Love Battery

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When Sehun woke up the next morning, the sun was shining, birds were singing, and his body was so well rested it felt like he had slept forever. Slowly, the events of last night started to come back to him. Chanyeol's smell, Baekhyun's hand. Kyungsoo touching his most private place. Heart jumping around in his ribcage, he quickly rolled over to his stomach, and pulled the covers all the way over his head. What had he done? This was horrible, he could never show his face to anyone ever again. Sehun was just going to stay hidden under the covers for the rest of his life. There really was no other solution.

His face became warmer when he remembered Kyungsoo's soft, deep voice, the way he smelled, his touch. Sehun's face almost burned off as he remembered how it felt. Even more when he thought about what everyone would say, if they knew what Kyungsoo hyung had done. Sehun needed at least 100 more bed covers to hide his shame. He would stack them right on top of each other, and hide underneath all of them, never to resurface ever again. Suho hyung would probably buy them if he asked. But then he would have to talk to him, so no. One layer would have to be enough. He could just hide under here forever.

But then his stomach growled. The first time he ignored it, but it happened again and that was too difficult to live with. So he tried to think logically. Nothing bad had happened really, Kyungsoo hyung had only helped him a little, that wasn't dirty (he had said so himself). Slowly, Sehun pulled the covers down and sat up. There was no need to be embarrassed about this. If Kyungsoo hyung hadn't helped him, he might even have died. It wasn't good to die, so both of them did the right thing.

Sehun got dressed and prepared to step outside the room, but hesitated at the door. He half-expected everyone to be waiting outside of his room, ready to make fun of him (or worse, call him dirty). But his defense was rock solid, so he took a deep breath and stepped outside.

It was the exact opposite of his expectations. Absolutely nobody was there, the house completely silent. Carefully, he walked down the steps, past the empty living room and an emptier dining room. Surely, Kyungsoo would be waiting for him in the kitchen with a perfect breakfast, maybe he would make him pancakes if he asked. Or better, maybe he had already baked a big tall cake especially for him (like he did for Suho's birthday) and was just waiting for him to wake up.
But the kitchen was also empty.

Pouring himself some cereal into a bowl, Sehun was honestly a little bit offended. He was supposed to be Kyungsoo's precious omega, but he hadn't even made him any breakfast. How rude. He even had to resort to cereal! There was nothing precious about cereal.

But although Sehun was (rightfully) angry, he was also a little bit relieved. Meeting Kyungsoo now would be a bit... Awkward? Strange? His stomach took a dive. So probably it was for the best that he wasn't here. Still he wanted to meet him a little.

After he finished his breakfast, the house was still empty, so he stepped into the yard, and finally. Someone!
Chanyeol in fact, doing his daily swimming like nothing had happened. Sehun sat down on the closest bench, it wasn't in the shade like the ones on the other side, but it was starting to become a bit cloudy, so it wasn't too hot.

Sehun liked watching Chanyeol swim. He couldn't see all the muscles so well, so it didn't count as an exercise but it was still nice. The routine of it, going back and forth, the steady rhythm of his movements, Chanyeol's long arms appearing one after the other, and the calming sounds of the water. Sehun liked it a lot.

Eventually, Chanyeol decided that his exercise was over, and pulled himself out of the water. That was even nicer. He really had a lot of muscles. Even the sun peeked out from the clouds just to take a quick look. He moved closer and Sehun shyly handed him the towel that was lying on his bench.
"You're awake?" Chanyeol asked in a friendly fashion and used the towel to dry his hair. His biceps bulged when he did that, he wasn't even exercising, but still the bulged like that. All big and stuff.
"Mmh..." Sehun answered (hopefully not awkwardly late). "Where is everybody?" The house felt too empty with only two people.
"Kai went with Suho hyung to the firm..."
"He does that?"
"Occasionally... Suho doesn't like us working too much, but sometimes we help." Chanyeol started using his towel to pat his torso. His very shirtless torso. "And the others are still asleep."
"Still?" It was already past noon, and it was a bit lazy to be sleeping (instead of making breakfast for him like they should).
"Yes, they... stayed up late."
"Oh." It was strange, how Sehun always got shyer when it was just the two of them. Pretending he wasn't, he hugged his knees and tried to hold up the conversation. "D-Do you like swimming?"
"Yeah it's so relaxing, how about you?"
"I... I don't really know how."
"You don't know how to swim?"
"There weren't any swimming pools at the district."
"That sucks." Chanyeol threw the towel back on the bench, his hair was a little messy now, but in a nice way (and he was still very, very shirtless). "If you want I could teach you?"
Too easily, Sehun could picture it, the two of them standing at the shallow end of the pool, and to teach him something, Chanyeol would wrap his big arms around him, and neither of them would be wearing any shirt. His mouth became dry.
"Uh... Maybe..."

His answer was interrupted by a loud yawn, and simultaneously both of their heads turned to the door to see Baekhyun stretching his arms up, so high that his T-shirt lifted up a bit in the front, all the way up to his navel.
"Morning boys," he said brightly, even though his eyes were still a bit puffy.
"Morning." They answered back in unison.
Walking up to Chanyeol, Baekhyun reached up for a quick kiss and got one, resting his hand against Chanyeol's naked chest. Then he backed off, smiled, and pulled out the waistband of his swim shorts and looked down with a smirk: "Hello gorgeous."
Sehun blushed, why was he talking to somebody else's man-parts? (Not that talking to his own would be more normal).

Chanyeol sighed, lightly smacking his hand away.
"At least let me say hi," Baekhyun whined, but was half-laughing, "I miss him, haven't seen him since yesterday!"
"Maybe you shouldn't have spent the entire night in Kyungsoo's room, then."
Sehun blushed even more. Baekhyun in Kyungsoo's room. Did that mean... that both of them... together... He swallowed.
"You should have joined uuus." Baekhyun complained, while wrapping his hands around the big fit torso, giving him a short kiss on his chest. "Kyungsoo was... wow. I'm not sure I've ever seen him this horny before." He laughed again, and looked back at Sehun while still hugging Chanyeol's big body. "I think the omega is getting to him."

Sehun the Pack Omega Where stories live. Discover now