The Secret Method

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This was a fantastic day, Sehun could just tell. The sun was shining, and he had no schedule at all. Nothing that he needed to do. The last few days had been hectic. Who knew that shopping would be so exhausting! He had gone with Suho and Kyungsoo hyungs to buy furniture, and then they had to get things delivered, and put the furniture up. Of course he had lots of alphas now to do the heavy lifting, but pointing (to where he wanted things) was also hard work! Then he had gone with Chanyeol hyung and Kai to look at the neighborhood and later to shop for clothes, shoes and a new phone, and it was just incredible how much stuff one person needed.

But now everything was ready, his bedroom was perfection, and he could spend the entire day relaxing. The morning had started out nice, with Kyungsoo hyung making him pancakes. Probably Chanyeol had told him about the ramen, because Kyungsoo had been feeding him a lot lately. A lot, a lot. Which was good, and bad. Bad when he forced him to eat vegetables (broccoli was gross, and celery should only be used in weapons of mass destruction). Good when he agreed to make Sehun nice things that tasted delicious. Like this morning.

So everything was perfect when Sehun stepped out into the yard (wearing everything new, shorts, T-shirt and some flip-flops), while gently patting his belly (protecting his precious pancake baby).

"Sehun-ah!" Someone shouted.
It was Baekhyun hyung sitting by the pool in the shades, which sounded like a good idea, the sun was kind of hot, so he went over and sat down on the bench next to his.
"Do you also like exercising?" Baekhyun asked while nicking towards the pool where Chanyeol was swimming.
"No." Sehun shook his head. "It's hard and then my muscles hurt."
"Exactly!" Baekhyun held his hand up, until Sehun gave him a high five. "I couldn't agree more."
"Maybe I should try yoga though?" Sehun wondered out loud. In one of his favorite movies, 'Onew the Angelic Omega goes to Switzerland', Onew got his first heat, and everyone wanted him to do filthy things. But with the power of yoga and meditation, he kept those perverts at bay and resisted his urges. Now that Sehun was living with alphas, maybe he should start that too, as a precaution.
"I did yoga once..." Baekhyun shared.
"You did?!?" Sehun was shocked. It seemed strange that this hyung had practised such a pure form of exercise.
"Yeah there was a certain position I wanted to... Anywho. It wasn't bad. But it was a lot of work so in the end I gave up."
"Ah..." 'A lot of work' didn't sound so good. Maybe Sehun didn't need to do it, after all. Resisting filthy things wasn't that hard, anyways, and honestly, he secretly believed that he would never get his heat (that would be so fantastic).
"Yeah, I don't get how they can continue doing exercise constantly... all the time."
"All of them do it?"
"Yes. Well, Kyungsoo not so much. He always looks so fine, though, I don't know how he does it, maybe because he eats healthy, but yeah all the others do it, almost every day!"
"Why?" That seemed a bit crazy.
"For different reasons, I guess." Baekhyun took a sip of his drink with a straw, and when he saw how Sehun looked at it, he handed it over. "Our leader is so incredibly square he does everything he's supposed to, and he likes the routine of it, I suppose."
"Mmh." Sehun muttered up from Baekhyun's drink. So incredibly refreshing.
"Then our baby Kai is always frustrated. Especially now." Baekhyun laughed, loudly and brightly. "So I guess the poor thing needs an outlet."
"Why is he frustrated?" Sehun put the drink on the small table between their benches (though there wasn't much left, it was really delicious, sweet and cold and pretty orange with a hint of pink).
"Uhm. Duh. Because of you, silly." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.
"Me? Why?"
"You really don't know?" Baekhyun raised himself up, seeming surprised.
"Why would he be frustrated because of me? I thought we were friends!" Honestly, it was a little bit hurtful.
"Friends?" His hyung sat up completely, and turned so he was facing Sehun's bench, and placed his feet on the ground.
"Yeah, I asked him to be my friend and he said yes! So I don't know why he would be..."
"He said what?"
"Oh Kai." Baekhyun hid his face in his hand. "Why do you make your life so hard. Friend zoned by your own friggin omega..." He sighed again. "Nobody but you, Kai. Nobody but you."
"What friend zone?"

Baekhyun cleared his throat, and then a hint of a smirk appeared, but then disappeared again.
"Kai is actually worried that the two of you are not really enough in the friend zone. That's why he's frustrated. Because he reeeally wants to be friends with you."
"Oh." Actually that made Sehun feel a bit guilty. Maybe he had subconsciously pulled back after he found out that Kai wasn't a virgin. And now Kai could feel it and was so frustrated he even had to exercise!
"How... How do I fix it?" In spite of everything, Sehun still wanted them to be friends, and he definitely didn't want to make Kai feel bad.

"This is almost too easy." Baekhyun's hand still covered half of his face and he sighed and then guiltily bit his lower lip.
"What's too easy?" His hyung wasn't making any sense.
"Nothing." Baekhyun raised himself up and smiled innocently. "I'm just saying... this will be very easy to fix."
"It will be?" So there was hope!
"Yeah," His smile got broader, "If you sometimes say sweet things, like: 'Alpha, I missed you!'. That will help."
"Alpha, I missed you?"
"Yeah, but smile and say it sweetly, like you really mean it."
Sehun put up a big smile and did his best to follow the instructions. "Alpha! I missed you."
"Oh yeah. That's it." Baekhyun's voice was a little bit deeper now. Strange. "That's... so good. Kai will definitely... feel the friend vibes."
"You think so?"
"I know so." He nodded convincingly. "And maybe if you could sometimes cling to his arm, or hug him or touch him a little bit. That would bring you guys closer and definitely not make him frustrated at all."
"But don't overdo it though, you wouldn't want Kai to think that you were trying to manipulate him would you?"
Quickly Sehun shook his head. He had heard about those manipulative kind of omegas. They were the worst!
"So sometimes you should just say casual things like 'Hey pal' and slap him on the shoulder," Baekhyun lightly slapped him on the arm as an example.
"Hey pal?" He imitated his movements.
Baekhyun laughed. "This is fantastic, and will not mess with his head at all." He smiled broadly, in a very pretty way, and it was very contagious, so Sehun smiled also, grateful for his help.

Their moment was interrupted by a sound, Chanyeol leaving the swimming pool on the opposite end. Both of them watched him walk towards a chair, pick up a towel and dry himself, and then he put on a loose tank top.
"Unfair." Baekhyun muttered quietly, and then turned his attention back to Sehun. "Yeah and Chanyeol... I honestly think he mostly just works out for me, because he knows I like it."
"Cause! All of the muscles!" His hyung was practically beaming at this point.
"Why?" Sehun didn't really understand what Chanyeol having more muscles had to do with Baekhyun.
"Are you for real?" Baekhyun's jaw dropped down to his chest.
It was getting clearer what Sehun had always believed. Sex was bad for the brain and Baekhyun was the living proof of that. How could he think Sehun was not real. He was sitting right in front of him!

Sighing, Baekhyun added: "Well I guess it's also good that he's healthy, then I get to keep him for longer."
"Ah." Actually that was sweet. So Chanyeol was trying to be healthy so he could live longer and take care of his friend. Such a reliable guy. "Maybe you should also try to exercise then?"
"You know... to live longer... for... Chanyeol hyung, since he's doing that for you." Sehun blushed, suggesting something so sappy.
"Oh sweetie. There are only two types of exercises I like." He held up one finger. "Number one: Sex."
Sehun sighed. Why was he not surprised.
"Number two." The second finger came up. "Watching other people exercise," and then he burst out laughing.

But Sehun was a bit skeptic so he didn't laugh with him.
"Does that work?"
"Just watching other people... does that work as an exercise?" Sehun had never heard about such a thing.
For a moment, Baekhyun looked at him dumbfounded, then his facial muscles relaxed and he smiled. "Of course it works."
"Really?" Sehun was still not completely convinced.
"Yeah, if you focus on the exercise hard enough, you will trick your brain into thinking that you are the one exercising!"
"Ah." That was very clever.
"Want me to show you how to do it?"
"Yes!" This was kind of exciting.
"Okay." Baekhyun smiled, but then became serious. "But you have to promise not to tell the others about my secret method."
"If they are doing all the hard work and we're getting all the benefits, don't you think they would become upset?"
"Yeah, probably." Sehun giggled. This was so naughty.
"Okay let's do this."
Baekhyun stood up, and pointed Sehun to sit down at the end of the bench with his legs crossed, and then he sat down behind him, one leg on each side.

Very soon, Sehun felt the (already too familiar) feeling of Baekhyun's nose pressing against his neck, and immediately he retreated and stood up.
"No filthy business!" He scolded his hyung, while pointing at him.
"Of course not." His hyung replied almost a little too innocently, but Sehun was not that easily fooled.
"You were smelling me!"
"Oh." Sehun had expected him to deny it.
"But there's nothing filthy about that."
"There isn't?"
"Would you think it was filthy if I was smelling a flower?"
"Well, no but..."
"I'm the same person whatever I'm smelling, so if it's filthy to smell you and not flowers. That must mean that..." He put his hand over his heart in shock and gasped, "...that you are filthy?"
"I'm not filthy!!!" Sehun quickly objected.
"Then there is nothing filthy about smelling you, is there?"
"I guess not..." Something about this still felt a little fishy. "So are you saying... that I'm like a flower?" The comparison made him blush. Flowers were very pretty.
"Oh, honey, you are better than any flower."
"I am? How?" He could feel his face getting warmer.

Baekhyun patted on the spot in front of him, and Sehun hesitantly sat down again. Then he could feel it, Baekhyun's nose gracing against the back of his neck, as he breathed in deeply.
It tickled a bit, and a tingling feeling trailed down his spine. He wondered if this was why flowers smelled so nice, because they liked the feeling when somebody smelled them.
"Baby, you are definitely different from a flower" Baekhyun almost breathed out.
"I am?" That was sort of disappointing.
"Flowers are kind of slutty, with their flamboyant smell and their flashy colors, they are so obvious in the way they are trying to seduce anyone and everyone. You are completely different."
"Better different?"
"Way better." Again Baekhyun buried his nose in his neck, and breathed in, creating that strange tingly feeling on Sehun's skin.
"You are more like..." He paused for a moment to think. "...If I was running up a hill, while holding my breath. And when I reach the top there are fields upon fields with freshly fallen snow that nobody has ever stepped in. The sky is blue, and I breathe in, and the air is so pure it almost hurts my lungs. And even when I'm breathing in, I'm looking forward to the next breath because it feels so fucking good. So yeah. That's you."
"And that's good?" To be honest, Sehun wasn't completely sure if this was good or bad.
"Oh boy, you have no idea. So good." But then Baekhyun smiled, "...and do you want to know who I am?"
"I'm the kid running around in the field and making snow angels in every single spot of freshly fallen snow that I can find." Then he laughed.
Sehun wasn't completely sure he understood what he meant, but 'snow angels' sounded nice, so he laughed with him.

"Oh shit. The exercise! I almost forgot," Baekhyun said brightly, and made Sehun turn around and focus on Chanyeol who was lifting weights at the other side of the pool.
"Just relax, and focus on his muscles doing all that hard work."
Doing as he said, he stared at Chanyeol's upper arm. It was so big.
"He's strong," he whispered.
"So very strong," Baekhyun's hands sneaked around Sehun's waist, and he looked over his shoulder. "Do you know what he can do with those arms of his?"
"What?" Sehun's mouth was kind of dry.
"He could pick you up, and hold you like a princess."
"Y-You think so?" Sehun's stomach felt kind of strange. Maybe he had eaten too many pancakes.
"I know so. Or if you jumped into his lap, he could easily hold you, or slam you against the wall, while you had your legs wrapped around him."
Sehun wasn't exactly sure why Chanyeol would do such a thing, but knowing that he could made his stomach even stranger.

"Ooh, pushups!" Baekhyun said excitedly when Chanyeol changed position, "Pushups are the best."
Sehun blushed as Chanyeol's big body started moving up and down.
"Just focus on his arms, those are some really nice arms aren't they?" Baekhyun whispered, his voice kind of breathy. "And do you hear those little grunts he makes?"
"Y-Yes." If he listened closely he did.
"Focus on them, then your brain will think that you are the one grunting because you are working out so hard."
For a moment, they stared at him in silence, and Sehun made sure to carefully watch those strong arms as he did the pushups, and listen to his grunts. It was kind of addicting, because he didn't always make them. Sehun had to wait for them, and wait for them, so when they came it made him happy. He also noticed that the tank top was very loose, so Sehun could see Chanyeol's fit sides under his armpits. He wan't sure if he was supposed to focus on that too, but he watched them a little, just to be safe.

"So... is your body feeling warm?" Baekhyun whispered, his breath tickling Sehun's neck.
"A... A little."
"Your heartbeat a little faster?"
"Y-yes." Sehun hadn't really noticed it, until now that Baekhyun mentioned it.
"Good. That means that the exercise is working."
"It is?"
"Of course. That is exactly what happens to your body when you exercise. Just focus on... Ooh he's standing up. Ooh he's sweaty, he's going to wipe his sweat off I can promise you that. He always does. Focus on his stomach, his stomach. His... Ahh. There it is."
Just as Baekhyun had predicted, Chanyeol used his tank top to wipe off his sweat, revealing his abs in the process.
Sehun's heart jumped a little, apparently those were some good muscles for exercise.

Picking up his towel, Chanyeol started to walk over to them.
"Act natural," Baekhyun whispered just before he arrived.
"Hey guys... what are you up to?" He asked casually.
"Nothing, just chillin' with my favorite omega." Baekhyun answered casually, still hugging him from behind.
When Chanyeol was so close, Sehun could really see how sweaty he was, and his muscles were bigger up close, he could even see the veins in them. So he watched them a little, in case it would help the exercise, until Baekhyun slightly pinched his side, and he remembered that he was supposed to act natural.
"Yeah... Just chillin" he repeated awkwardly, looking up his tall body, all the way up his handsome face.
"Okaaay." Chanyeol seemed a bit skeptic about the situation, but decided not to push it and added: "I'm off to shower. You guys keep... chillin." Then he shook his head and walked into the house. Immediately, Baekhyun and Sehun turned around so they could watch him through the glass wall, as he walked up the smaller round staircase to the second floor.

"It really worked." Sehun claimed surprised. Maybe a part of him hadn't really believed his hyung. But his heart was still beating fast, proving that it did.
"Of course it works. I know what I'm talking about." Baekhyun smiled. "But remember, don't tell him! He really has no idea!"
Sehun giggled. It felt like they were cheating the system. Getting to live longer without having to do boring exercises.

Somehow Sehun's mind was still stuck on the muscly man, and he figured Baekhyun was probably the best person to get more information about him.
"Have you known Chanyeol for long?"
"Since forever." Baekhyun seemed a bit distracted and kept glancing at the house, but still Sehun decided to ask because he was curious:
"Why did you leave your old pack?"
"Because they're all a bunch of assholes who deserve to rot in hell."
"Uhm..." not exactly the answer Sehun had expected so he was not sure how to continue.
"You know what, Sehun-ah, I think I'll go help Chanyeol out."
"In the shower?"
"Uh yeah, he has never been very good with... the water pressure. Bye, see you later."
Before Sehun got the chance to say goodbye also, Baekhyun was inside the house, running up the staircase.

Sighing, Sehun laid down on the bench, and finished what was left of Baekhyun's drink. But all the ice had melted by now, so it wasn't as refreshing anymore.

It was cozy, just to lie around in the warm shade. But he kind of missed Baekhyun, he was so lively and fun and he laughed a lot. Sehun was starting to think that maybe he had judged him unfairly. Sure he was a bit of a pervert, but he was also surprisingly helpful. He had taught him how to fix his friendship with Kai, and how to exercise without it being boring and hurting his muscles. And now he was helping Chanyeol with the water pressure, not remotely annoyed, even though Chanyeol was a grown man and should be able to shower on his own. Yeah, despite everything, it was becoming clear that Baekhyun hyung was a very nice guy.

Welcome new readers thanks for giving my work a chance 🤪

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