you are my alpha so you have to take care of me."
"Okay. I will do that." He sounded happy. "Goodnight, Sehun-ah."

It was good that Kai was happy, and Sehun was happy too. Everything felt so fantastic. He was starting to understand this knotting thing much better now. It was like an omega's secret weapon. That way alphas couldn't ignore him or abandon him, but had to hug him and take care of him and be close and warm and be perfect. Not cold and alone like stupid masturbation.

It was strange, Sehun had lived all of his nineteen years without knowing he had a superpower but now when he knew he felt powerful. In control. As he drifted off to sleep, wrapped up in Kai's warm embrace, a secret plan started forming in his mind. He was going to make all of his alphas do knotting with him, and then they definitely, definitely, definitely couldn't ignore him!


Hey lovelies 🤪
Here is the double update I promise
Yeah I know am amazing 😉 like that you don't need to say it 😆
Anyway guys let me hear your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to follow me and vote...... love you babies
✌🏼bye for now

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